
Spirit Martial Artist (DD)

Spirit Martial Artist Reynold Westwood, a maniac of martial arts, a strong supporter of harems and a lover of maids, fills up an internet survey and ends up in Spirit Land! In a place where cultivation is real and practising stuff can make you possibly achieve real Godhood. He decided its time to put his expertise into practice. Unleashing a multitude of martial arts from Boxing to Tai Chi and Kung Fu to Spearmanhip Reynold Westwood now Xue Long, Fourth Prince of Heavenly Duo Empire is out to become Dragon God of Martial Arts with help of his Golden Dragon King Martial Spirit! Oh... And he will have that harem of maids! Additional Tags: Extreme AU, Madlad Mc, Absurdly Op Martial Arts techniques, Harem, OP MC, Elements from other Soul Land series (girls, Spirit beasts, Martial Spirits) adventure, gore, My Discord link: https://discord.gg/56SVYQexDJ

Dragon15681 · Book&Literature
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103 Chs

Here Come Assassins

Xue Long walked over towards his servants and Tang Yuehua who looked at him as if he is a freak of nature, or some being from outer space.

What she saw was simply absurd! She has never seen such fluid movement! Each time he is about to get hit by the attack he would dodge and deliver an utterly devastating attack.

Most importantly each of those attacks targeted the most important body parts! Joints, organs, or simply very important bones.

Not even her clan has such fluidity in their movement. They chose raw power over elegance. This however was both in her eyes!

'Monstrous… yet, beautiful…'

As the Prince walked over his servants handed over a towel and bottle of water. He accepted all of it.

He drank some of the water and cleaned up his sweat before looking at Na'er who was fighting the pack leader of the wind wolves.

"She is going to win. The moment she gets into the groove the battle is over."

"...How so?"

"If the enemy allows you to establish a rhythm it means it allows you to do whatever you please and it becomes a battle of defence for this enemy."

"Like dancing, once there is a rhythm it's a beautiful thing." He said that while looking with a smile at the elegant woman.

"Prince Xue Long, how do you know how to dance?" She asked that with quite a baffled and amused tone.

"It's the same as martial arts." As he said that his smile turned into a smirk.

This time she rolled her eyes. It was not a surprise that she didn't see the connection between those two. The Douluo Continent is quite a weird place. As everyone here relies on Spirit Ring abilities people don't truly develop martial arts. This is why someone like Tang San can dominate the land with skills from assassin cult of his.

As someone who trained with Shaolin and Taoists who use pure, smooth and overwhelming power those underhanded methods look quite distasteful. And that comes from someone who accepted Taoism hypocrisy of Boundless fist being palm style.

While for sure it's just a branch of a bigger arsenal which is known as Tai-Chi. They even call that leg kick Boundless Fist of Clouds!

Misdirecting and punishing for falling at that! On top of all, that Tang San uses a bunch of poisons… 

'How does it even work? Does spirit energy resides in poison and stronger spirit energy destroys the weaker one?

What about if poison has weaker spirit energy and does it still work?

Well, I can find out when that idiot is around. As far as I know, I am a few years older.' As Xue Long was thinking about those things Na'er has finished of the Wind wolf.

It is something else seeing signs of Luohan monk style in her. She did incorporate some of the moves the prince has shown to her.

He alongside, Tang Yuehua walked over to where the corpse of the wolf leader was. A few more rings were floating around, those though going to disappear soon, as they were remnants of Prince's rampage.

"Nicely done. Now if you feel tired just rest for a few minutes, but if you are ready you can start absorbing the ring." Xue Long said that with a smile.

"I am alright my prince. I can absorb it now."

When she said that with such a confident tone he could only nod at her and accept it.

"Very well. Then start absorbing it, we going to watch over you." 

With a nod, the silver head girl started the process of absorbing the ring.


Na'er slowly stood up and inspected herself. Slowly behind her, a yellow ring manifested it was a 480-year-old one. A few years above the so-called current recommended limit.

'Hmm, if this continues then she will be just above better the current masses of people. I should start allowing her to absorb spirit energy imbued by Heaven and Earth energies. These will allow her body to grow in strength and durability.'

As he thought about that he walked over to her.

"What kind of spirit ability did that Spirit Ring give you?" He asked her curiously.

"A wind-based spear augmentation and a strike." As she said that she swirled her spear for a moment. 

Her ring glowed and silver-like wind started to swirl around her spear. There was some wind around her as well.

'Hoh? Speed increase?'  He thought curiously as he saw that.

"Silver Wind Gale Strike!"

With a swing of her spear, sharp gusts of wind slammed into the tree cutting multiple branches off.

"Not bad. You will need to learn how to condense the wind more, the energy the ring gives can be easily condensed into either a single strike or multiple. The bigger the radius the less power."

For second Na'er was awed by what she heard. Was it her who got the ability or it was him!? Because at the moment he knows more about this than she does!

"Na'er this is common sense. Don't look that surprised. Anyway! We got your ring now we should proceed to get Miss Tang one!"

As he said that, once again his scouts moved out to meet up with the ones which are looking over their next prey.

"You have decided on your first ring?" The Fourth Prince asked Tang Yuehua.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it's a bird of wind type." She said that quite plainly. The woman doesn't want him to go on a similar rampage again. The elegant lady already realised that all of this is for bim to let loose and beat up some innocent Spirit beasts.

"Come now. You need to be more confident and more straightforward with your wishes."

"...*Sigh* let's just walk over and see them with our own eyes."

"Much better now." He said that with a smirk, which made her roll her eyes.

If he is infuriating at this age how is much worse he is going to be when he is older!?


Sometime later the group arrived at a slightly more open area where a bird was circling the surroundings. It appears it has found them!

"Na'er use your ring ability to get its attention. It should be enough to infuriate it." The silver head maid to be slowly nodded when she heard the instructions.

She swirled her spear and her single yellow ring glowed and she released sharp winds at the sky.

"...That bird is a wind caller. It is said that when it sings winds pick up." The Tang woman said that as she realised what kind of bird this is.

"Is it? well, it's quite small and it has a yellow aura of beast which is in 400 years."

"You can see their auras!?" She asked with shock. Isn't that ability only expert among experts pick up!?

"You don't? As long as you cultivate that technique I gave you, you should learn a similar thing, eventually."

She gulped down while hearing that.

Sure enough, Na'er attacks made the bird annoyed and it started its assault run on them.

Diving fast into the silver-haired girl. But this is where Xue Long jumped and intercepted the dive. He casually grabbed the bird by its wings from behind. There is a sound of bones popping and they are very easily broken by simple-looking pull.

With a spin, the Fourth Prince sends the bird crashing into the ground.

He then landed on top of it with another pop, the bird's back broke, making the creature incapable of moving properly anymore.



"It's done. You can kill it anytime you want."

People were slightly freaked out by his casual display of efficient brutality like this.


One of the scouts handed over his spear to the Tang Yuehua who with quite a simple thrust killed it off.

There was quite a bit of satisfaction in Xue Long eyes. Honestly, he expected some sort of hesitation or even inability to kill, but turns out this woman is not a stranger to getting her hands dirty.

He should stop pulling that comparison he has from his previous world.

Moments later yellow ring manifested above the corpse.

"Proceed to absorb it we going to watch that nothing happens."

As he said that he walked over to Na'er while the Tang Lady started to absorb the ring.

"My prince, t-that was impressive." The girl said that with slight awe.

"It is. But there is something you want to ask?"

As he saw through her quite easily, it made her get self-consciously embarrassed.

"...Um… I am hoping you could teach me some of the things you know… I-If it's not hard! A-A-nd its won't going to interrupt your training time!"

Xue Long simply chuckle with amusement, that mix of shyness and confidence at the same time is simply cute.

"Sure thing. I was thinking of doing that, your bottleneck at rank 10 stopped me from training you."

Her eyes slightly brightened when she heard that he is going to train her!

The girl quickly nodded her head!

'This is going to be great! I will be able to fight like my Prince does!' For a second she imagined herself fighting with the same amount of ferociousness!


Tang Yuehua's first spirit ring ability is an auxiliary type. This means that it's Auxiliary type of Martial spirit. What it does is quite fascinating as she emits calm waves which calm down people and gives a sense of soothing serenity.

Which means it's perfect for teaching. She is a literal perfect example of the ultimate teacher for Xue Long's maid project!

'I stuck gold. And I won't going to let her slip away!' Internally he thought about this. Such a person with an ability like this is rare.

As they were walking back the prince's eyes widened for a second as he felt a chill going down his back. 

Moments later four people jumped at him from four directions. They tried to stab him with knives which looked like they had poison.

With a flash of gold Xue Long completely transformed into his Dragonoid form.

That moment the knifes these people tried to stab with simply bounced off!

"W-What the—! FUCK! How can someone use their martial spirit so quick!?" 

That moment clawed hand went right for the guy's windpipe.

"Wrong… the questions should be…when I am not using it?" As he said that he squeezed his hand and there was the sound of bone breaking. The neck completely broke.

"Quick! Everyone! Assassins!"

The scouts quickly got over the craziness of this and started to move in only for more assassins to come out from the trees.

'There is quite a bit of them. It could not be Spirit hall, no… they would send big shots to quickly dispose of me. One of the major clans? It shouldn't… Star Luo Empire? Most likely…'

"The one who kills the most of them and gets good information gets a reward! Now intercept!" Xue Long with a snappy voice ordered. Making everyone squirm under his tone. It's hard to believe someone his size can order like this!

"You two stand still and don't move." The Prince said that to the pair of girls while the three shocked assassins who tried to stab him were utterly baffled!

"H-He killed a Rank 44 with a single move!!!"

"Wanna see me do it even faster?" The boy prince said with a bloodthirsty smirk on his face with draconic horns he looked almost demonic.

"F-Fuck off! Just die!!!" The assassin said that as he merged with his martial soul it was some sort of beast which Xue Long didn't care.

He cared for the fact that it was beast type.

"Beast type! That's just fantastic!" The Prince said with an amused almost mocking tone!

Two of his rings manifested from behind. 

"Damn! It's true!" The assassin lost more composure when he saw two purple rings appear!

The first one glowed and at that moment all the assassins with beast-type martial spirits experience a drop in performance!

While the prince lunged forward with glowing claws.

Smashing Into the first assassin who tried to block with pair of knives.

He was sent pushing back with a huge amount of force!

"H-How can rank 20 have this much p-power." The man said as the other two assassins lunged at the prince.

That moment the fourth Prince's second ring glowed.

He then did a kick spin at one's of the attacking assassin's heads!

Cleanly slicing it off!

Everyone who watched this was utterly gobsmacked!


My Discord server for advanced chapters:


Along with the advanced chapters, there are also a lot of other fanfics I wrote and did not upload to Webnovel.