
Crimson Sect

A man in his fifties, with a long beard and wearing a white robe adorned with sword embroidery, sat upon the patriarch seat in the Crimson Rose Sect's hall. His presence exuded a majestic aura, commanding respect and fear from those around him. The Crimson Rose Sect was one of the supreme families in Obeon, with a long-standing history and immense influence. It was an entity that no aristocratic family dared to offend.

Gu Bing, the patriarch of the sect, had assumed the position at a young age. During his reign, he had committed numerous cruel acts against his fellow sect members. Despite the opposition he faced within the sect, no one dared to voice their complaints due to his position and the consequences they would face.

Gu Bing had an extensive network of connections, with at least one spy planted in each branch of the sect. These spies served as his eyes and ears, responsible for identifying potential threats to his position as patriarch.

Years had passed, and Gu Li had grown into a fine young man. The elders of the family held high hopes for him, expecting Gu Li to eventually take over the patriarch position. However, Gu Bing was not pleased with this prospect. He ordered his spies to closely monitor Gu Li and his family, with instructions to eliminate Gu Li if the opportunity arose.

On a stormy night, the sound of thunder filled the air as Gu Bing sent an assassin to kill Gu Li. However, Gu Li's mother caught a glimpse of the assassin lurking in the shadows. Although the assassin failed to assassinate Gu Li, he succeeded in killing Gu Li's mother. In her dying moments, she urged her children to flee to Obeon and seek the aid of their father's old companions, assuring them that they would offer assistance.

Back in the Crimson Sect Hall...

"Get out of here! You failed to kill a mere child, and now the sect suspects my involvement in the assassination," Gu Bing growled angrily, addressing the cloaked assassin.

"Patriarch, I didn't anticipate that woman would possess such keen senses. Despite my careful concealment, she still managed to spot me," explained the man wearing black cloth armor, a black cloak, and a mask. "I implore you, show mercy. I will ensure success in my next mission."

Gu Bing's stern voice resonated as he caressed his beard, casting a fierce glance at the servant. "This time, I'll spare you. But should you fail me again, you know the consequences."

The servant, trembling, knelt and kowtowed. "Yes, milord. I swear to the heavens that if I fail, you may exterminate my entire family, and they shall never be reincarnated again."

"Now, get out of here. Make sure to carry out your mission successfully," Gu Bing commanded.

"Yes, milord. Please rest assured, milord. I shall return with good news," the servant earnestly replied.

"Leave my sight," Gu Bing waved his hand dismissively, indicating that the servant should depart. As the servant exited the room, Gu Bing gazed out the window, his thoughts shrouded in mystery.

In the city of Obeon...

Wu Yang had taken a detour and found himself seeking shelter for the night as darkness descended. Fortunately, he had some money in his pocket, allowing him to secure a place to stay. Wu Yang decided to refine the energy within his body, utilizing his time in seclusion.

Suddenly, a fragment of memory rushed into his soul, captivating his attention. It involved the summoning of a sword. Wu Yang examined the fragment closely, his curiosity piqued. In his previous life, he had been an imperial knight, dedicating his time to the study of sword

smanship. One could say he was a sword enthusiast. Despite devoting himself to the art, his sword style remained far from perfection.

He had explored countless styles and engaged in numerous battles, all in an attempt to improve his swordsmanship. However, he had failed to break through the barriers. Despite consulting thousands of masters, the answers he received were always vague.

"Sword summon?" Wu Yang murmured to himself, seated cross-legged as he began to chant. "Green land and white sky, blue sea and red inferno. Hear my voice, heed my command. Appear by my side in battle, in training, in any event. Wherever I am, whenever I am, let it begin. My heart and soul, under my control."

Time passed, yet nothing happened. Wu Yang opened his eyes and surveyed the room, searching for any signs of change. Frowning, he closed his eyes once more, resuming his chant. Yet, like his previous attempt, nothing occurred.

Ceasing his chant, confusion settled in. "Appear the? I thought this was for summoning a sword, but it seems useless," he pondered. A thought crossed his mind. "Could it be that I have to call the sword I desire by saying 'appear the'?" Dizzy from the confusion, he shook his head.

"Well, I might as well give it a try," Wu Yang concluded. Closing his eyes, he began chanting once again, determined to uncover the truth of the sword summoning technique.