
Spirit Eater [Dropped]

Synopsis updated as of Jan 24, 2020 -- I'll be blunt, this is also based on several other works here, and loosely related to other works like the Dragon Age games. Most of the concept for this work came from a mod for Dragon Age: Origins called Spirit Eater Class. Too lazy to explain, but it's on Nexus Mods if you need to find it. At the bottom of this synopsis will be a list of titles that I used as references and bases. The cover picture is a screenshot of one of my characters in Dragon Age: Origins killing the Archdemon. (DA:O is owned by BioWare, so while I own the screenshot, I don't own anything in the game.) Influences: -Advent of the Archmage -Dragon Age Series -The Elder Scrolls Saga -Various Mythologies

Makurasame · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Arrival at Bristol (1)

It had been just over two uneventful days since their departure, and Thunder had grown used to the childish antics of Arcturus, who kept pace with the stallion's slowest gallop for almost three hours. While Arcturus needed to slow and rest, Luca smiled at the horse's haughty snort. After an hour of a quick but casual canter, another three hours of galloping ensued, which once again alternated on and off for the journey. Other than camping, the trio stopped only for water at a passing stream and to avoid drawing the attention of bandit patrols. All-in-all, what would normally have been a four-day trip was cut down to just over two days due to the combination of Luca's lesser weight providing less pressure on the horse, who therefore was able to use more energy for the journey itself. By Luca's estimation, they'd reach Bristol in about three hours, not long before dawn.

Arcturus was curious throughout the entirety of the journey, but Luca managed to reign it back enough for the three-hour gallop, though he was given permission to explore the nearby areas during the canter stages and around the campsites. Whenever they stopped or Arcturus' curiosity was briefly sated, Luca tried to teach him some easy spells, mostly to test the young dragon's mind. So far, Arcturus had managed to grasp the Lv. 0 spells [Water Ball] and [Rock], followed by the Lv. 1 spells [Ice Spike], [Stream], [Earth Spike], [Stoneskin] and the combination Lv. 1 spell [Mud Ball], a testament to his ancestral mental capabilities. Due to his dragon heritage, his affinity-aligned spells were comparably double the effect of a mortal mage, though some geniuses could match him with the same affinities.

When Luca told his partner that he would need his help and protection, Arcturus proudly stated, (Don't worry, big brother, I won't let anyone hurt you!) He then got distracted by a squirrel, making Luca smack his face with his palm out of exasperation.

"Arc, when we get to Bristol, remember to stay with me, and don't wander off. There will be a lot of people, and lots of strange new things, but don't go looking or you'll get lost." Luca had mentioned this several times, but he kept stressing it, lest the dragon forget.

(I know, big bro, this is the nineteenth time you've told me just today. I won't leave your side," indignantly puffed Arcturus. Under his extremely excited natural state, Luca could sense a small nervousness.

After sighing, Luca continued, "I need to tell you this now before we arrive. Once the city guard sees us, not to mention the civilians, they will likely be very, very scared of you, and may even threaten us."

The young dragon's head whipped around in shock, (What? Why?)

"Because you're a dragon, Arc. All known dragons, even as newborns, have at least a Threat Level of B, making them extremely powerful. Any magic beast of such status can flatten Bristol with ease, let alone a dragon. A B-grade Dragon can crush it just by walking through it, then wonder what it felt bumping against it. Mortals, and humans especially, are prone to jumping to conclusions, so they will likely err on the side of caution and keep us out. I don't have a familiar mark for you, so they will potentially deem you hostile until proven otherwise. The only way to receive a familiar mark is the Mage Guild in the city, somewhere we also have to go on our journey. If you don't listen and stay beside me, you might be attacked in what they believe to be in defense of the city. Do you see why I emphasize for you to stay beside me?"

(Th-that strong!? That's scary! You mean, they think I'm scary? But... why?) Despite his very short lifetime, Arcturus was prone to overthinking things, and it took Luca loudly shouting his name to snap him out of it. (O-okay, big brother... I don't want to be scary... I'll stay with you.)

"Don't worry too much, okay? We'll be fine. Just listen to me and everything will go smoothly," Luca smiled softly, giving the young dragon consolation.

It did not take much time after their conversation for the outskirts of the city, particularly farming areas, to appear. Outside of some animals, particularly dogs, tensing up, making threatening noises or fleeing in fear, nothing really happened. Almost no humans were around the road, which helped with Luca's efforts to calm his partner. The remaining journey was quiet but was eventually brought to a halt not long later.

The first human encounter they had was hearing the sounds of guards on alert, the clatter of metals and clanking of boots on cobblestone. Even without using his [All-Seeing Sight], Luca could see archers atop the 5m stone walls, bows at the ready, and a small platoon standing before the gates. One of the men at the gates had a red line on one shoulder and wore no helmet to cover his stern expression. The red line designated him as the man in charge of the defenders.

Sure enough, as Luca and his nervous companion were close enough to shout clearly to each other, the man stepped forward and yelled, bolstered by the magic of a nearby mage, "Horseman, hold your position and state your intentions!"

Without any instruction from its rider, Thunder slowed to a halt, as did Arcturus despite his nervous appearance. Luca responded in kind, "At the behest of Lord Gerald Sheridan, I bring an urgent message for the City Lord!"

After a few seconds, the man said, "What is the message? I can relay it for you."

"I cannot say, sir. My orders are for the city lord's eyes and ears only. Without giving away sensitive information, suffice it to say that it pertains to the potential removal of a threat to the province!"

The man consulted his fellows for a good minute, which felt much longer to the young dragon's nerves, "What about the creature beside you?"

"I am a mage, and this is my companion and familiar. I don't have a familiar marking due to the lack of guilds outside of the capital, or it would be much easier." He wasn't wrong, Arcturus was his familiar, and all familiars needed a guild-approved mark so as to distinguish them from others. However, as a Mage's familiar is considerably rarer compared to Rogue or Warrior's, requiring more unique brands that conformed to the same purpose.

I think I'm done for the night...

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