
Chapter 1

The king of Eden was ruled by its emperor, Alto Eden. Many knew him for his heroic deeds when he was only a prince. Eden had been at war with a neighboring nation and Alto had asked the previous king to send him to the frontlines for he wished to fight. He was placed in command of a large battalion by his father and led them to many victories with little casualties in his group. He made his way up the military ladder and his father passed the position of ruler onto him.

Still there was another reason the current king was well known. He was lustful... or as he would say "full of vitality". He had eight wives and four concubines. His wives each gave birth to one child five were male, three were female, and his concubines gave birth to five kids as one gave birth to twins. And with the rumors about the king who knew how many bastards he had sired.

All his children who he officially recognized were competing for the throne. All except for one of them.

Dorian Dynast, the kingdom's tradition was that only the ruler could have the surname of Eden, all children of the ruler would have their mother's family name rather than the king's.

Dorian was the fourth youngest of the children born from the king's wives. The children younger than him were two brothers and one sister. When the king announced that there was to be a competition for the throne between the children based off achievements they made Dorian had said he wished to step out of the competition. This shocked everyone and many people who had once supported him went to his siblings only a few remained loyal with either a hope he would return to the competition. However that hope was slashed by Dorian preforming a Soul Vow that he would not compete for the throne himself.

A Soul Vow would kill him if he broke it, so even many of his highly loyal followers left.

Dorian sat near a window. He brushed his bangs out of his face letting his red-black eyes show as he gazed out the window at a girl. The girl wielded a sword and shield and was engaged in combat with an older woman who wielded two sabers. The girls cyan hair was braided with her lock of silver hair entwined in it. The girls beautiful and determined face was dotted with drops of sweat as she guarded against the flurry of blows from the woman, attempting an attack whenever she had the chance and missing. Luckily for her she could just barely guard against the counter.

As for the woman unleashing the flurry of attacks she hardly broke a sweat. Her golden white hair contrasted against her brown skin. Her grin was teasing as she preformed attacks that were deliberately done in such a way that the girl with a braid could just barley block.

Eventually the woman stopped her constant attacks and laughed. The girl dropped her weapon and along with it she fell, down onto her butt.

Dorian gave a light sound of amusement and looked up at the ceiling.

"Emilia, my dear, you can't become a hero and gain achievements to gain the throne." He gave a sigh. He pitied her, the girl with cyan hair, his older sister by one year had no chance for the throne she wanted. Even if she was an amazing warrior without any battles to fight, there was no war and no dangerous monster to subjugate.

"I'll help you out sis. I can't start a war but I can get a monster." He gave an affectionate smile and looked over at a corner. "Spectra."

A robed women came materialized out of thin air. Her hair was a fiery red and her eyes were the color of rubies. Her dark skin and long pointed ears showed her heritage as a dark elf. At her waist two guns were holstered except that they didn't shoot physical bullets but rather bullets created with Spectra's mana.

"What is it Dorian?" She asked.

"I need to find a Level 5 to 6 monster."

"Hmmm, ah, there is rumors a Berserk Troll has taken residence in a cave within the Ancient Forest." She had to think about it a bit but answered to Dorian's need.

"I see." Dorian nodded. "Then let's go there quickly."

Dorian stood up and walked up to Spectra. He extended his hand, gesturing her to grab a hold of it. She nodded and extend her hand, holding his.

She chanted a spell and then finished it by saying its name. "[Jump]."

Then both Dorian and Spectra disappeared from the room and appeared in the Ancient Forest located a day away if you traveled by horse at maximum speed from the capital city. Spectra looked around for any immediate threats and once she saw it was safe she looked at Dorian.

"So Dorian we just need to confirm if the rumor is true?" Spectra inquired.

"Well I need you to stun it for me too." He was to weak to down the troll and so Spectra was necessary for him to proceed with his plan.

"Okay." She nodded.

Dorian closed his eyes and when he opened them again they had begun to glow silver. In Dorian's sight the world had become dark except all living creatures had become lights. Spectra now was a figure of white light and looking into the distance he saw many other figures made of light. A red huge humanoid was to the north and if Dorian looked left he could see a pack of wolves made up of white lights.

Dorian pointed to the red figure and said, "That way."

They moved silently in that direction and finally reached a cave. On the outside of the cave, structures and pillars of stone could be seen. Broken and deteriorated the stone showed the structure's age. They were ruins and the Ancient Forest was full of them giving it its name.

"The troll is inside we need to either go in or lead it out. I say it's safer to bring it out, no?" Dorian looked at Spectra.

"I agree." She took out one of her pistols and pointed it at the cave entrance. She placed mana into it and directed it through one of the paths engraved on the gun. She fired and a grey orb of mana flew into the cave and exploded with a loud 'pop' sound.

"That should lure it out." She took out her second pistol and pointed it to the cave as well. She waited for the troll to exit the cave.

A loud roar echoed out from the cave and a large green monster came out. It's body was covered with red markings and that same color glowed in its eyes. The horns on the side of its head were a base of red with black markings unlike the body.

Two yellow magic bullets barreled out of Spectra's pistols. When the bullets hit the troll they temporarily stunned it. Dorian charged out and jumped up onto the back of the troll placing his palms on its head. Silver light flowed into the troll's head and invaded its mind making it scream in resistance. It eventually succumbed to Dorian and he gained control over it.

"I command you as your master..."

Dorian gave it commands that would allow for Emilia to gain achievements by subjugating it. He knew her personality and she would be the first to volunteer for its subjugation no matter what unless there was a more pressing matter.

"Appreciate it sister. Your the only one that won't treat me horribly once they get the throne." He smiled once he returned to his room. He told Spectra she could go, and then laid down on the bed.

"I want to live this life in peace." He remembered his previous life and shook his head. It was extremely stressful because of all the expectations from everyone around him. However in this life no one expected anything from him. It was so peaceful.

Rewrote the first chapter.

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