
Bullies Will Always Be Bullies


"Leave now; you are unwelcome in the family!"

"Only if you could have been like your sister."

I bet you all imagine I need you! Let me tell you, I may now, but one day... it will be the other way around! You'll simply have to wait a certain amount of time before it happens... Declan exclaimed before he walked out of the room, where the angry words could be heard. Alright, if they so desperately want me to leave. I'll leave, but one day I'll come back stronger than them all combined! "I doubt that, so anytime you're in need give me a call." A tall lady said as she entered the room. Sister, just what do you know, I'll show the whole lot of you. Declan said as he finished packing his bags. Oh, and sister, wait no Destiny. Send your sympathy some place where the sun doesn't shine. Declan stated as he exited his former room. Now, where can I go that will provide me with free lodging, food, and education on how to get stronger?

Oh, the military, wait a minute, this may or may not be a horrible idea. Declan then completed an online military application, indicating that he would only be there for a year. He'd study and be dispatched on scouting and hunting missions. Along with a final examination at the end of the year. If he fails the final exam, he will be permitted to stay for another year. And then that year's final exam would be meaningless. Although he would be required to execute hunting expeditions once a week for the next year. Declan took a deep breath when he realized he didn't even have the ability to slay Curse Beast. Although it was too late, all he could do now was hope for a passing grade on the final test. Declan then called one of his close pals who owed him a favor.

He requested a one-night stay from said pal. When morning came a strange man showed up at the door. Knowing the man would soon be arriving Declan gathered his small portable things. And then gave the rest to his good friend. Declan was retrieved by a guy who was six feet tall. "Are you prepared, soldier? The path ahead will not be easy." How could I be, I'm joining the military that's currently drafting kids my age. Declan replied, while making sure not to make eye contact with the personnel. (Except those who come from a high enough family, like my former self).

The man quickly moved his hand, forcing a towel over Declan's nose knocking him out. Chloroform? Declan thought, before passing out. Declan later awoken seated in a chair, with a bag over his head. After removing the bag, he notices a large number of people seated in chairs. Some were panicked, while others were attempting to remain calm. And one of the people seated was unfazed. "Greetings, everyone! I'd like to welcome you to your new home! Some of you applied, and some of you were drafted. Although, just know neither of you will receive special treatment." A man said while handing each student a pin.

A pin in which posses their military base logo. "That pin is a special kind of technology in which will display your Magical Level. For those who are confused, I will now go into further detail. Your overall position is determined by your Magical Level. And your Magic Level is determined by your Magical Power as well as your physical ability. Your Magical Level is also categorised. Low levels, for example, 1-2. Mid-levels 3–4, and high-levels 5–6, and six is the limit." Declan began looking for and alternative once everyone had applied their pin. However, he saw no way out of this one and would have to face the humiliation.

The number zero appeared after he applied his pin. Many people then gave Declan a filthy look, while others burst into laughter. Even the man who held the highest position in the room couldn't help but chuckle. A few giggles could be heard from the man as another took his position. This man was significantly shorter than the other. He seemed to almost be around the same height as the students. "Alright, stand up once your names are called. Your overall teammate was chosen before your arrival, to keep the groups randomly. And so these four people will be your Bunkmates, as well as your Scouts, and fellow Hunters. You are not permitted to change your partners under any circumstances."

Declan's name was called first, and then three others. The four boys eventually settled into their substandard room. "This room is much smaller than my last one." Declan paused, not realizing he was speaking aloud. Declan then took a brief look at all of the boy's Magical levels. Okay, my team has at least one High-Level member. And then there are two Mid-Levels, and then there's me. Lower below the level of even a Low-Level. Declan's roommates seems to welcome him. They all played cards together and laughed a little here and there.

Just then, one of the boys had an idea. They stated that they had not yet explored the military indoor base. Soon after, another person advised going to the roof. Except for Declan, everyone understood what was going on. Declan, on the other hand, agreed despite the lack of background. Many people would stare at him as he ascended to the roof, as if he were a precious relic. Some were even harsh, and provided a split in his direction. The boys next to him pretended as if they hadn't seen anything. Declan, on the other hand, was well aware that this was the remedy for a level one. As a result, even though his Magical level was zero, the gods continued to favor him.

Declan understood that most deaths of individuals with low levels would go unexplained since no one cared enough to investigate them. The boys' friendly act came to a stop as they entered the roof. Declan was restrained by two boys. "GET OFF ME"! Declan yelled, but no one could hear him. There was a level four boy named James at the top. We mid- and high-levels, you see, don't only dislike you for being weak. "We loathe you for being weak and doing nothing to rectify it!" As he slammed his right foot into Declan's left leg, James said. CRACK! BAM! Declan's left limb was making a cracking sound. This was immediately followed by a scream.

The boy's proceeded to do this until each limb on Declan's body was broken. They went a far as, to even break his fingers. The three boy's then lifted Declan up, and through him over the tall railing. This was made possible with the strength of two, three levels and a fourth level. As Declan slowly descended down the roof his eyes meet with a girl's, through the thick reinforced glass.

"Life's nothing but a bother". Declan spoke while swiftly descending down the side of the military base. I suppose I could have used that call, huh, sister. A bizarre post emerged in the sky before Declan's force would have collided with the earth.

[ All necessary requirements for Spiritual Will have been met].

[Would you like the chance to finally be the one rubbing everyone else the wrong way? If this is the case, choose yes before proceeding. If not, accept the hand you were dealt and die a loser's death].

Then images of Declan's family kicking him out of the family, and his home. And the thought of them not blinking an eyelid to lend him some living money raced across his mind. "I shall no longer be carrying the same rubbish; it is time to replace my garbage bag"! Declan quickly clicked the word yes onto the screen as he said these words.