
Chapter 2 : Storytime

Carnage's body parts changed while some spirits got in the way thinking it was fun to play with the moving flesh of Carnage " Well have fun " ' What is Deon doing right now though ? ' Sadie left Carnage and the spirits playing with his flesh .


Small cloaked figures runs through the forest as they sniffed the scents of an elysian " There you are " they stopped to see a portal to the Fields " Do we have any scent of the spirits here ? " a spirit removed its hood .

The spirit is revealed to be one that has dark viper eyes , snake-themed colored fur and scales and sharp ears of a wolf " Sniff , they haven't eaten them yet so they probably are fine ... for now "

Because spirits are born or reincarnated without any care for the world their magic is pure and can change , unlike elysians and cacodemons . They became great food for the magic beings like an organic cow compared to lab-grown meat .

" We should hurry the captors work for someone higher so they are probably planning to sprinkle them with some spice if they have . " the group was just some spirits who came to help free the captured spirits .

They are in a hurry because they are the much more mature spirits so they probably have a great age difference " We should hurry it up or else the little spirits are gonna get traumatized . " the terrifying plan of arrogant beings of magic to spirits was to cook them while keeping them alive .

This is because if a spirit dies its body would turn to dust and spread to the surrounding areas just like every magic being's death . The spirits took their hood off and ran to the portal . They all have different choices of weapons from different origins .

As reincarnated spirits have different origins everywhere they possibly have a lot of ways to fight . High-tech guns , old-school revolvers and anything that they can procure were used .

Elysians felt pure magic and quickly sees the source as weak because of each friendly appearance " There is a group of spirits ! " " For the lord " they either sprinted , flew or jumped to the group of spirits to serve their lord by capturing them .

Of course , the spirits didn't hold back and those with ranged weapons shot down the winged elysians " Where are they Cobra ? " Cobra took a sniff of the air in the chaotic battle and found the trail .

" We should call for help " Domino took a constructed spell and slammed it to the ground opening a portal " Carnage help us ! " Carnage at the other side heard her call and looked at the spirits who were having fun .

" Sigh guess I'll improvise " he used his flesh as the center point of his control and felt the magic of the elysian fields " And contaminate " he gathered magic with the copied nature of the spirits that played on his flesh . Streaks of light flew above the portal and with the mix of magic a chaotic one was formed at random .

The magic flew up and turned into a great fog spreading down from the clouds as countless types of magic floated around while raining fire , thunder , darkness , death , life and etc to the elysians that need to keep their magic pure this was a problem .

Spirits on the other hand are very mixed up just because they can do one magic doesn't mean it will stay that way . They loved finding new things as they were all curious like a baby would be when they asked why's and what's .

Close-combat spirits remain unhindered in movements and boosted as they hit some drops of magic from the fog " I'll go find the spirits keep them at bay " Domino ran to the direction Cobra pointed out and some spirits followed her .

They bombed the door to see some spirits sleeping in a cage inside a kitchen " Get them " Domino shot the nearby elysians and kicked the door through the kitchen crashing it to some elysians .

" Okay , little guys we're gonna send you home " Domino triggered a spell she got from Kairos and opened a portal to the material realm " Okay just wait there and we will bring you back to the spirit realm . "

The spirits went in with one stronger spirit to protect them " We're leaving ! " they went back to the battlezone to see some spirits sitting and laying on the floor " Hey come on we got them already " some spirits got up with tiredness and looked at the portal leading to the material realm .

" Okay Domino " they left the fields and walked back to the material realm to see the spirits they rescued playing around with one of the rescuers " Help me " the spirits were playing with Chip's robotic body .

" Little spirits you can keep playing with Chip he has a fun game inside him " Domino told them which caused the spirits to try and understand but end up asking Chip .


Carnage let the portal close feeling that the battle was over " Should I just go and cause chaos to the fields and the nether regions ? " he also wanted to protect the spirits but the elysian fields and nether regions were just too hard to create chaos .

" Maybe I should ask princess ... no she doesn't like to do that " some spirits who saw the portal saw the beauty of the fields and wanted to go there " Big brother what is that big shiny place ? " they were curious about the fields and the beautiful structures .

' This is what always happens when they see the fields they want to go back ... good thing the spirit realm is a realm of magic ' " We have the same kind of place here in the spirit realm " their eyes beamed with joy that Carnage couldn't avoid their next words " Where ? "

Carnage sighs and points in a direction " Maybe somewhere over there " the spirits looked in that direction but trees were blocking the view " Okay I'll take you all there " the spirits' smiles become bigger and hopped beside Carnage as he walks at the direction " Thank you big brother "

Carnage carried some spirits that were tired and walked with the rest of the spirits as they followed his directions .


" Princess , what is school ? " " It's a place for learning or anything that teaches you something you don't know " Sadie washed Atryx's fur to get rid of the markings " Then princess is a school then you teach us about the material realm "

" No , I'm not a school I am a smart person who will try to answer what you ask " " Then ... How do we give big brother a prank ? We played with some humans and they had fun pranking others " " Change his fur color he will take a long time to realize what happened especially if you do it on his face "

The spirits looked at Atryx as Sadie made a strip of his fur change on the level of his eyes so he look like he is wearing a bandanna when he was not " I know how about putting a smiley face on his mouth ? "

' He would look very much like the joker ' " What color ? " " Blue " " Okay " Sadie did what they wanted giving Atryx a change on his fur face " How about we bring him to a puddle ? "

" You do that I want to sit down and just read " " Okay princess " the spirits took Atryx and ran to a pond while Sadie looked throughout the spirit realm " The spirit realm is still stable and so are the little spirits "

Sadie looked at the material realm finding some spirits playing around and the aftermath of the battle at the elysian fields " They should stop wasting their energy trying to eat spirits ... they probably won't give up because they used to prey on spirits until the spirits got their own respawn point . "

The spirit realm , elysian fields and the nether regions have a resurrection for the dying creatures . In the previous timeline once a spirit is killed it can never come back to life unless by a powerful being or if they can come back from the dead .

But now the spirit realm serves as an attraction to the spirit who dies and is unable to come back ... they are only attracted after some time to the spirit realm in case no one is able to find them .

The same nature applies to the Fields and Regions .

Bang was at the vein killing the last intruder " Die bastard " Bang threw a bomb inside their mouths and left them to die by explosion " Right Atryx should probably be awake " Bang went through a portal to the spirit realm and saw Sadie's house without Atryx .

" What happened ? " " Atryx is being carried by the little spirits " Sadie sat by the pond looking at the battle ' Some spirits do have their own methods of killing . Bang came from a world that was going to end so he has the tendency to kill his enemies by any means he has to ensure they are dead . '

Sadie looked at Bang running in the direction she pointed out and then look at the spirits who were smiling at her from their hiding " You're gonna throw Atryx into this pond ? " they all nodded and threw Atryx but then a magic circle followed him and summoned him away into the material realm .

" Oh I think he's being summoned " the spirits looked at her with curiosity " What is a summoning ? " the young spirits looked at Sadie from the tree " Well summoning is bringing something from one place to another place "

Sadie created an illusion using the pond's water to assist her in showing her the light illusion " Here this is where Atyx is summoned " the spirits looked at the elves , humans , dwarves and beastkins looking at Atryx and the illusion faded .

" That is where Atyx is summoned . Because he let them summon him or he was sleeping " " So can we be summoned too ? " the spirits wanted to see the architects that were revealed on the pond before the image disappeared .

" Yes of course some spirits take the time to use their magic to strengthen the summoner's magic so they can stay in the material realm " the spirits were very excited and wished they could be summoned too .

" But you should also know how to leave the material realm by breaking the contract because ? " the spirits held their breath and answered with different answers " Cause we'll get bored " " Bedtime stories " " School hours "

Sadie laughed and smiled at their innocent answers " Yes but you know there are also more like " Sadie showed them something on her hands " Snack time " the spirit's eyes beamed as they reached forward .

But the timing of their little paws made them grab at the same time as some got little cuts that doesn't sting thanks to the fruit Sadie gave them " Hey look at your little hands " the spirits looked at their hands while some with hard scaled saw scratches those with softer layers had some little cuts .

" If you let the juice of the fruit reach your skin it can close the small cut " the spirits were curious and some who doesn't have cuts waited for those who has to spill it " Woah " they watched as the wounds closed leaving some little magic to make a nice after effects .

" Here's more if you want " Sadie got branches of the fruit and showed it to them like barbeque sticks " Thank you princess " the spirits ran out to the paths hearing Sadie call out " Be sure not to use them for fun "

Some silence came us Sadie sat by the lake .


" Pfft how can a spirit with that look be a powerful magical being " the teacher comforted the summoner as some students threw insults at Atryx " Don't worry Fiona , spirits are mischievous creatures they may pull pranks on you so this spirit must've been fooled by them "

" But miss I heard them pulling deadly pranks it killed plenty of people " the teacher clenched her face and turned to the students " From the records the spirits are aware of their actions but most importantly they only do those deadly acts after some would attack them and the playful ones would perceive it as playing and will do the same . "

" What happens if they aren't playful then ? " " Then you should beware after all the ones who aren't , have different methods the least they can do is ignore and the most would be a painful death . " the students shivered and stopped throwing insults at the face of Atryx .

" But the spirits will not even mind a single insult but they would be irritated only that it is not to a very angry state " the students wondered why such powerful creatures can be so humble when it comes to insults .

" In fact even if you say that the princess is ugly they would just laugh at you or if you say that the princess is an angry girl they will give you a smirk " " I know the princess is very beautiful and she is a calm person "

The teacher shook her head " We don't even know what the princess looks likes but she was said to be like a teacher " the students looked at their teacher like she was trying to look like the spirit princess .

" Uhm teach about the contract " " Right offer the summon your magic " " And let the summon be willing to do so " Atryx got up continuing the teacher's words and Sadie couldn't help but laugh .

Really imagine a fluffy little spirit whose former identity was a great mage falls down face planted and raises his head to reveal his face that had already been pointed at the request of a bunch of mischievous spirits .

Fortunately for Atryx , his aura made masked the pranks that were left as the students thought of the lines on his face as something like scars " Your magic is very dense and could kill a spirit moreover it is not within your control "

Fiona looked down with embarrassment as she remembers the times she failed to cast spells properly and made the magic too powerful despite her lowering her spell casting quality " Ugh take this I'm leaving "

Atryx controlled the summoning ground to stop glowing as the restriction that kept him in the material realm disappeared he went back to the spirit realm .

" Oh wait the location would be the same as he last disappeared " splash Atryx was taken up by surprise as he had been unconscious and only assumed he had not been moved from his original location .

" Co-o-o-ld " Atryx shivered as Sadie prepared a towel and pulled up her clothes " Here " she wrapped Atryx and carried him by grabbing under his shoulders like carrying a baby .

Sadie got some branches and used a rock that had the shape of an L except every corner were smoothened and the corner inside was pressed deeper making an ideal and comforting place to light a fire .

" Don't worry it was supposed to be a harmless prank " " Uuuuwww I k-know " Atryx wanted to use magic but to the spirits , magic isn't some convenience and even Kairos the former god follows the rules and never uses his magic to ferment food .

' Magic is useful but doing it with your hands is fun too ' Sadie smiled as she started the fire and moved Atryx closer preparing a warm cup of tea " Princess do you forgive me ? "

Sadie placed the heating tea on a circular tray and left it in front " I never needed an apology you just wanted to change for a better view of your world " Atryx took a sip from the semi-sphere cup and looked at Sadie .

" But what about yours ? " Sadie froze as she thought of her choices when she decided to freeze time so she can watch over the spirit realm until the time returns to the right place " I don't think having everyone happy is the right view for the world "

Atryx shivered thinking about what she had said " Why ? " Sadie sat beside him and hugged her knees " Say Atryx why do you think the stars shine ? " " Uhm because they emit light " " Yes but without darkness how bright would light shine then ? "

He took some air in and thought of it " The stars have to outshine each other " " Yes which is why if it is dark even a candlelight can be a star " Atryx turned to Sadie no longer shivering despite still being soaked .

" Is that why you never allowed us to leave the spirit realm ? " " Yes after all if you became a very bright light , and an obstacle of the light you emit stands in your way ... " " You make darker darkness because of the shadow you make . "

" So I never made my view , I became the darkness for them to shine continue shining just like now you drove yourself to change the world until I bought the worlds together and then when I came I looked like the light but I'm still the darkness and it's a burden . "

Atryx sighed as he was glad he never made that mistake . Clang thud the two heard some sounds of metal , wood and a body " What ? " Atryx asked in a tired tone as he looked around while Sadie went to go to the source which was behind the tree and rock in the shape of a bench .

She saw a very dark shadow as a crying spirit emerged hugging herself " Skia are you okay ? " " I'm sorry " she rubbed her tears but she kept crying " I'm so sorry ... princess " the selfish spirit cried as she wished for forgiveness .

" I'm sorry , I'm sorry for being selfish " Sadie looked at her and felt tears flowing out of their eyes . Spirits are very sensitive to each other's emotions since they emit magic imbued with it and surrounding spirits would naturally feel it .

Sadie comforted Skia and hugged her " It's okay everyone wanted to stop the world from being destroyed by that giant thing " " But I wanted to kill princess " Skia couldn't accept the hug while being guilty .

" It's okay a lot of you wanted to fight the one who was preventing you from leaving the spirit realm you wanted to save the world across . But I was the one who stopped you . Plus I already said that I forgive you and everyone who wanted to leave the spirit realm . "

Skia teared up more and hugged Sadie letting her tears drop to her shadow space " Thank you , Princess "


Bang was looking for Atryx and ran into Carnage " Carnage ? " Bang was taken up a surprise and looked at the spirits that were clinging to Carnage's tentacles " Good timing maybe I could use your help instead "

" For what ? " " I need help for an elemenium vein I can't bomb the whole place ... and I want to test a new spell " " Okay but test it somewhere else " the spirits on Carnage's tentacles got curious and asked .

" Big brother what's an elemenyum " Carnage patted the spirit " It's a nice rock that spirits use ... " " Basically you'll like it "

Carnage walked through the portal Bang asked the spirit realm to open to see a beautiful cave full of colors " Wow " ' There are even colors that aren't in RGB values ' " Wow they look so different "

" Hey Bang isn't these kinds of things the ones that could drive those who can't recognize these colors crazy ? " " Nah as long as you got special eyes you can see it if not then it will be something your eyes can look "

Carnage let the spirits leave his tentacles and started to mine out the elemenium by cutting the surrounding rocks " Hey Carnage help me with this spell " Carnage felt a little lazy but saw how destructive the spell was gonna be if he doesn't help .

" Whoa whoa whoa careful with that thing " he blinked in front of the spell and ate it . BOOM blood and flesh splattered out of Carnage some got into the spirits who wiped it out and were irritated because of how slimy it was .

" Bang you idiot that was a very dangerous bomb it even looks more explosive than the one you usually use in your old world "

A make-shift mouth was used to bring Carnage's body back together " Relax Carnage I can always trust the strongest hero to take on my spell " " As if you should be careful unless you wanna destroy your old world like before "

The spirits being sensitive to magic cold feel a change in Bang and Carnage when the words "old world" is mentioned " Big bro what is "old world" ? " Carnage looked at the spirits and realized his mistake .

" No , you don't want to hear about it " ' But we wanna " " I won't say anything about " " Tell us tell us " the spirit planned to start to throw a tantrum " You should just tell them it's not like they were afraid when they saw you explode to flesh pieces "

Carnage drop his hide whilst sighing " Fine but don't tell anyone I showed it to you " Carnage first made his nerve endings reach Bang's head and surrounded the nerves with bones then filled a few gaps with flesh .

It looked really bad since some of the bones are still exposed but to Carnage it was enough . He then gathered cells to form another eye and started to look for the memories before Bang's death .

" Okay all of you gather up this one is a long one and I don't want to replay it " Carnage counted the number of spirits and saw some extra but didn't mind " Okay so this is who Bang was before "

Carnage showed a memory of Bang by using the world he came from to make explaining easier " Now be quiet cause I don't want to make this again "

In a post-apocalyptic wasteland , Bang came out of a giant fortress after killing the last of the mutants " Finally I found it " " That's big brother Bang ? "

A spirit pointed at the strong and well-built old man comparing the two with Bang " Yes that's me I was a human before I became a spirit " " I'm not pausing it just so you know "

Bang arrived at the fortress walls and looked out " Tsk just that thing then this wasteland will have no more mutants and pesk " Bang took out a telescope and found a moving mount of flesh " Ahh it's big brother Carnage " " Wait that big thing was you ? "

Carnage slapped Bang at the back of his head " Of course not are you that gullible ? How did you even survive in a wasteland if you believe everything you heard " Bang rubbed the back of his head " Sorry you just look like that giant thing "

" Don't compare me with that gross thing " ... " Says you you haven't taken a bath for days just because you wanted to be a NEET and the young spirits would pull you out of your cave . You should be grateful they wanted to bring you out " Carnage turned his head leaving out an eye to continue the footage .

" What cave ? That is my house " " Your house has smoke , dust gathering up . Your lucky that some spirits don't have enough care about that condition and try to see you "

While the two were in a heated argument the footage of Bang's previous life continued " There you are accursed world ender " Bang smiled at it knowing he would destroy the one thing to end the dangerous wasteland " I got everything I need for your eternal sleep " Bang looked at the jet he loaded with chemicals .

" I just need this on my system to finish it " Bang climbed into the seat and started the jet . He flew above the walls looking at the monster as he get closer " This one's for the world " Bang had lost so much to the end of the world he had already moved on and walked alone .

And so he had already met the criteria even when he wanted to kill the world ender " But you know it will probably take millions of years before the first intelligent life comes " Bang sadly threw himself into the instructions of how to turn his body to a deadly bomb against the giant world ender .

He had done so many things to kill the world ender that he only wanted to kill the one thing that could end the world " Come on now " suddenly a mutant jumped out and ambushed his jet " What ? I thought only that thing and I was alive now ? " the jet was dragged down by a lot of mutants dragged his jet down " God dang it "

Bang looked angrily at the world ender who made some expressions but Bang could sense that it was happy because he lose " Yeah right don't think you won ... cause I'm turning this planet into a void " Bang had made an extra plan in case the explosion on the world ender didn't work .

He was going to start a bigger bomb ' If I do this then I would bring the end of this planet , but it will be so worth it if I know that you will die . ' Bang had amassed knowledge on the antimatter bomb which was the last thing he wanted to do .

Activating it from the core of the planet would be enough to annihilate the entire planet into nothing " God dang I was just gonna make it disappear from the world but now I have to end you including the planet " Bang sighed but smiled watching the mutants destroy the glass .

" Goodbye to ya'll " Bang gave them an appetizer knowing his plan would work pretty well . So his body exploded along with the jet creating a big explosion ' What foolish human thinking he would win against me '

Bang drifted to unconsciousness until he woke up in a mutant ' What is this ? ' He felt extremely light on one of the mutant bodies that were one of the reasons that he died ' That's my body ' He admired the cracked skeleton knowing that his bones managed to resist the acidic bomb .

' No wait this means it has only been a while since my death ' Bang looked at all the mutants and thought of the timer . He killed the mutants and looked at the slightly cracked and scratched mechanical clock .

" I don't know if can make another stronger bomb but at least I should stop it and try again " Bang didn't know why he was alive again but this time he figured that he might die again ... He needs to stop the bomb and wait for some years until he can beat the world ender .

He didn't realize that between the duration of his death he had subconsciously regained back all the knowledge of his life and also gained insight on how to properly set up a bomb against the world ender using his knowledge as they all fell to a pot creating more theories he could've made overtime . Which was why he knew he can't die if he wants to finish the world ender without destroying the world .

But sadly the truth was more painful he had miscalculated the time of the bomb exploding and watched the ground disappear ' Not again I died from my own attack ... what is wrong with me ' Bang felt like he lost but at least he knew the world ender died too .

" What ? " Bang looked at the land wondering what happened to the world ender and the mutants that was just far and around him . Everything was the same way the bomb didn't even explode or rather he thinks that the bomb didn't start at all .

He looked at his now spirit body and looked at the reflection of some dirty water to see a short spirit ' Hey I look like the weird toy I used to hug as a kid ' he stretched his body still having the profound knowledge of chemistry in his head ' I don't get why I know so much but maybe I can make life first ... though I wonder what this body is . '

Since Carnage and Bang were fighting the footage continued with Bang searching for chemicals to synthesize the first life after the death of the world ender " I got the spirits in the spirit realm but you hog an entire world for yourself and stay there with the words "I nearly destroyed it so I'm fixing it" "

So the footage showed Bang mixing chemicals to create the first cell life and then a full organism which took inspiration from the mutants he killed . It was terrifying but because he didn't give it a brain or at least someplace for a will to be carried the creature he made only stood still letting the cells provide for it .

" God darn it good thing there is a lot of research about instinct and behavior caused by chemical reactions " slowly Bang gave it the required components for it to feel and understand " Finally did it first sentient life " Bang quickly made more as he was revered as a god watching spirits reincarnate learning what he is .

The footage was shut off when Carnage and Bang's brawl was taken to the eye and squashed on Bang's back " Dang it Carnage my fur is messed up now " " Good cause that was the end of the previous world " the spirits started to talk to each other with two groups the spirits who lived in Bang's world and the spirit's who don't .


" Ugh " Skia wiped the last of her tears as Sadie cleans her body of the sadness-stained tears " It's okay I'm sure a lot wanted to change the past . Not sure if I told Kairos that but you know better let than never " Skia shook her body and hugged Sadie " Thank you for watching us " Sadie's eyes widened from surprise and smiled " Thank you for saying that . "

Atryx left them but was hit with a big gust " Gah " " Oh Atryx so you were with the princess " Atryx looked at the spirit in front of him and rubbed his eyes " What the hell ? " instead of a fluffy cute spirit an adult human wearing shades was standing in front of him .

" RONDO ??? " the human in front of him was also a spirit only that his form was form invested to perform in a body he is used to " That's right I have come here to play " ' This man is crazy he would go seeking death and had already died twice '

Rondo is a musician who came from the peaceful countryside . He loves the animals' tweet and nature's soft rustle . Until he went to the city where he hears the wind blow like a raging flute but all he thought was ' What a beautiful sound '

He played until the storm passed and would keep on playing according to the disaster that struck . Until he died during an earthquake as a building buried him .

In the middle of his trance , he was dragged to the spirit realm where he kept playing as he searches for more disasters .

" Rondo , why are you here ? " " To play did I not say that ? " " Are you saying there is gonna be a disaster ? " " Why else would I be here then ? " Sadie laughs looking at the exchange between the furball and tall human .

" Oh princess I've been looking for you " Rondo bowed dodging Atryx's rare physical attack " Why are you only looking for the princess now ? " Atryx gripped Rondo's collar yelling at him " Isn't it because I wanted to visit a disaster that was the reason for most of my visit to the spirit realm . "

" Why can't you just stay in Bang's world instead " " I would but you know he isn't going to set up that anti-matter bomb at our world at all since he has been busy trying to defy the laws of energy that can't be created "

" I don't care about that why don't you go somewhere that isn't near princess you going from place to place would mean you are looking for the biggest disaster do you have any idea how chaotic the fields and regions have been when you went there ? "

" Hahaha of course I know , but it's not my fault in the first place I went there to play along with the disaster to record the music " ' Dang it this guy drives a good reason Kairos never cared where Rondo goes because he knew that Rondo served as a warning , not a magnet '

" So can you please let go ? " " Darn lucky bastard " Atryx dropped down to the ground complaining in his mind ' Hm his mind is a mess if only I can hear his thoughts I'd be able to make more pieces . '

Rondo sighs and looks at Sadie " Don't worry you can stay I know there would be problems even for those who don't make them " Rondo smiles walking through the forest to make a residence " Well princess I wander what kind of disaster would come to the spirit realm . "

Rondo walks to through the path with a happy smile deciding what kind of instrument he is going to use .