
Chapter 2 September 2002

I just moved again i was starting college I was excited because now I had full control of what I wanted when I left school I wanted to run my own business so I took up a multi course of business, mechanics and leisure and tourism.

on enrollment day, I met some new friends one of which I went to school with 10 years prior.

I was at my enrollment where we had to get our id cards and sit in front of a computer to do our tests to see what level we were at.

afterwards we walked around the campus to get familiar with it, I saw this guy who was smoking outside the main campus building who asked if I wanted him to show me around, I said yes. but

in a weird way he looked like someone I knew but I couldn't put my finger on it, but he was very forward like saying things like we should find somewhere to go and kill the boredom.

he made me laugh that he grew on me, I started dating him, the fact he could make me laugh was a big thing for me.

things was going good I was doing good in college, I spent most of my free time with the girls from college and David.

though at home I met some friends who we used to go drink throw parties and smoke weed I was slowly learning about the changes in my life wasn't any good.

anyway David wanted to get serious by the time I met his parents I found out he had a brother "Mike!!!.

when David found out about that, he started becoming more serious and argumentative the jealousy was slowing showing its self.