
Chapter 1 - Soul Fusion

 In a messy room localizated in the suburbs of New York lived an teenager, his name was Peter Parker, Peter was pretty much like every other normal teenager of his age, he liked playing games, having fun with his only two closed friends and constructing strange devices devolepted with the help of his brillitant mind with cheap junk he could find on the recicling deposit of his neighborhood, yeah... just like every normal teenager would do.

Or at least it should had been that way, but unluckly for Peter the universe had others plans for him.

 After he went on an school trip to the Oscorp Industries he was somehow bitten by an radioactive spider wich modified his body throught the night when he was sleeping, during that process Peter's soul was shatered and fused with a lost soul that was just passing by his place.

That lost soul passing by his place was John, an recent gradueted mechanical enginneer in his late twentys who died after suffering an alcoolic overdose in a party wich was made to celebrate his new job.

 After passing throught both body modification and soul fusion, Peter was now laying down in the ceeling of his room, just right above his bed, during the process that his body went by he somehow ended up there.



"Get up and come to eat the breakfeast or you'll be late to school!" A womam banged his room's door while shouting, trying to wake up Peter.

 In that moment, Peter slowly opened his eyes as he tried to wake up .


 Apart from the feeling of pain that was going all over his body, he was little confused by what he was seeing.

"Where am I? Why is there a bed and a table in my ceeling?"


"Peter! Wake up!!"

 Before he could even have time to process what was happening, he heard someone knocking on his door and shouting his name again.

 It was his aunt, he knew that his current situation was everything but normal, so he rapdly answered his aunt, or else she could probably think that something was wrong with him and enter into his room, and he didn't want she seeing him being 'glued' to the ceeling.

"I'm awake! I awake aunt May! I'll just change my clothes and I'll go down!"

After hearing him shouting aunt May slowly went down stairs while also shouting back to him.

"Ok, but don't waste to much time changing yourself or you'll be late!" 

 Listening his aunt steps as she went down stairs Peter frowed his eyes, as an immense pain begun to take place in his head and together with it an immense quantity of memories started to flow into his head.

"Ugh... shit, what is happening to me!? whose memoryes are those?!"

 Peter didn't know what was happening to him, after coming back from the School trip to the Oscorp Industries everything went blank.

 Then when he waked up to his aunt voice a set of strange memories of someone named John started to flow into his head wich lead him into experiencing an immense pain as those memories started to merge with his own!

 After just a few seconds that seemed to be an eternety for Peter, the memories of John finally emerged with his own memories.

 But he couldn't be certain if it was the memories of John that merged with the memories of Peter Parker or if it was the reverse that happened.

 He wasn't sure of what really happened, he was now in an strange state where he couldn't tell if he still was Peter Parker or if he was someone else named John.

 He felt that he was now a completly diferent and new entity, an amalgamation of both Peter Parker and John.

 What he had now was the experiences of life of two persons in one body, but he also felled that somehow John's life experience had an certain advantage over Peter's life, because comparing the two lifes, Peter's life experience who was in his earlys teens couldn't compare to John's life experience who was in his late twenty's.

When he was still trying to process and discover what he was or who he really was now, a strange robotic voice sounded inside his head atrapalhando his thought process.

[Initializing the Instalation of Spiderman's Simulation System]

 "Spiderman's Simulation System... what's that? I feel like I know it from somewhere"

 After he heard what the voice inside his head sayed, Peter tried to remember from where he had heard that word before.

"Wait... wasn't Spiderman a comic book/movie hero from marvel!?"

 Peter knew that this was an information coming from the memories of John.

"Peter Parker... wait, was not it the real name of that marvel hero?!"

 He had finally found an answer for some of his questions, and if what he was found was right, his situation could become even more unreal than it already is.

 Even tought John was not an fan or an entuasiastic about the fictional world revolving around heroes he still could find a thing or two about marvel and spiderman, beacause at the time that John was finishing his degree the films and series revolving around them were a trending topic in his friends group.

 This Peter Parker from the memories of John, that were now his, looked exactly the same as him!

 He tought that this could only be a coincidence, but looking throught his new memories he found that the informations about that Peter Parker was almost the same as his!

 One thing that Peter could be sure was that if this Peter Parker, the Spiderman from marvel was really him... his current world would definitely become much more dangerous than it already was! 

Not only he would have to be awere of the normal criminals, he would also need to be awere of the superpowered criminals and even aliens!

 The only good thing of all thoose events would be that if he really was the same as the Peter Parker from his memories the Spiderman, a strong being with reflexes that could even dodge bullets, he would be capable of protecting himself and those ones he loves from anything that could be coming in the future.

 Has Peter was lost in his thoughts the robotic voice in his head continued.






[Binding complete!]

 As soon as the voice stoped, Peter who was laying on the ceeling felt his vision going blank as he fell into the bed bellow him.

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