
Chapter 9: Battle of New York (3)

Barry avidly observed the unfolding spectacle, his gaze fixated on the screen as a surge of exhilaration coursed through him.

The sight of valiant heroes rising to the occasion, bravely confronting an overwhelming extraterrestrial army, stirred a myriad of emotions within him.

The unfolding scene resembled a cinematic masterpiece playing out in real life, each moment charged with excitement. 


Barry found himself unable to resist the allure of envisioning himself as one of these valiant heroes, immersed in the thrilling battle to safeguard and rescue the world.

For a child like Barry, the prospect of becoming one of these heroes felt like a dream realized.

The idea of possessing extraordinary power and strength, experiencing the profound sense of security it could provide, and relishing the freedom that came with it, ignited his imagination with boundless possibilities.

"If only I had this power back then..."

In a muted murmur, Barry let out a sigh of dejection, wary of the possibility that his Aunt and Uncle might catch wind of his expression. He understood that any such revelation would likely lead to a cascade of headaches and unwanted attention.

Nevertheless, Barry couldn't help but indulge in the fantasy of being a formidable force and rescuing his parents from the tragic incident that had unfolded in the past. 

Regrettably, the harsh truth of reality crashed down on him, bringing with it a wave of melancholy and a sense of profound sadness.

Meanwhile, Aunt May and Uncle Ben stood in stark contrast, harboring a sense of anxiety about the uncertain future. 

Unlike Barry, they lacked the carefree innocence of a child, their concerns rooted in the weightier responsibilities that adulthood brought with it.

And unable to shake the weight of impending uncertainties, Aunt May and Uncle Ben found their thoughts consumed by the potential dangers awaiting them. The awareness of hostile beings lurking in the vastness of space cast a shadow of concern over their contemplative minds.

One could only feel paranoid and fearful...

Yet, a modicum of solace settled in as they acknowledged the existence of superheroes who courageously confront the imminent danger, standing as stalwart guardians and ensuring a semblance of peace for them.


Barry's eyes suddenly sparkled like stars, brimming with awe and amazement as he witnessed Thor on the screen lighting up the Chitauri soldiers and Leviathans with a prowess that resembled an absolute force of nature.

The opposing forces were rendered utterly defenseless, unable to mount any resistance as they were swiftly and completely obliterated, reduced to nothing more than ashes in an instant.

Not to be outdone, Iron Man soared into a Leviathan through its gaping mouth and triggered a powerful explosion from within, showering the streets with charred remains as a testament to the ferocity of the attack.

Additionally, Black Canary performed admirably by swiftly neutralizing any buildings teetering on the brink of collapse due to structural damage, her resonant voice proving to be a powerful tool in averting potential disasters.

And in a remarkable display of prowess, she even managed to dispatch a Leviathan in passing, her voice proving so destructive that it resulted in an almost instantaneous kill.

Certainly, Barry couldn't overlook the most devastating force among them all—Hulk. His rampage caused more destruction than all the Leviathans combined, leaving Barry uncertain whether it was a commendable effort or not.

Among the group, these four individuals wielded a more formidable presence on the battlefield in his eyes, owing to their immense destructive power and strength.

Naturally, Barry didn't just solely focus on the four powerhouses; he also observed those who were more inclined towards supporting or saving lives rather than inflicting harm.

Among them was Hawkeye, serving as the eyes of the team. His role was just as pivotal as any other member, contributing significantly to their collective efforts.

His archery prowess seemed almost supernatural, leading Barry to ponder whether Hawkeye possessed some extraordinary abilities linked to his eyes.

Finally, the trio of heroes—Captain America, Green Arrow, and Black Widow—rescued numerous people, surpassing the count of Chitauri enemies slain by Hulk. This achievement spoke volumes, especially given Hulk's destructive power and strength. 

"T-They're amazing!"

Barry couldn't contain his excitement as he exclaimed at the stunning scene unfolding before him. Even Aunt May and Uncle Ben couldn't help but be equally impressed by the heroic efforts displayed on the screen.

"Alert! Warning!"

The room was suddenly filled with a blaring alert, emanating both from the television and their phones. This unexpected interruption startled everyone present, diverting their attention from the captivating scene on the screen.

"Breaking news: A nuclear missile is headed towards the island of Manhattan"


Upon hearing the news, their eyes widened in shock, and Aunt May and Uncle Ben couldn't hide their disgust at the government's decision to launch a missile at a city teeming with innocent people.

After all, as far as they knew, they were the only ones with the authority to authorize a strike of such magnitude.

Even Barry frowned and felt dissatisfied by their choice.

And it was going well for the team of superheroes, for the most part anyway but there was still hope for them to achieve victory without having to resort to such a desperate measure.

Have they not considered how many innocents will die?

Even the superheroes will become collateral damage due to their decision.

It's as if, they don't even care if they perish.


Barry muttered, having lost a big chunk of his trust in the government or more appropriately the higher-ups within the organization since they were the ones who had decided upon it.

It was then, that a shout from the live footage caught their attention, redirecting their focus back to the screen.

"Look! It's Iron Man and... he has the nuclear missile on him?!"

Gobsmacked at the bravery of Tony Stark, they watched as he carried the nuclear missile on his back while cruising around the streets of New York City.

Was he not afraid of it accidentally blowing up?

That was a nuclear missile for Christ's sake, an explosion of such caliber would decimate him in an instant.

If it were him, could he do the same?

Barry wasn't sure, but witnessing Iron Man's daring act increased his respect for him, elevating him to a newfound level of admiration as he wanted to be just like him.

While lost in his thoughts, Barry was jolted back to reality by the shouts of Aunt May and Uncle Ben, who were now fixated on the screen with a mixture of anxiety and respect in their eyes.

Barry's curiosity peaked, and he redirected his attention to the screen, witnessing Iron Man's fearless flight into the wormhole with the nuclear missile still strapped to his back.


Barry experienced a whirlwind of emotions, ranging from shock and worry to anxiety.

His newfound admiration for Iron Man quickly turned into fear as he worried that he might never witness the superhero in action again.

But Barry's worry turned out to be in vain as they soon watched Iron Man emerge from the wormhole, victorious though not before blowing up whatever was on the other side with the nuclear missile before it permanently closed.

"H-He did it!!"


The trio, caught in the wave of excitement and relief, stood up from their seats, sharing the joyous moment as they witnessed Iron Man's triumphant return.

"With great power, comes great responsibility..."

Uncle Ben couldn't help but mutter those words, finding them appropriate to what these heroes were doing, and Barry happened to hear him as the words seemed to resonate with his heart.

'With great power... comes great responsibility'

The quote kept echoing inside Barry's mind, seemingly finding it impossible to fade away the words from his thoughts somehow.

It was as if these words had become a part of him now.

Little did Barry realize that those words, spoken by Uncle Ben in a moment of passing thought, would serve as a guiding light, steering him towards a destiny far greater than he could fathom.

A little tired... from school.

ChronosXxcreators' thoughts
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