
Chapter 139

Gecko was approximately only around 2.45 meters tall, taller and more robust than an average human. While he could handle three or four Lizard People warriors at once, he was no match for Monitor.

As for the weakest among the three, Gila, she was actually similar to an ordinary Lizard People warrior. Standing at about 1.8 meters tall, her body showed no prominent muscular structure. Her sole advantage was her well-developed brain, capable of emitting a special wave to summon other lizards to her side.

The ability to call upon lizards allowed the population to grow to thousands within a few months, despite the routine casualties from combat. Gecko, lacking intelligence, couldn't grasp this, but Monitor, slightly smarter, understood that their community could lack him or Gecko but not two individuals: "Father," the Lizard Doctor who created them, and "sister" Gila! So, he consistently protected Gila to prevent her from harm.

However, this wasn't out of sibling affection—in fact, they didn't belong to the same lizard species; their simultaneous birth was a mere coincidence.

Crash! Just as Gecko was on the verge of suffocation, Monitor finally released him. The former swung his tail, smashing Gecko against the nearby wall with a thunderous sound. Ignoring him, Monitor extended his tail to Gila: "My dear sister, come up."

Gila looked at her brother and obediently reached out her hand. Her naive nature led her to believe that her brother genuinely cared for her, and his previous reprimands were just tough love.

Guided by Monitor, the three siblings, once again, resumed their harmonious atmosphere as if the preceding events never occurred.


At this moment, there was a lizard person watching an empty space and lamenting the lack of resilience.

This lizard person was named Boroz. He was a member of the lizard kingdom lurking beneath New York and, compared to Monitor and Gecko, he was even more brutal!

Although he was born (mutated) a bit later than Monitor's trio, perhaps due to consuming more mutation potions or other reasons, his strength was comparable to Monitor's.

To avoid detection by humans when their power was weak, Monitor commanded all lizard people to either catch mice and cockroaches in the sewers or fish in the sea.

New York, surrounded on three sides by the ocean, had a sewer network connected to the seas on all three sides. Since lizards were adept swimmers, catching fish in the sea was not difficult for them.

Most lizard people, guided by Monitor, and with the help of Gila, who hoped for peaceful coexistence with humans, tended to be "rational."

But exceptions always existed.

Boroz was the unexpected factor in this equation.

Compared to Monitor, who understood restraint and development, Boroz was more impulsive.

One night not long ago, a homeless man unfortunately fell into the river and drowned. Boroz and other lizard people happened to be present.

Most lizard people adhered to Monitor's principle of avoiding contact, but Boroz decided to take a bite.

That bite seemed to open up a new world for him.

Compared to the mice, cockroaches, and the fish with a strong fishy smell, humans appeared so delicious.

While others weren't paying attention, Boroz dragged the unfortunate homeless man's body to a cave on the outskirts of the city, near the coast, and hid it there. He enjoyed several hearty meals.

Unfortunately, the good times didn't last.

The homeless man didn't have much meat on him to begin with, and after removing the bones, there were only a few dozen pounds left. Considering Boroz's large appetite, it didn't take long for him to finish it.

Having tasted the delicacy, Boroz found it hard to settle for mice and sea fish again.

He once again turned his attention to humans.

Unfortunately, New York had deaths every day, but the chances of a deceased person falling into his mouth were extremely slim.

Several days later, unable to endure any longer, Boroz decided to take a risk.

He called a few lizard people who had tasted the deliciousness of a homeless man's fingers and, capitalizing on their desire for human flesh, formed a group.

Then, under the cover of night, they successfully caught a couple who were having a secret meeting by the seaside rocks.

These two individuals had sneaked to the seaside rocks late at night, seeking some excitement. Little did they know they would encounter something so thrilling, almost wetting themselves on the spot.

Luckily, the man proved reliable. Seizing the opportunity when Boroz and the others weren't paying attention, he knocked down one lizard person and managed to escape.

During the capture, he overheard the conversation among Boroz and the lizard people, learning that their human-catching activities were a secret operation that couldn't be revealed to the outside world. (Don't ask why lizard people can speak English; in the original story, they just do.)

So, after escaping a distance, he loudly threatened to report and have the military come to eliminate the lizard people here.

This made Boroz and the other lizard people panic.

Helpless, Boroz had to leave one lizard person to guard the still unconscious girl, taking the remaining three lizard people to chase down the man.

The incident occurred near the coastline, more than ten kilometers from where Mark was currently at the Research Institute.

Mark only just noticed the situation here.

At this moment, the brave man was already sandwiched between two lizard people.

These not fully evolved lizard people had individual strength comparable to a normal adult male.

Perhaps he could try his luck in a one-on-one situation, but facing a two-on-one situation, the chances of victory for an ordinary person who hadn't learned combat were almost zero.

Seeing this situation, Mark raised an eyebrow.

He turned to look at Spider-94, "Hey, Spider-Man."

Spider-94 was focused on watching Dr. Connors adjust the gene bomb, feeling like he had learned a lot.

Upon hearing Mark's words, he immediately turned around, "What's up, Mr. Mark?"

"There's an emergency, and I think we need you to make a trip."

Saying this, Mark opened a portal beneath Spider-94's feet.

"What?" Spider-94 hadn't reacted yet when his body fell through the portal.

"Gwen, do you want to go too?" Mark didn't immediately close the portal but turned to ask Gwen.

Gwen was originally a bit restless.

But soon, she caught a whiff of the unpleasant odor from the sewers coming from the other end of the portal.

This instantly gave her a rather unpleasant experience.

She thought about the fact that they couldn't reveal their identities and couldn't operate in Spider-Man costumes.

She immediately shook her head, "No, I've changed my mind."

Mark chuckled, "Then let's watch the live broadcast. Hey, our on-site host, Mr. Spider-Man, can you please describe the situation on your end?"

Mark closed the portal, but his voice was transmitted very clearly to Spider-94 over the ten-kilometer distance.

At the same time, Spider-94 landed in front of the man.

He quickly knocked down two lizard people who were approaching him. "Wow, sir, how are you talking to me? Where are you? I don't seem to have a camera or remote communication device on me."

Mark laughed, "That's my ability. Can you help us with the live broadcast?"

"Sure, this way is quite novel. But, I like this feeling. You know, besides being a photographer, sometimes I want to be a broadcaster, just like now," Spider-94 said, flipping over two lizard people he had knocked out while talking. "Wow! They really look exactly like Lizard, just like the Lizard. This is too unbelievable!"

"Hey, are you Spider-Man?" a shaky voice came from behind.

Spider-94 stopped and turned around, "Hey, buddy, I'm Spider-Man, I'm not a bad guy."

The man looked at Spider-94 with complex eyes, "I know, I know, I'm sorry. I always thought you were a bad guy, but now I know I was wrong. They were all wrong. You're a hero!"

Spider-94 scratched his head and smiled shyly, "It's not that great."

The man's expression changed, somewhat urgent, "By the way, there are two more lizard monsters chasing me, and Nora is still in their hands."

"Two more?" Spider-94 nodded, "Also, who is Nora?"

The man said, "I'm Radd, Nora is my girlfriend. We came to the beach together but were captured by these monsters. I escaped, attracted the attention of these lizard people, but Nora is still unconscious."

Radd was obviously very worried about his girlfriend, so his tone was quite urgent.

Spider-94 quickly pressed his shoulder, "Don't worry, Radd, Nora will be fine. Sir, can you help me find Nora's location?"

The last sentence was directed at Mark.

Mark directly transmitted the nearby map he had explored into Spider-94's mind, feeling like a mini-map in a game.

"Wow, it's amazing, sir!" Spider-94 praised loudly.

"Who are you talking to?" Radd looked at Spider-94 with a strange look, suddenly doubting whether his idea of Spider-Man being a hero was too hasty.

"Uh, I'm talking to the most amazing hero in the world!" Spider-94 explained, "Sir, how about you send him out first? Just like how you sent me here."


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