
Chapter 51: Waking Up in a Coffin?

After enduring Aunt May's intense interrogation, Peter lay on the bed, exhausted both physically and mentally. 

It turned out that Peter had mistaken the timing himself.

Aunt May was originally supposed to be away for a day on Saturday this week, but to spend the weekend with Peter, she swapped shifts with her colleagues, moving her day off to the following Monday.

She had mentioned this.

However, Peter was too preoccupied thinking about Toomes' weapon workshop to listen to Aunt May's words carefully.

As a result, when Aunt May returned home this afternoon, she waited for him at the restaurant for two hours during dinner time and called him countless times, but he didn't receive any of the calls!

Before setting out, he had left his phone and schoolbag at home to prevent them from getting damaged in the battle.

He had been using the communication device built into his suit ever since.

The communication device utilizes Stark Industries' communication satellites and doesn't require dialing like a regular mobile phone.

Left with no choice, Peter could only use the excuse of his Stark internship project.

Strictly speaking, it wasn't an outright lie to Aunt May.

The two items he had submitted to Tony Stark a week ago were actually being produced by companies under Stark Industries, and according to Tony Stark himself, Peter was expected to receive his first dividend payment in a month.

Originally, Peter had planned to treat this as a surprise and show it to Aunt May once the revenue came in.

But now, to get through this situation, he had no choice but to reveal it first.

Fortunately, after getting through this, he just needed to talk to Tony Stark tomorrow. Oh no, he probably wouldn't care about the small-time Spider-Man, right?

No, that's not right. Tonight, he had captured Toomes and destroyed his weapon workshop.

The secret service had been searching for them for several months but couldn't find them. It only took Peter a week. This should be enough to prove his ability, right?

Peter lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

Before going to sleep, he glanced at the glowing spider-web in his mind.

This had become his bedtime ritual ever since he acquired it.

However, for the past week, it had been in blackness.

But now, Peter discovered that it was lit!

There was an extra point of light.

Peter was delighted.

Because he knew that this meant a new world had appeared!

And he would also be able to merge with a new Spider-Man and experience a new life!

When Peter's consciousness moved to this point of light, the number of the newly emerged world appeared on it:


"Why is there a B?" Peter thought doubtfully.

After pondering for a while, unable to figure it out, he temporarily put the idea aside.

Now that it had appeared, let's go and take a look!


"What? Where is this?"

Peter opened his eyes and found a dark winter scene in front of him.

And the air around seemed very thin.

After Peter reached out and fumbled a few times, he was fairly certain that he should be in a sealed container.

The container was square-shaped, like a coffin?

Peter was startled by this idea.

Was the Spider-Man of this world dead?

And had he been resurrected in the body of this world's Spider-Man?

There was another discovery that made him even more certain of this.

When he had previously merged with Noir Spider-Man and the Amazing Spider-Man, he would quickly obtain some of their memory fragments, allowing him to better adapt to his new identity.

But this time, he didn't get any memory fragments.

Now he was Peter with the body of another Spider-Man.

Or a corpse?

So now, I don't look like my face is full of maggots, right?

An image of his own face appeared in Peter's mind, covered with rotting flesh. When he grinned, his cheeks fell down; when he blinked, his eyeballs fell out of their sockets, and then a maggot poked out of his body, twisted a little, as if waving at him.


Peter shuddered and began to consider whether to go out and continue his adventure in this world.

At this moment, he vaguely heard someone talking.

Because he was buried underground and in a coffin, and this body seemed to have lost its physical functions for some time, it looked relatively weak.

This resulted in the sounds he heard being soft and intermittent.

Fortunately, the surroundings were very quiet, and if you listened carefully, you could still hear something.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Parker, the one you gave me. I may have broken it."

"I also want to comply but I'm sorry. I'm not sure."

"Without you, I can't do it alone!"

The voice of the man outside sounded very immature, almost like Peter himself in the main universe.

Obviously, this kid knew the Spider-Man of this world.

And, from his mouth, Peter learned that the Spider-Man in this world was also called Peter Parker!

Thinking about it, Peter reached out and touched his face.

The skin was a bit dry, which may have been caused by dehydration and microbial decomposition after being placed in a coffin for a period of time.

Fortunately, it wasn't what he had thought.

It seemed that Spider-Man's death shouldn't have been very long ago.

Peter felt relieved.

Moreover, he also discovered something.

Judging from the texture of the skin, this Spider-Man was obviously not old, so he did not die of old age but died young for some reason.

He decided to go out and take a look.

Not just for the kid who said at Spider-Man's grave, "I couldn't do it without you," but for Aunt May.

Every Spider-Man he knew so far seemed to have an Aunt May.

He couldn't imagine how much harm the death of Spider-Man in this world would cause to Aunt May in this world.

If possible, he would like to help this Spider-Man, even if it was just to do something for her.

Perhaps, they could also take revenge on behalf of this Spider-Man.

In this way, it would not be in vain for him to come here.

Thinking about this, Peter began to push hard on the coffin lid.

But this body had lost its functions for a long time. He was able to raise his hands because Spider-Man's own physical fitness was strong enough.

However, to push the coffin that was covered with a thick layer of soil, he was afraid -

When Peter was trying hard to lift up the coffin lid, some changes happened outside.

The person speaking to the tombstone was a little black kid.

He was wearing a cheap spider suit he had bought from a store and was talking with a frustrated expression on his face.

At this time, a tall figure landed behind him and quietly approached him.

"Hey," when he came behind the little black kid, the tall figure stretched out a hand, put it on the kid's shoulder, and said simultaneously.

The little black kid was startled, suddenly dropping his hood and turning around at the same time.


current burst out from his body.


The tall figure screamed and flew out.

However, before he flew out, a thread of spider silk shot out of his hand and stuck to the little black kid.

(End of Chapter)

INFO ABOUT PETER PARKER (Earth-1610B) [you can skip]

INFO ABOUT PETER PARKER (Earth-1610B) [you can skip]

INFO ABOUT PETER PARKER (Earth-1610B) [you can skip]


Peter Benjamin Parker was born in December 1991, and, as he grew up in Queens, New York City developed a close relationship with his aunt May Parker and uncle Ben Parker. In 2007, at the age of 16, he was bitten by a radioactive spider, and gained super-strength, durability, and the power to stick to walls. After losing Ben, he developed special wrist-mounted web-shooters and, using his superhuman abilities, became the superhero known as "Spider-Man".

Career as Spider-Man:

As Spider-Man, he operated in New York City for eleven years, became a celebrity of sorts due to his heroics and the hope he inspired in people. Though his true identity was not known, Spider-Man had merchandise, food, and even a Christmas album in his name and image. Using powerful gadgets and working with his Aunt May, he protected the city from several dangerous villains, including the Kingpin, the Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, and the Prowler.

As Peter Parker, he fell in love with the kind and supportive Mary Jane Watson, and eventually married her. He became cocky and humorous, loved the thrill of being Spider-Man and inspiring people, but Peter never lost sight of his true goal of being a hero and protecting New York from the threats that might destroy it, making him a brave, noble, and determined superhero.

Battle for Kingpin's Collider:

In 2018, the Kingpin allied himself with Alchemax to create a Super-Collider to open up the multiverse and abduct a version of his deceased wife and son. Spider-Man learned of this and arrived in Kingpin's underground Brooklyn lair to stop the collider, knowing it could destroy New York, but he was stopped by the Green Goblin, and the two engaged in battle. While fighting the Goblin, Peter noticed Miles Morales, a teenaged bystander who had wandered into Kingpin's lair from the subway, and took him to safety. Once they were both safe, Peter's spider-sense told him that he had been bitten by a similar spider to Peter's, and was developing similar powers. Peter offered to teach Miles to be a superhero before he was attacked by the Prowler and held captive by the Goblin.

Soon after, the Kingpin arrived and the Super-Collider was activated, blasting an energy beam at a box with Kingpin's wife and son's DNA inside. Spider-Man and the Goblin continued to battle, resulting in the Goblin shoving Peter into the energy, causing it to pull five other similarly powered individuals from across the multiverse into Peter's native dimension. This overloaded the collider and caused it to explode, killing the Goblin and mortally wounding Spider-Man.

Miles approached the dying Peter, who handed him the USB stick he had planned to use to shut down the collider, and made him promise to do it for him. Miles ran and hid, and the Kingpin and the Prowler approached Peter. When Peter told Kingpin the stakes of his quest, and that he couldn't bring back his family, Kingpin smashed Spider-Man with his fists, killing him instantly.


Spider-Man's body was found and unmasked, believed to have been killed by the collider's explosion, which was thought to be an earthquake. The news of his death and true identity broke to the city later that night, resulting in a movement of respect and heroism across the city, including a moving eulogy at a public funeral by Mary Jane.

Peter's words and heroism also inspired Miles to try and be his own hero. With the help of one of the extra-dimensional spider-heroes, Peter B. Parker, he eventually took up the mantle of Spider-Man and become his successor. This alternate Peter also was forced to relearn his ideals of power and responsibility, making him a much stronger person. All of this allowed Miles and the extra-dimensional spider heroes to shut down the collider and defeat the Kingpin, saving the city. Miles then became Spider-Man proper, becoming the resident superhero of Brooklyn, ensuring Peter Parker's legacy of virtue and heroism still going strong even after his demise.

While investigating the collider incident, Miguel O'Hara, the Spider-Man of Earth-928B, discovered that the anomalies created by it threatened the entire multiverse, including the fact that the radioactive spider that gave Miles his powers wasn't from his native dimension, and that it making him Spider-Man disrupted the entire timeline. Miguel deduced that if Miles hadn't been bitten by the spider, Peter would have survived and shut down the collider, preventing the fracturing of the multiverse in the first place, and so developed a rivalry with Miles in the year 2020, blaming him for the entire catastrophe, as well as Peter's death.


Peter Parker was at his prime of being Spider-Man. He was optimistic, humorous and kind-hearted. He immediately took Morales under his wing moments after discovering he had spider-powers, sacrificed himself in an attempt to stop Kingpin, and spent his last moments teaching Miles the fundamentals of being Spider-Man to prepare him.


1. Spider Physiology:

Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider and he gained the proportionate physical abilities of a spider. He had 11 years of experience.

2. Spider-Sense:

Peter's Spider-Sense alerts him to danger as well as the presence of those like him. It not only alerts him of danger to himself but of danger to anyone or anything in general, this was showcased when he sensed Miles in danger from far away. He also has very quick reflexes, as he was able to dodge most of Prowler's attacks.


1. Expert Scientist: According to the song "Spidey-Bells," Peter has a degree in chemical engineering.

2. Genius-Level Intellect: Peter was able to make an override key to shut down Kingpin's collider all by himself, he also predicted the possibility of a black hole opening up under Brooklyn due to side effects of the collider, days before Olivia Octavius, the head scientist of Kingpin's project did. He was the first one to realize, way before any Alchemax scientist did, that how catastrophic the consequences of running the collider would be.

3. Master Combatant: Peter is a very skilled fighter. He was able to knock out Green Goblin in less than a minute and fare pretty well against Prowler despite both his hands being engaged with the fragile override key.

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