
Studying, Studying, Studying...



Hello dear viewers, long time no see. I have been absent for more than 2 years due to personal issues during covid and starting college/university. I am thankful to all of you for your support of this project. I would like to announce that I just got back to posting fan-fics and it is about anime/manga - Blue Lock. The name of the series is "What If Nagi Had The Biggest Ego" and it will be coming out in 2 formats, text, and video. Episode 1 is already out in the text version. The trailer is up on my YouTube channel.

Video versions of the "What If Nagi Had The Biggest Ego" episodes will be released on Fridays weekly, starting on the 7th of April!!!

Check out the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km49ThwYyzc

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCevBY7JxEuKmd-g_G5JDOig

Help us to get to 1K subs by May, and we will be doing this full-time ;)

Thanks a lot for supporting this story. This is a text fan-fic version of our project. We will also have different videos and discussions coming out about Blue Lock and other shows.


A few weeks passed, Flash did not recover from his injury yet, while his friends stopped bullying Peter and other students because of what happened a few weeks ago.

This allowed Peter to finally focus on his self-education and upcoming tests. He started going to the library regularly, as he had lots of things to read about. He spends about 4 hours there each day, as he knew that he had limited time till he gets his powers.

(3 weeks later)

Peter had his first test at the end of February. It was a physics test, he enjoyed studying this subject, since there were lots of ways in which he could have applied it to his future ideas, like a web - shooter.

He got the result on the next day… it was an A*, he got the second-best result in the class, but it did not bother him, as he was very happy at the time.

A week after, he got his results for Chemistry and Biology tests, where he got identical results, but was still the second in a class. So, although he was very happy about his results, he was wondering who got the best result in the class.

He asked his teacher and it turned out that it was Gwen Stacy. Peter had a talk to her later that day during the launch break. She was sitting alone on the table, so he thought that it is the best chance to introduce himself. He was excited, as she was one of his favorite female characters from comics. She had beautiful blue eyes and straight blonde hair.

"Hi, my name is Peter" he said shyly after he sat in front of her.

"Hi, I am Gwen, Gwen Stacy. Nice to meet you Peter…"


"Peter Parker, sure, flew out of my head. Don't we have science classes together?"

"Yeah, we do"

After an awkward pause, Peter asked:

"How are you? You look a little sad"

"Nevermind, it is just because of ..."

Suddenly, someone from Peter's back interrupted her:

"Peter, do not even bother trying, she is clearly out of your league" someone said angrily.

It was Flash. He was very jealous as Gwen rejected him just a few weeks ago.

Peter was furious deep inside. Flash made him and Gwen feel awkward in front of everyone in the middle of a dining hall. But he remembered Uncle Ben's advice and did not want to upset him. Peter controlled his emotions and responded to Flash:

"Do not judge others by yourself. Just leave if you do not want to get humiliated in front of everyone once again. I and Gwen are having a great time without you and your useless advice" said Peter calmly and confidently.

It was clearly seen that Flash tried to provoke Peter for another fight to restore his reputation in front of his friends, but it did not work this time. So, he just left the dining hall.

"I am sorry for this, Gwen. I just cannot stand people like him"

"Do not worry. Nobody in the school likes Flash and his group of friends. They always hurt and frighten others because they find it fun and think that nobody can stop them. It is cool that you defended yourself, but I think you just went a bit too far when you fought"

"Yeah... I just wanted to show him that he should not bully me and other students anymore. I agree that I went too far, but I am learning to control my emotions" said Peter awkwardly.

"I can tell. Everyone including me saw how you fight and I am sure you would have beaten him today easily, but you choose not to" she said surprisingly.

"Yeah, I guess I am not like him... Anyway, let's switch to another topic..."

Peter and Gwen continued talking till the end of the break, it turned out that they have several things in common as both of them enjoyed studying science and watching movies. She even gave her number to Peter. He was insanely happy as she was as nice in real life as in comics and movies.


Author's thoughts: Hi to all of my readers, I am very happy that my new fan fiction already has so many viewers. Thanks to all of you! I decided that I will publish at least 1 chapter a day. For now, I just want to answer some frequently asked questions, and I will do this once in a few chapters.

Is this comic or movie universe?

Because each universe has lots of fans I decided that the actions of my story will happen in a unique, parallel universe. It means that there will be elements from both comic and cinematic universes. That is why you can notice Black Widow's poster in Peter's room at the beginning of a story.

Why Peter did not tell his parents about bullying?

I just felt this being the right thing from my own experience and knowledge. I also found this logical from Peter's perspective, as he was getting bullied during his previous life and wanted to change this for his good himself. He became a completely different person and developed his fighting skills.

Announcement: I just want to encourage you to give your feedback and constructed critique. I will answer your questions in future chapters and will do my best to keep the story interesting and appealing to you!

I am feeling very sad about the fact that there has not been any consistently good Spider-Man story yet in the movies. As we all know, Spider-Man 3 and Amazing Spider-Man 2 were worse compared to other Spider-Man movies and lead to Sony restarting their movie franchise again. I will do my best do create an interesting and logical story about Peter Parker's adventures. I have lots of plans for more than a hundred chapters and there are lots of battles that will happen very soon, so I hope you continue to enjoy reading my fan-fic. If we work together, we can all contribute to the creation of a great Spider-man story! Have a good day and good luck!



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