
Spider-Man: A Spider's Way of Life

[Fanfiction, Romance, Action, Adventure, Slice of Life] On Earth 1172, Midtown High School sophomore Peter Parker attends a science exhibit at Oscorp Industries, and along the way, a radioactive spider crawled its way through and bit him, thus turning him into a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. However, despite gaining superpowers, Peter will have a hard time juggling both the lives of Peter Parker and Spider-Man, like all webslingers. How will he do it, and what adventures await him in the future? Read to find out! ------------------------------- This is a slice-of-life story of Peter Parker that involves his love life a lot in the story. Of course, there will be a lot of action, adventure, crime-fighting, and joke-telling about Spidey, but I'd like to warn those of you. There are three love interests in the story, and that is it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This story is completely fanfiction inspired by the Spider-Man movies (Primarily MCU Spider-Man). I haven't read any of the Spider-Man comic books, but I plan to in the future, so bear with me and suggest some things to inspire my work in the comments! I'll answer any question as long as it doesn't spoil the story too much. I'm a new writer, so please go easy on me! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story, I have many things planned for it!

Vexis · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


The next day, in the afternoon, Peter and Cindy met up at their secret hideout after making sure they weren't followed. Fortunately, they were not. "I'm here." Peter called out to Cindy, who was walking up on one of the brick walls in the abandoned warehouse they claimed as their hideout.

When Cindy heard Peter's voice, her face lit up, and she allowed herself to fall to the ground before she walked over to him and gave him a quick hug, though she pulled back a second later. Neither of the two understood exactly what they were yet, but they feel that they're more than friends, but less than a couple.

Ridding themselves of these thoughts, they properly greeted each other before they began their first superhero meeting. Peter started by talking about what he had come up with last night. "So, our biggest problem is that the guys we're facing have guns. And obviously, none of us are willing to test and see if we're bulletproof."

Cindy nodded and gestured with her hand. "Right, so what do we do, then? It's not like we should use guns against them, nor do we have something to disable their weapons."

Peter pulled out a notebook filled with all kinds of formulas, and written at the top was "Web-Fluid Formula." Upon noticing Cindy's confusion, Peter proceeded to explain the concept. "Last night, I've come up with a formula, though untested, for something I call 'Web-Fluid.' Using this formula, we will also construct what I like to refer to as "web shooters." The web shooters will spit out the web fluid into a very strong, flexible, and sticky rope that will latch onto any and all objects."

Now, finally grasping Peter's intention, Cindy pondered aloud. "With the web shooters, we can disarm the criminals who have guns, making them vulnerable for us to take down. Peter, that's freaking awesome and super smart!"

Shaking his head, Peter mentioned. "It will be if I have the materials to make it. I can find all the chemicals I need for the web fluid in the school's science lab, but since the web shooters are mechanical, I'll need to save up money to purchase the necessary parts."

Cindy's face adopted a thinking expression. "Hmm, that'll be tough. I mean, I could find a way to pitch in. However, I also came up with some ideas of my own."

Peter watched as Cindy, too, brought out a notebook that was full of sketches on different costume ideas. All of the costumes matched the same style and color, but each selection was different from the next. All of them shared one particular theme, and that was spiders.

One page featured a concept for a black and white costume with them wearing matching hoodies, dark pants, and dark shoes. Another one was similar, but it also had a cape, making Peter shake his head. "No capes."

Cindy looked at him in confusion. "No capes? Why, capes are cool." Regrettably for her, Peter moved on until he discovered a suit that he truly liked. It was a suit that was made from spandex, and it covered his whole body. Yet, the only part he didn't like was the chosen color, which was white and red.

"We should do this suit, but... hmm..." Peter thought for a moment, causing Cindy to look at him in anticipation. He then said, "Try turning the white into blue and adding red here, here, and there. Oh, and make these lines black, too. Make the eyes white and the frames black."

After recognizing Peter's desires, Cindy decided to create a new page and begin illustrating his concepts on it. After completing everything, Cindy genuinely believed that the costume would fit him well. In fact, Cindy held the page next to Peter and imagined him wearing it, thinking to herself, 'This suit would make him look amazing.'

She drew the same thing again, but this time for herself. She copied everything Peter had wanted, but this time she tweaked it to make it fit her and her style. Once she had these ideas down, she said, "I'll order the materials for the costume later and get started on it as soon as I have it."

Peter nodded, and they engaged in a discussion about their next steps after acquiring them. They talked about being superheroes and making sure that their city was safe from all threats, as well as how they would do it.

Eventually, the more they talked, the more their conversation diverted in a different direction. It was about focusing less on superheroes and more on Peter Parker and Cindy Moon.

"You know, yesterday was something, wasn't it?" Peter mentioned while having his body stuck to the ceiling. Cindy lay beside him, both of them staring at the ground as they conversed.

Smiling, Cindy replied. "Yesterday? I wonder what happened yesterday. Oh, how could I forget, babe?" Cindy teased him about what he said over the phone call.

Observing his embarrassed expression, she smiled and proceeded further; this time, she tried to mimic a deep voice. "You should've told me sooner if you wanted to 'netflix and chill,' ya know? I mean, you should've just sent me the addy, and I would've pulled up, and—"

Cindy kept teasing until Peter couldn't take it anymore as he yelled, "Alright, alright! I get it. It was cringe, and I'm sorry for doing it!" This earned Peter an adorable giggle from her, and when Peter heard it, he felt his heart strings pull.

He flipped his body over Cindy's, his hands and feet sticking to the wall, and stared into her eyes. His bold move caught Cindy off guard, and as she prepared herself for what was to come, she heard Peter, in a jockish accent, tease her back. "Ahaha, you're right. What was I even thinking? We would've had way more fun if I had invited you earlier—"

Peter noticed that Cindy was not amused by this, and as if to prove her disapproval, she pushed him off the ceiling, causing him to fall to the ground and land on his feet. He wasn't mad that she did this or anything, as he expected this reaction.

And yet, Peter soon saw Cindy fall from the ceiling and land in his embrace before kissing him, with her feet wrapped around his back. They kept kissing, sharing this loving moment, until they finally broke the kiss apart when things got too heated. 'We're not ready for that yet...' they thought to themselves.

However, Cindy looked into Peter's eyes and said, "Yes, you should've invited me earlier. If I had known how much fun I would have with you, then I'd be crazy for not accepting your invitation."

Peter smiled, eliciting a smile from Cindy, and they drew each other back in for a simple, yet meaningful, hug. Peter stood there with Cindy around his waist, hugging each other for a while.

They both thought about the same things. They thought about each other and what the future would bring. This naturally led them to consider their school behavior, and Cindy asked, "Do we really have to... you know... not hang out at school?"

Peter sighed and responded, "I think it's best that we don't. It's not like I prefer that we don't talk or hang out together when we're at school, but I just don't want to risk anything. Plus, we'll see each other every day, here, at our hangout. Plus, we can talk to each other over the phone, too."

Cindy gave a long sigh before eventually accepting that this was necessary—at least until they felt comfortable that they were safe. They assumed Johnny's killers were not after them yet. If so, they would've attacked them to avoid revealing their plans to the police or others.

"If that's the case, then we better buy some supplies and clean this place up! If this will be our hangout place, then it won't be a filthy one!" Cindy declared, as she promised both of them, that she would make this hangout spot brand new.

Soon later, Peter and Cindy went their separate ways back to their homes to get ready for the next day, when they'd be going back to school to do their usual routines.

Peter had to figure out how to talk to Harry again, while Cindy had to adopt her usual timid personality. Over the weekend, Cindy felt more confident in herself than before, but if they wanted to make sure that, in public, everything seemed normal with them, this was necessary.

Tomorrow, Peter would begin his first day of crafting the web-fluid, while Cindy would ask her parents for the materials needed to make the costumes. This will allow them to prepare for the attack on Oscorp, especially now that Johnny has sadly failed to relay the information to the police.

As they both lay in bed, lost in their own thoughts, they contemplated a possibility they hadn't even considered.

"Are the criminals who Johnny had worked for still at the underground tunnel...?"
