
Spider-Man’s Debt: Over powered

I never thought it would actually happen. Me becoming the next Spider-Man. It all happened so quickly. I want my normal life back. Even it means to trust someone who killed Peter Parker and Miles Morales in the past to do so.

JD_Labs · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter four

First day back

The return of me going back to school. Something I didn't want to happen.

I had just gotten off of the bus to get to class. Seeing this place brought back so many terrible memories I don't want to remember.

Everyone's eyes were felt on me. I could hear the muttering from everyone. My name is mentioned very few times. I hold my bag strap with one hand and make my way towards the entrance of the school.

A very large school.

Teens walk to their destination, muttering things to each other.

"Yo!" I hear.

I turn and see Mira walking towards me. Her backpack nowhere in sight. She had a deck of cards in her hand and a big smile on her face.

"Wassup!" She laughs.

I stop walking and wait for her to catch up, glad she'd come at the right moment.

Walking alone in a place like this would only make me feel more anxious. Everyone known me as a guy that nearly killed himself for a female who didn't even known I existed until that day.

"Hey, Mira," I reply.

"What's good with you?" Mira asked.

I shrug, entering the building. The big hall was lit with white walls and sunlight.

"None much. You?"

I look at Mira who shrugged. Her eyes kept falling down on the cast outline that was visible through my skin-tight shirt.

"Damn." She says. She takes her eyes off of me and looks forward.

Mira looks down at her cards again, only to be pushed. the cards fly into the air. Everyone gasped and moved out of the way. Jake stands over Mira who was now on her ass, looking back up at him. "You tried to play me!?" Jake yells.

Mira made an angry face, rushing to her feet before pushing Jake back.

"Watch what the fuck you doing, bitch!" Mira yells. Jake pushes her back. Mira nearly stumbled to the ground again, but stood her ground.

I couldn't just stand there.

"Jake! Watch out, man!" I chime in.

Jake turns his head to me. With one swing, his fist collided with my face. Pain shot through my body as I fall to the ground.

"Jake!!" Ellen came into view. Blood rushes from my face as teachers come rushing down the hall. "Back the fuck up!" Mira yells. My vision was blurred. My hands swimming in a pool of my own blood.

Mira stands between Jake and I.

"Just because you got shot doesn't mean I'm supposed to feel bad for you. Now if you want to stand up and do something about, then do it, hoe! I promise I'll beat the fuck out of you, dumbass bitch!" Jake goes off.

Mira put her palm on Jake's chest and just looks at him.

His veins popping from his neck, face red, and muscles flexing as he looks past Mira's shoulders and at me.

"What the hell, Jake!" Ellen got to the ground, putting her arm on my forearm, trying to help me off of the ground. Jake shoves Mira out of the way, grabbing Ellen by the arm and nearly lifting her off of the ground.

"Get the hell up. He don't need help. If he surged a damn bullet, he can survive a punch." Jake was restrained by a few male teachers.

Mira kept her eye on Jake as they began to drag him away.

The entire school was surrounded around the three of us.

"Are you okay?" I hear.

three teachers kneeling down on me. Ellen still next to my side as Mira just stands there, watching me. Her fist made. She got like this when she was picked out. She hated being linked out in front of a large crowd.

I sit up, blowing blood from my nose.

"I'm good," I reply.

the nurse came walking down the hall.

"Get to your classes, everyone!" A teacher demanded.

Ellen slowly stands, keeping her eyes on me. I couldn't look her in the face. I stay faced down, ignoring the pain I was in to try and seem stronger than I really felt.

I stand up with a few teachers who kept their hands on me.

"It's alright. We'll take care of you," one says. I shake my head as the nurse begins to clean up the blood spills from the tile flooring.

"I don't need to go home," I say. The teacher looks at me and begins to speak on his device. Ellen keeps turning back, looking at me as she walks away. Mira was gone. I couldn't recall seeing her leave.

"Rodriquez? Correct?" Ms. Newman asked. I nod my head.

We begin to walk down the hall, towards the nurse's office. "I have Rodriquez with me," Newman says. I looks down as we walk.

Students being all up in my business as they hurried to their class.