
Spider-Man’s Debt: Over powered

I never thought it would actually happen. Me becoming the next Spider-Man. It all happened so quickly. I want my normal life back. Even it means to trust someone who killed Peter Parker and Miles Morales in the past to do so.

JD_Labs · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter eight

C.O Labs


I opened my eyes, surprisingly lying my head on Asuwa's shoulder.

When I noticed, I quickly lift my head and said, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to fall asleep on your shoulder! I'm sorry!" I say.

Asuwa smiles and covers her face with her tiny hands.

"Is okay! Is okay! I mind! Or no mind?" She says. I'm guessing while I slept, she had her AirPod in her ears while she watched the show. I don't remember falling asleep.

"MIRA! Next time I tell you to stop screaming, you'll be with me the entire trip!" The teacher raises his voice.

The bus got quiet. Not even Mira answered him. I assume she gave him trouble the entire time I was asleep. The bus stops. I look out the window to see a large body of water. Upon the upcoming land was a large, very, very large facility. The C.O Labs. Everyone wowed as the bus stops at the entrance. The courtyard was filled with grass. The building had tinted windows, four stories high, white concrete as walls, and large statues and water fountains on the grass.

I stand as so did everyone else. "This gone be my future house." I heard Mira from the back of the bus.

The clouds were high in the sky. The sun just below the horizon, giving off a pink color even though it wasn't setting upon us. The teacher stands, moving his hair to the side of his head. a straight face and arms crossed.

He waited for everyone to get quiet.

I hate when teachers do that. Instead of telling us to get quiet, they'd rather wait for one hundred years.

"Mira..." he says.

The bus got real quiet then. "Sorry!" Mira comes back.

"I want everyone to stick with your partners. Stay out of the restricted areas and lunch is in the front courtyard. The one you see out of the window. We meet there at 2. It is 10:04 right now. When we get off the bus, go with your partners and do not make trouble for the people that work here. If anyone needs to get in contact with me, one of your partners needs to take down my number. Does everyone understand?" He asked.

Asuwa and a few others nod.

The doors opened and all teens began making a lot of noise, ready to have their freedom. I just hope some don't go around having sex in the restricted areas.

I step off of the bus, grabbing Asuwa's hand to help her jump from the last step. She puts her hands together and bows at me.

"Where should we go?" I ask.

Asuwa looks around. She didn't hear me. I lightly tap her shoulder with my index finger. She takes her AirPods out and puts them away with wide eyes, hoping she didn't bother me. "Ye?" She asked.

I wave in front of the lab. Students walking in all different directions. Some in one group, others with a group of four.

"Where?" I shorten the question.

Asuwa looks around again.

"Ah?" She points to a side door. One that seemed hard to open from the outside. "Okay." I begin walking as Asuwa catches up to me. I get to the door, grabbing the grey handle and opening it. The smell was terrible.

I look around before stepping in.

Inside were tables. Dead dogs and cats sprawled out as lab workers look at Asuwa and I but didn't say anything.

I must know we were visiting. They walk around with mask on, a large white hazmat suit on with needles, poking at the dead animals. Asuwa covers her face with her hoodie.


We walk around for thirty minutes. We ended up in this archway. a long subway tunnel-like hall that stretched over the courtyard. The floor being glass as so were the walls and ceiling.

We could see the entire ocean from this high. A glass tube hallway.

This was really cool. I take my phone out, facing the window to take a picture. Asuwa was recording and taking pictures the entire time.

"Wassuh, G!" I hear.

I turn to see Mira and Brandon coming my way.

"Where have you guys been the entire time?" I ask. I take the picture. "Fucking," Mira jokes. I made a stank face as Brandon pushed her away. "On God she cap!" He chimed. Mira laughed. "I'm juh playin. We were looking at posters of the hot ahh hazmat females," Mira says.

I shake my head as Mira put her hand behind her back and just stands there. "You Asuwa?" Brandon asked.

"She a little shy one." Mira touched Asuwa's hair before looking back at me.

"She's cool. She understands you guys, I think," I really. mira looks back at Asuwa as Brandon stands next to me. He shows me a number on his phone. "Trinity gave me her number." He smiles. I raise my eyebrows. "You been texting her?" I ask. Brandon shook his head.

"You know me! I don't chase girls, they chase me." Brandon and I laughed. Mira fist-bumped Asuwa and came to Brandon and I.

"Who wants to go into a restricted section?" Mira asked.

I make a concerned face as Brandon tilts his head as if she were dumb. "Clearly you can't see that we're not white. Investigating is for them, not us! We have brown skin!" Brandon answered. Mira chuckled. "First off, That's fucked up. And second of all, this place is boring if we don't see something cool!" she says.

Asuwa stands a ways from us, trying not to get into our conversation. I felt as if I were holding her up. She stood there waiting for me.

Brandon shakes his head.

Mira turns to Asuwa. "You want to go into a restricted section?" She asked. Asuwa squinted her eyes as if she didn't understand. "Food?" Asuwa asked.

Mira turns to Brandon and I. That's a yes." She turns back, grabbing Asuwa by the arm and dragging her down the hall. I put my phone away, following them. "You can't just force her to go!" I proclaim. Brandon shakes his head and follows the three of us.

We get to an elevator just before Mira pushed the button to go down.

I could barely think as we went down. The floors getting lower and lower. The elevator was quiet. "We die, it's your fault, Mira!" I say in a loud whisper.

Brandon huddles up in the corner of the elevator as Asuwa stands just behind me. Mira laughs a little. "It'll be fun! Live a little, dick face!" Mira replied. The elevator stops and the doors slide open. The underground of this place.

The room was so dark, only lit by tubes of a quantum blue color.

Like L.E.D lights in the large glass tubes of water. "You go first!" I say. Mira laughed and shook her head. "Oh hell nah! HAHA! You go first!" She pushed me out of the elevator.

I begin walking. I could hear the three of them follow me behind. Tables with unknown weapons. Those large glass tubes caught my attention. On the shelves were glass bottles filled with human eyes.

Human limbs in containers. Plugs run across the ground and along the walls.

This was truly a lab.

Mira runs off to look at the tubes. Her gasp made everyone freak out as she fell to her back, staring at the glass tubes.

I make my way over to her, turning to also back up in fright.

It were humans in the glass tubes. They seemed frozen. they struggled to find their way out of the tube. They drowned. "We go now?" Asuwa asked. I could see the fear in her eyes. In the center of the room was a large generator type machine. Seemed to be powering these glass tubes and other computers and large TV screens along the walls of this underground place.

Brandon puts his earbuds in and begins to touch the glass containers of human limbs. No workers seemed to be down here.

"Damn. They got their cheeks clapped down here," Mira comments.

Walks off behind the glass tube.

"We go?" Asuwa asked.

"KADEN!" Mira screamed.

Brandon, Asuwa, and I all both ran behind the glass tube to see Mira looking at a circle of tables. As we step closer, the radioactive spiders lift their bodies. their arms shaking.

"That is sick!" Mira smiles. Asuwa shakes her head and begins backing up.

"Asuwa! It's okay!" I say. Her face got red as she shakes her head, backing up. She then steps on a plug. The room went all black. We could see nothing.

"Mira? Brandon? Asuwa?" I call out.

Asuwa screamed to the top of her lungs. The emergency lights turned on as the generator began to count down.

"20 seconds until destruction.... 19 seconds until destruction..." Mira and I both look at each other. Red lights flash around the room. I take off towards the elevator as so did Mira and Brandon. We get to the elevator, slamming our fist into the button. "Elevator disabled.." It read.

"FUCK!" Brandon screamed.

Mira took off towards the generator. The whole facility went into lockdown.

Tells us on the Tv screens. "Facility in lockdown." It reads.

Mira begins to kick at the generator.


"I NEED TO TURN IT OFF!" Mira screamed. Asuwa curled up into a ball. "BRANDON?! GO GRAB THAT CORD!" I scream.

I run off towards different parts of the room.

"ASUWA! COME HELP TRY AND TURN IT OFF!" I scream. I could barely hear myself scream over the sound of the alarm going off. The red lights felt as if the lights were being turned off and on. "FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, MIRA?!" I screamed.

"10 seconds until destruction.... 9 seconds until destruction..."

Asuwa begins to press buttons on the generator, crying. Her eyes filled with tears as she was knelt down, pressing anything she seen.

Mira shakes her head as Brandon tried to untangle the cords I told him to bring.

"5 seconds until destruction... 4 seconds until destruction..."

That's when I saw it. The emergency escape door. "THE EXIT!" I yell.

Asuwa, Brandon, Mira, and I all stand, trying to run towards it. "Destruction..."

the generator exploded, sending all four of us in different directions. I felt my body lift off of the ground as the glass broke around my body. I felt these bugs, crawling up my body, in my shirt, pants. The spiders!

"AHHHHH!" I get up and begin to scream. Blood dripping from my lip as the explosion was bad. Meant to destroy everything and all evidence that this place existed.

I felt the bites. Hundreds of them. As I wiggle and itch in the hairs touching me, I could see the spiders fall to the ground, curling up letting me know they were dead. But the biting. It wouldn't stop. Tones of them just kept falling to the ground. These damn spiders.

"FUCK!" I yell.

I get the last spider off of me. I look around. The ground filled with 35 spiders. All got a good bite and meal before their death.

The room was on fire. Brandon passed out on the ground with a broken arm and leg.

I limp my way out of the circle of broken and burnt tables. Asuwa was shaking. Her Gaines blue as her eyes were changing colors. I could see this gooey thing crawling on her. "MIRA!" I scream. She was pinned against the wall. A pole impaled her through her stomach as her veins were popping from her neck and arms as well.

"GET UP, GUYS!" I cry.

blood gushing from Mira's mouth as she tried to pull the pole from her stomach. Asuwa did nothing but shake.

She did one push from the ground, flying up into the air and sticking to the ceiling like some type of bug. "Chaos.... has... returned..." I could see the gooey thing covering Asuwa's body yet returning to show her regular body.

the glass tubes broken and the dead bodies lying in the puddles of water.

That's when I pass out. My body hitting the ground as more items and electronics around the room explode in the fire they were in.

Tell me what you guys think in the comments. Thank you for reading. I love y’all.

JD_Labscreators' thoughts