
Spider-Man’s brother

Everybody knows Peter Parker, the friendly neighborhood Spider-man, and how he became a hero due to the death of his Uncle Ben. But, what if in another universe it wasn't only him who got bitten by a radioactive spider but also his older brother Matthew Parker? This is going to be based on the MCU with some comic elements. (I don’t own any of the characters besides the OC everything else belongs to Marvel comics. And I also don't own the picture.)

Freeze_2540 · Anime & Comics
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Matthew Parker

I decided to Rewrite this story because I didn't like how I wrote it the first time. Anyway, I hope you like this Rewrite.


[2011, April 27th]

[Midtown High School]

It was supposed to be a normal day for Matthew Parker. It was going to be a normal field trip, but something happened that changed his life forever. It all started when they had a trip to Oscorp. Getting inside the bus, Matt looked around for a spot, and luckily, he saw a spot next to one of his best friends, Felicia Hardy. She was around five foot ten and had a body that most of the women would be jealous of. Curiously enough, she had hair that was so blonde it was white.

"So, how's my best friend doing? Y'know I was pretty bored yesterday without you, I had to keep myself occupied since you bailed on me yesterday," she said while smiling seductively.

"I'm sorry, Felicia. I had to help Uncle Ben clean the basement. How about you and I go wherever you want this Friday?" Matt gives her a small smile and this seems to appease her.

"Wherever I wasn't? Hmmm, let's go to that Mexican restaurant that I told you about. I heard that it was pretty good. Now I wish this bus could go, it's getting annoying sitting here on these trashy seats." Looking around, he noticed his other best friend entering the bus, so he waved him over to sit next to him.

"Yo, Eddie, over here." His friend, Eddie Brock, was a childhood friend who lived nearby. Eddie was six foot three and had a build that would make people think he was a jock, which is the opposite. He starts making his way to them, and he and Matt do their special handshake. "How's it going, guys? Hope you're as excited about this trip as I am. It's been a while since this school let us go on a trip as good as this."

"Of course, I am. We're going to Oscorp. I'm interested to see what we'll see there," Matt said, excited about going because this usually doesn't happen a lot in his school, and he wanted to see if he could get an internship there.

"Ugh, I don't know how the both of you guys are interested in this. It sounds to me like it's going to be boring. I just came here 'cause I'd be bored if I stayed home," Felicia added. Well, he was happy she came; otherwise, it wouldn't be as fun if she didn't come. "Well, it looks like we're finally going. Thank god," she says, and her words prove true as the bus finally starts moving.

[1 hour later]

[Oscorp Industries]

After making it to Oscorp, they were in awe of the place and how advanced technology was. After the shock left, they were given a pass that they shouldn't lose. The tour started with them looking around at the amazing stuff and were able to test some of the projects, which made Matt excited. That was until they came to the spider section; that was where the amazement left most of the students, and some of them were even grossed out.

"Ew, why are we here looking at spiders? Isn't there somewhere else we could go?" Felicia whispered to Matt, who agreed with her as he also didn't like this place. The only one who seemed remotely interested was Eddie, and he too looked like he was starting to find it boring. Matt didn't realize that there was a black and white spider on his hand, and just like that, it bit him, injecting radioactive venom through his body.

Reflexively, he slapped his hand. "Ow, what the hell was that?" Matt looked at his hands but found nothing only what looked to be a bite mark. He looked around but couldn't seem to find anything. "You okay, Matt? Is something wrong?" Felicia asked, concerned for his well-being.

"I'm fine, Felicia. I just hope this ends soon. I'm starting to feel tired." He was also starting to feel dizzy; he wondered what the bite did to him to make him feel like this. Looking back at the tour guide, he saw she was leading them to another place, and he was praying this ended soon, or he'd probably fall. Pretty soon, the tour ended, and they started to make their way back to the bus.

"Are you sure you're okay, Matt? You've been looking sick ever since the spider exhibit. Maybe you should go to the hospital." Now Felicia really looked worried about him, and he has been looking worse than he did fifteen minutes ago. "She's right, bro. I think you should get yourself checked out. Maybe it was something there that made you sick."

"No, I don't need to go to the hospital. I'm pretty sure it's something I ate. Look, I'll just sleep it off, and I'll be right as rain tomorrow." Now if there's one thing you can say about Matt, it's that he is stubborn. Well, "Well, looks like this is my stop. I'll see you two tomorrow, and I hope you don't forget about your promise. You did say that we'll be going out this Friday," she said, and with that, she left to go to her home.

[30 Minutes Later]

[Parker Household]

After bidding Eddie goodbye, Matt started to make his way home and all he wanted to do was sleep. Entering the house he saw his Aunt May cooking with Uncle Ben watching TV, he decided to announce his arrival so they knew he was back. " Hey I'm back, I'm a bit tired so I'll hit the hay." As he was walking up the stairs he heard his Aunt May call out. "Are you sure Matthew? At least have a bite before you go."

 "No thanks, I already had one." He yells out and enters his room, locking the door with the special lock he made. He takes off his shirt and doesn't bother changing his clothes into something more comfortable. As he sleeps he keeps seeing Images of DNA strands changing into something else.

[Next Day]

As Matt woke up he didn't expect to see everything clearer even seeing dust on his table. Standing up he felt better than ever. Looking at the Mirror he was shocked to see his body jacked! It also looks like his body went from six foot three to six foot five. His body wasn't ever buff he was or used to be around the average weight of a kid his age. Honestly, he thought he looked like Captain America just Brown hair and Green eyes. 

As he was checking out his body he started hearing different things like the mosquito in his room, the noise of the TV downstairs, and the sound of breathing of his family. He heard somebody walking up the stairs Matt quickly tried wearing one of his shirts only for it to be tight on him. Grabbing one of his hoodies he put it on just in time for someone to knock on the door. He opens it and sees his little brother, Peter, standing outside his door. 

"Hey Matt, Aunt May says you should eat breakfast before we go to school, and Uncle Ben says if you don't come down he'll eat everything and you won't have anything, heh." Peter says. "Alright, shrimp, just tell May I'll be there in a minute." Peter nods and goes back downstairs.

Matt walked up to his bathroom and was shocked when the door handle broke. He tries to let go of the handle only for it to stick to his hand. As he kept trying to get it off his hands he decided to calm down and that seemed to do the trick. He entered the bathroom and gently turned the tap. Thankfully he was able to get a handle on his strength so nothing else was broken. As he walked downstairs he was greeted by his family already eating.

He walks up to his Aunt May and gives her a peck while giving his Uncle a pat on the back. "I thought you were sick. I was just about to tell May that we should let you stay home." Uncle Ben gives him a smile, which in turn makes him smile. "I got better, actually I feel like a whole new person. I feel like I could run a marathon."

"Well, I'm happy you're better, sweetheart. Now you two better eat up before the bus comes." The brothers nod as they start eating their food a bit faster. But, for Matt, it felt like he hadn't eaten in a long. He started putting more food on his plate till it looked like a mini pyramid while the rest of his family watched with wide eyes at how much he was eating.

[Midtown High School]

[Physics Class]

As Matt was sitting in physics class he saw Felicia coming from most likely coming from her English. She started making her way to the seat next to him and then turned to look at him. He stared back at her as they both looked into each other eyes, she then smirked and said. "So you did get better, well that's good I was afraid you'll bail on me again ." He smirks back, knowing this was her way of saying she was happy he was okay. 

"Well, it would be rude of me to bail twice on a beautiful girl. Plus, I honestly feel better than ever, like I can take on an entire army." He did feel like he could take on an army and he wouldn't feel winded. 

"Well~, you do look bigger and when did you start working out? Mmm~, you look amazing." She eyes him up and down, and he slightly smiles as he starts doing the same with her. "Well, I can say the same thing for you." He turns away from her reluctantly and stares back ahead as the teacher walks in and starts the lesson.

[Math Class]

He walks inside and takes a seat next to Eddie, with the teacher soon entering and starting the lesson. Pretty soon he gets bored and turns to Eddie as they talk about yesterday's. "I did have a lot of fun until late into the trip though I hope to get an internship there. Maybe even a Job in the future so Uncle Ben can finally retire." He saw how much his Uncle Ben worked to provide for them and even though he tried to get a job to help his Uncle he was told not to and focus on his school.

"We'll I'm happy you're doing better, but I feel like it would be a crime not to hire you. You're one of the smartest people in this school, hell I should know from the shit you've built." Eddie said, and it was true he was number one when it came to the core subjects, he could have skipped grades if it wasn't for his Aunt May insisting he stay with people his age so he could have a social life.

"Yeah, anyway so how's it going for you? Where are you going after finishing High school?" He was going to ESU with Felicia coming with him surprisingly. "I don't know yet, I feel like going to ESU. I feel it's the place where I want to go. Plus, I'll be with the rest of you guys." He smiled to show his support for his friend's choice of university. 

"Mr Parker, Mr Brock. If you have anything to add please tell us what it is?" The teacher interrupts their conversation making them look at their teacher not looking happy. They both apologize and the teacher starts explaining the lesson again they start paying attention till the lesson ends as they leave the classroom.

"I'll see you tomorrow dude." They do their Handshake and Matt leaves the school and then finds an abandoned warehouse. Looking out the place he sees the place empty and starts blocking the entrances so that nobody comes in to see him using his powers.

He tries to climb the wall and to his shock, he feels his hands stick to the wall. Slowly he starts climbing up the wall and decides to go back down. Looking around he sees pieces of the metal roof on the ground and picks one of them with one hand he and lifts it off the ground easily. He bends it with no effort and then rips it apart, and he doesn't get injured.


Well here's the Rewrite, I thought of how I wrote the last one and I realized It wasn't as good as I thought. So, I hope this one is better than the old one.

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