
Spending My Retirement In A Game

Follow Benjamin Joyce, an elderly man with a passion for blacksmithing who spent his life travelling the world and learning new things. Now, after helping out the developers of the first ever real VRMMO game, he gets the chance to play said game earlier than the majority of other people. Taking this chance to do what he loves now that his real body is slowly giving in to his old age and the profession he lives for is no longer as important as it used to be, he starts his journey to become this new world's greatest Craftsman! ----- Check out my second novel, Demon's Virtue! https://www.webnovel.com/book/15238973305579305/Demon%27s-Virtue ----- Join the discord! https://discord.gg/uFRQvTe ----- Cover by: Belk (belkbelkbelk on Instagram)

DiceVR · Games
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"Hello there, my name is Eisen. Could my friend and I here maybe go down into the mine for a while? I'm looking to acquire the Mining Skill." Eisen said with a light smile as he looked down at the Miners standing next to the entrance, one of them seems to be the most senior one there experience-wise.

Surprised, the most senior, dwarven, Miner looked at Eisen and Kiron with a deep frown. "A Titan'n'Lizardman? That's a combo ya don't often see, eh?" He laughed out before Eisen smiled back with a nod. He had already heard about titans before when he asked around about Giants out of curiosity.