
Pregnancy (Angst, Fluff)

Your fingertips burned under the cold ceramic tile of your bathroom counter. You were anxiously waiting for the results of the pregnancy test you had just taken. The 3 minutes of waiting felt like hours.

You were overwhelmed with anxiety as you knew the dad would probably not be in the picture as you two weren't even together. Yes, you were in love with him but he could never feel the same way about you in a million years.

It all had started about 6 months ago when you and your best friend/coworker Spencer Reid drunkenly hooked up. The random hookups continued these past few moths, but you slowly started to develop feelings for him and it broke your heart knowing that he didn't want a relationship. So when you had missed your period and began showing pregnancy symptoms your heart dropped and that led you to taking a pregnancy test in your bathroom alone at 12am.

The timer from your phone rung throughout the room and with trembling hands you picked up the pregnancy test off the bathroom counter and slowly flipped it over until it was in eye view.

Two lines.


You had no idea where to go from here. How were you going to tell Spencer? You picked up your phone dialing the only number of the person who you knew could give you the best advice on what to do in this situation. Of course, you would have to reveal the true nature of your relationship with Spencer, but it didn't matter now the whole team would know soon enough.

The ringing of the phone made you break down in a panic. Tears were now streaming down your face as the reality of the situation had just hit you like a truck.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Penelope's sleepy voice rung into your ear.

"I-I," Your breath caught in your throat and you couldn't get any words to come out of your mouth. Penelope could obviously hear the distress in your voice and your loud sobs from the other side of the phone.

She replied "I'm coming right over, whatever it is your gonna be okay." She hung up and would be there within the next 10 minutes since she didn't live that far from you. Her words of encouragement brought you comfort for about 10 seconds before you slid down the back of the bathroom door and starting sobbing into your hands.

Right on cue about 10 minutes later you heard your front door open and Penelope's feet shuffling against the floor to the bathroom. She no doubt knew you were in here because she could probably hear your loud sobs as soon as she opened your front door.

It took all your strength to stand up but you did, and opened the door right before Penelope did. As soon as she saw your disheveled look she immediately pulled you into her embrace, which made you break down even further. After a few minutes of her holding you, you were able to gain some of your composure back and stop crying for the most part.

"Let's go sit." She encouraged you and led you into your living room onto the couch. You sat down slowly and wiped your eyes on the sleeves of your sweater. "Please tell me what's wrong, I've never seen you like this."

"Umm, I-I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do. I can't raise a baby by myself Penny."

"Hey, who says you'll be by yourself, you have the whole team and I know each of us will help you with whatever you need." She replied sweetly grabbing your hand and squeezing it as encouragement.

"That's the thing Penny, I'm gonna have to leave the team because—"

"Why Y/n, who's the father?"

"It's-It's Spencer and I'm in love with him and he doesn't feel the same way. I don't want to burden him with this he's already been through way too much. I mean we aren't even together. It was stupid getting involved with him because I knew it would end badly." You whispered not having the energy to talk at full volume at the moment.

"Hey Y/n, Spencer Reid is one of the most kind and caring men I know, and I see how he looks at you, he worships the ground you walk on. The Spencer that I know and have known for almost 10 years would not abandon you with a child. I have no doubt in my mind that he will step up and be the best father in the world to that kid Y/n. I also know that he's in love with you too. I may not be a profiler but it doesn't take one to see that he is head over heels in love with you." Penelope said as your body pretty much collapsed on hers not having the strength to reply to her right now. "Tell him tomorrow, get it over with so you don't have to do this by yourself."

You nodded your head against her chest and being exhausted from all the crying you just did in the last 45 minutes fell asleep almost instantly.


You woke up on the couch to the smell of coffee. When you finally mustered up the energy to move you quietly walked into your kitchen. The sight made you smile, Penelope had made coffee for you and was attempting to make breakfast.

"I made you coffee and I'm making you eggs right now." Penelope's cheerful voice rung throughout your small kitchen.

"Aww thank you Penelope, you didn't have to do that."

"I know but I wanted to."You grabbed a mug from the cabinet and poured some of the hot liquid into it, before adding some cream and sugar.

You grabbed the coffee cup off of the counter and made your way over to the kitchen table. You pulled out the chair and sat down, starting to sip on your coffee the warmth brining you comfort.

Penelope walked over with two plates and a smile on her face before setting on of the plates down in front of your and sitting across from you beginning to eat her food.

"So I think you should call Spencer after we eat and tell him you need to talk and get this off your chest because I cant bear to see you like this any longer." She encouraged and you nodded your head at her suggestion.


You ate your breakfast at an unbelievably slow pace trying to avoid the phone call you were going to have to make in the next 10 minutes.

As you ate your last bite of eggs, anxiety overcame your body and your hand started shaking.

Calm down Y/n. It's just Spencer everything gonna be okay.

You picked up your plate and coffee mug and placed them gently in the sink before coming back over to the table with your phone in hand.

Penelope smiled sweetly at you, her way of telling you that she would be there for you no matter what.

You opened your phone and immediately went to Spencer's contact, you held your finger over the call button for what felt like hours before you finally hit it.

You slowly put the phone up to your ear anxiously waiting for your best friends answer.

"Hey Y/n, What's up?"

"Hey Spence, I umm need to talk to you about something are you free right now?"

"Of course, do you wanna come over?"

"Yeah sure I'll be there in 20 minutes."

"Okay drive safe."

That didn't go as bad as you thought it would. You didn't think you had the energy to drive right now so your found Penelope in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes from breakfast.

"I have to go by Spencer's in 20 minutes will your drive me?" You questioned hoping that she would say yes because you knew you would never have the courage to make it there on your own.

"Of course, go get dressed. I'll be ready when your done."

You went into your room and threw on some leggings and Spencer's cal-tech crew neck. You pulled your hair into a low pony and then slipped on some old black converse. You grabbed your keys and your phone before heading back into the living room where Penelope was patiently waiting for you on the couch.

She got up when she saw you enter the room and grabbed her keys. You shut off all the lights in your apartment and locked the door behind the both of you and made your way to Penelope's car.

The drive there you just stared out the window, not really thinking about anything right now, you didn't have the energy. You were so focused that you didn't even realize that Penelope had pulled up to Spencer's apartment complex.

Penelope gently shook your arm waking you up out of your trance. "Hey were here."

You grabbed the handle and opened the car door slowly stepping out.

"Thanks Pen, will you wait here just in case it goes bad because I don't have a ride home."

"Of course good luck Y/n you got this"

You shut the car door softly and walked up the sidewalk into the front door of the apartment building. You then walked up the stairs finding apartment 23. You stood there for a moment before you decided to just get it over with and knocked on the door.

After a couple moments Spencer opened the door and his eyes immediately softened at the sight of you. Your eyes were red and puffy from all the crying you had done the night previously.

He grabbed your hand pulling you inside the apartment and wrapped his arms tightly around you. He kicked the door shut with his foot and you stood there with your arms tightly around his waist because your brain was telling you this would be the last time the two of you would ever be like this.

So you started to break down crying again. Spencer pulled away and wiped some of the tears from under your eyes with the pads of his thumbs before dragging you along with him to the couch.

He grabbed both of your hands and looked his big hazel eyes into yours "Y/n please talk to me what's going on?"

"Spencer, your gonna hate me." His eyes softened even more at his confession which you didn't think was possible but here you are.

"I could never hate you, please tell me what's going on. It breaks my heart to see you like this."

"I'm pregnant Spencer," You whispered and his eyes grew wide.


"I'm pregnant and the baby's yours." You said a little louder this time around. This could either go one of two ways he could tell you he never wanted to see you again or be happy and the two of you could raise the baby as two best friends.

"I'm gonna be a dad." A huge grin broke out on his face and he wrapped his arms around you so tightly, like if he let go your would disappear.

"Yeah Spence, your gonna be a dad." The third option you didn't even consider because you didn't think it was even possible but he grabbed the sides of your face and placed his lips on yours. There was no rush to this kiss like there usually was, this was filled with passion and love. It was soft and gentle unlike the hot and steamy kisses the two of you usually shared.

Pulling away he rested his forehead upon yours with a huge smile still pulling at his lips. "I've been trying to come up with a way to tell you this for the last 6 months and this isn't how I wanted to tell your but I can't go any longer without it being said." You looked at hims with confusion laced upon your face.

"I'm in love with you, I love you more than I've ever loved anybody and I was scared because I didn't know if you felt the same way and I didn't want to ruin our friendship.. But I can't go on any longer without telling you that I am completely and utterly in love with you."

You smiled with the biggest smile that you've ever had and wrapped your arms around his neck burying your face into the crook of his shoulder. Tears pooling in your eyes. They were different this time, they were happy tears.

"Spencer I love you too, that's why I was scared to tell you because I did't think that you could ever feel the same way. I thought you would leave me and I couldn't bear to loose you."

"I could never leave you, you mean way to much too much to me for that to even be an option." He replied and kissed you on the top of your head. "Will you stay here with me today?"

"Of course, I just have to go tell Penelope that she can leave, she drove me here because I called her last night after I took the test. I'm sorry I had to tell her about us."

"Hey, don't be sorry you needed someone and I'm sorry that it wasn't me but I'm really glad that you decided to tell me." He grabbed your hand and pulled the both of you off the couch. "Come on, I'll come with you." You flashed him a cheeky smile before the two of you walked our of his apartment towards Penelope's car.

She squealed and got out of the car when she saw your entwined hands and smiles on both of your faces. She ran over to the both of your pulling you in for a group hug.

"I knew it Y/n, I told you he would be happy."

"Yeah thanks for that Penelope, and thank you for everything. I'm gonna stay here with Spence today so you can go."

"Okay, love you both."

"Love you too Penelope." You and Spencer said in unison.

You both went back up to his apartment and put on a movie. You laid on his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. This is where you too stayed for pretty much the whole day, finally at peace knowing your true feelings for each other and that you would have support throughout your pregnancy.