

Once the mighty ruler of a world where power, wealth, and respect were everything, Queen Celestia Shadowheart felt a constant emptiness despite her strength. After being reborn in a magical world full of wonders and dangers, Celestia gets a second chance at life. Fixing her past mistakes is just the beginning. Below the calm surface of this new world, a hidden danger threatens everything she's working towards, making her question why she's back. As Queen Celestia faces magical challenges and fights in this unfamiliar world, she sets out not only to find her purpose again but also to protect the delicate balance between her past and present. In a world where magic and strength collide, Queen Celestia Shadowheart aims to uncover the mysteries of her rebirth and ensure the survival of the realm that holds the key to her destiny.

Seitoro · Fantasy
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The Growing Years


Violet, or Vi as I fondly called her, had grown into the most adorable child over the years. Not that I was being a doting mother; it was a mere observation.

Her chestnut-like hair, reminiscent of my own, framed her face, and those bright azure eyes, inherited from her father, held a playful radiance. There were moments when her gaze seemed remarkably intelligent, far beyond her years.

No, I wouldn't admit to being a doting mother. Strict and just parenting was my goal. With Kellan's unconventional approach to teaching our daughter, I needed to ensure Vi learned common sense. Teaching a baby to fight when they could barely crawl was a line I wouldn't let my husband cross.

As Vi became mobile, pride swelled within me. However, managing her newfound curiosity became a challenge. The family's study room, filled with books and knowledge, seemed to attract her, a trait contrasting her father's aversion to lengthy texts.

We provided her with stuffed animals and toys, yet the study room magnetically drew her in. It was an odd inclination for a baby, but perhaps she inherited a taste for learning from me.

Observing her excitement during our town visits, I decided to increase our shopping frequency for fresh food. It was all for educational purposes, of course.

Vi displayed interest in various things, turning her disproportional head left and right to take in her surroundings. Her fascination with Kellan's practices hinted at a potential adventurous spirit.

Kellan, a competent former adventurer, had swiftly climbed to a B-class rank by twenty-one. The Guild Hall in Valoria, where I once worked, witnessed many ambitious yet inexperienced teens. Kellan, seemingly an airhead back then, was one of them. His jaw dropped at the sight of me, and a clumsy attempt to interact followed. Despite the awkward start, our connection grew, and I couldn't help but smile at his endearing blue eyes.

Vi inherited both our traits, making her even more adorable. Changing her diapers became an amusing spectacle, as she blushed and covered her face with tiny fingers.

The next notable event in my "baby journal" was Vi saying "mama." Kellan sulked because she said it before "dada." A small victory for me.

The year passed pleasantly, with Vi sticking by my side. Her frequent glances out the window during Kellan's evening practices intrigued me. I cherished the peaceful moments, grateful that Kellan chose a safer occupation as a town guard.

Vi remained healthy, but her occasional stillness and meditative moments puzzled me. It was a departure from the energetic nature of babies, yet she appeared strangely content afterward. Concern lingered, but her happiness after each episode eased my worries.

Not a doting mother, just a concerned one.


Two years had flown by since my initial journey to the study room.

I constantly worked on gathering and focusing the scattered mana within my body to form a mana core. It was a slow and challenging process, but my adult cognitive abilities allowed me to consciously will the mana particles together. Unlike letting them naturally gravitate over a decade, I seized control.

The mental capacity of an adult proved advantageous, and I dedicated myself to the task daily. Hiding it from my parents added another layer of complexity. Kellan's attempts to teach me involved terrifying aerial throws, a far cry from my pursuits.

My daily rituals aimed to gather mana discreetly. Kellan's joyful but overwhelming approach spurred me to maintain secrecy. Mother's occasionally unsettling stares almost drooling like I was some kind of food raised my guard, I adapted by limiting my speech to simple sentences I decided to start saying "mama" to let my mother know I was hungry however when I said it for the first time she was almost crying but not from sadness but from joy. It has been a long time since I was loved by someone especially a parent ever since then, I limited the way I say things just to get to the point of matters needed.

The pace of my training was demanding physically and spiritually, but the head start I gained was invaluable so I tried not to complain much to myself.

These two years hadn't been in vain. I had finally gathered all my mana, condensing it into my body in the center just like in my previous world with Enara in reality it was pretty similar, in the midst of forming a mana core when...