
Spellborn age of shadows

Dylan_Langford · Fantasy
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2 Chs

2. Memory

Tyson heads towards the dock with a fishing hat covering his head.

Once he arrives he sees an old man with white thin hair this being old man chum, well that's not his name but that's what everyone calls him.

Once Tyson gets there he pulls out a fishing pole he would then sit down and sigh.

"Grandfather, it would seem like I need your help or advice once again with the tide of his magical world-changing I'm not sure what to do, I want to ask her to marry me"

Tyson said.

"Ah, Tyson my boy glad to see you again, at last, we one still visits this old man, now for your issue, you see the world is always changing it's a sad fact to see the magic come to an end oh, I remember back in my day the world was filled with magical creatures now we're using all this technology I hate it too my boy truly I do but it happens whatever you seek all of your dreams boy you know about the elements of magic the properties of magic is everything maybe you could figure to stop we could come, well what I talking about it seems to be too late, now just worry about the orcs, I truly figure you get rid of them maybe things would be nicer but who knows the Shadows are sneaking up on us it was my fault well somewhat I failed my student but I could help you with magic eventually son, now if you truly love this woman I think you know what you should do"

Chum said with a gentle smile as his eyes were closed.

" of course I know about magic and I've heard about things but this technology is scaring me as well I know much about magic, you taught me when I was younger the things have changed the world is getting frowned upon everything, thank you for your advice old man has anything been biting"

Tyson said.

" well I'm afraid not son but you really shouldn't drop a conversation about the Orcs or the Shadows you know they're getting dangerous"

Chum said.

"Ah, sorry grandfather... But I tend to not want to think about them but you are 100% right to things and everything is getting worse,

But what can we do?"

Tyson asked.

"Well you learn strong magic, you could go to the tribe"

Chum said.

"Well not sure if I want to go back"

Tyson said.

Just then there was a big bite on Chum's pole he would them reel it back pulling up a snake dragon giant sea bass.

"Well maybe if you ever feel up, you should!"

Chum said as he takes the fish off the hook as he lays it down.

Lian looks out into the latitude of the territory she lets out a sigh thinking about what could come next as a couple of guards come to get her.

"My Queen we have a missing orphan report"

A guard said

Lian's face went dark as she turns her head towards the guard.

"The money, I've been putting into the orphanage hasn't been helping? I'll go there myself"

Lian said.

The guard sighs as he shakes his head

"No my Queen it's not big enough for you"

Lian turns away and sighs.

"No, I care for all the kids in the orphanage I feel for them since I was an orphan myself."

Lian said.


Memory starts to fades in:

A young white-haired girl runs by

Her emotions were elevated as she was running from the danger she was alone scared her family was unknown, even left for dead by he own sister.

She went through the alleyway trying to escape her pursuers all she did was steal some bread she was hungry scared and running for her life

Her clothes were torn her hair dirty and matted the alleyway was disgusted the ruler at this time was unfair and unjust but time and time again She's being chased by three different men.

She didn't know what to do just unfair but of course, things were going to change eventually but it took time honest time.

Has she managed to escape by crawling through a small Gap she showed a relief burden of being chased it was gone but not for long it's the three men find a way to destroy the wall and get to her but of course things always shine in the darkest of days?

A middle-aged man and a small boy come to her Rescue.

Her memory always gets foggy around this part but from what she could tell the older middle-aged man had paid off the three men and gave them money or something she can't quite remember but she is so grateful that moment has it would change her life as this was the first time a young Lian would meet Tyson.


Memory fades away.

"I see my Queen well if you must take Sir Tyson with you, just in case"

The guard said.

Lian sighs

    "Well of course I'll head to where he went, he said something about going fishing"

Lian said as she made her way to the docks.

After pulling up another fish chum would sigh.

"Well, my boy, I think we are done, the sun seems to be setting  you should be heading back."

Chum said.

Tyson would stand up and shake his head

"I guess you're right, well stay safe"

Tyson said as he went to walk away as he saw Lian.

"Well seems like you're lady needs you"

Chum said.

"Hmm I guess so"

  Tyson said as he walks closer to her.

Lian would sigh

"Tyson mind coming with me, there's a missing orphan"

Lian said.

  "Well your guards should be on it right let's go spend time together as you wanted"

Tyson said.

"Well now this is personal you know how I feel... About this is personal"

Lian said.

Tyson sighs as he looks away.

"I know... Well I can't change your mind let's get going then"

Tyson said as he hugs Lian.