
spellborn: age of shadows unleashed

This is the world of Valusa, a world with magic. If you are born with magic you are known as a spellborn, if you are born with no magic power or even skill at all you are known as a norborne. A spell plagued is someone cursed by magic. Yes they are born with magic but it acts more as a curse the reason is unknown but its tragic because a spell plagued person has more potential then a spellborn person but their magic is actually killing them as they use it. A warborn is a person born with no magic but that's ok because they have other powers they are unbelievably strong their strength is enhanced by 100 percent and their reflexes as well, most of them are soldiers they are even better with weapon combat. God touched is someone enhanced by a god they are chosen by one of the 14 gods. God born is someone who is half god. Spiritoborn is someone whos magic is passed down from their family. They also have more than one type of magic as well, they are very strong. Now the last info you will need is the 14 gods of this realm they are. Hades the god of the underworld, and the hellflame, he is the first born of Cronos. Cronos the god of time, he is known for being the first god. Rieka, goddess of the wolves, is known as the wolf goddess. And or the wolf Queen. Thor a hammer wielding god, associated with thunder and lighting, he is also the son of Odin and freyja, which makes him even stronger since he's a second generation god Zeus is the sky and thunder god, he is the son of Cronos and the current ruler of Mount Olympus that hails above the sky. Poseidon the god over the sea, storms and earthquakes he is also one of the sons of Cronos. Loki is known as the trickster god, he is also a son of Odin and Freyja, other than that not much is known about him. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, and warfare, she is the shared god of war along with her twin brother Aries. Her father is zeus. Aries is one of the gods of war along with his twin sister Athena, his father is also Zeus, Aries is known to cause war wherever he goes. Aphrodite is the goddess of sex and love and beauty; her father is also zeus. Anubis is the protector of the underworld and the guide of the underworld. Horus is the third and final god of war, he also protects the skies Odin is known as the god of runes and wisdom and also the god of gods. Freyja is known as the god over magic as she is one of the main gods who allowed humans to use magic she is also said to be the most beautiful woman of all.

Dylan_Langford_7958 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

17. story of ice

After a small passage of time has passed and the intermission ended so they can clean up the arena the next match would begin.

Ryon would smile as he starts to address everyone

"Sorry for the long break. The arena was really destroyed after that last match. Hopefully this next one can be as exciting as the last one. Now everybody is prepared, the next match shall be Kotta vs Luka."

Ryon said with excitement.

After a few minutes Kotta would step forward, she was a bit nervous with having to go second, But she had to let that go, she needs to show what she can do she needs to prove herself to everybody and even herself.

As Kotta walked up she watched her opponent wake up as well. He honestly wasn't a very plain looking character. He had brown thin cut hair and looked kind of regular honestly.

The bell sharpley sounded off, with a mighty ding, starting the match as her opponent dashed at her he pushed the earth forward causing the ground itself to shake and a rumble, as he moved up the ground forming ground spikes, to be thrown at Kotta, she was able to dodge it pretty easily as she pushed herself aside and then watches the man closely.

His attacks do not stop as he starts to continue to shape the earth, tossing it and throwing it towards Kotta again and again, He's trying his best to keep on the offense.

Kotta sighs and looks away as she slowly takes off her gloves as the Earth attacks keep flying at her she dodges them pretty easily as she continues to take off the gloves revealing her hands they were mysterious white like ice but purple with a curse they looked gnarly as unfortunately Kotta does suffer from a curse, Kotta is unfortunately spell plagued, she doesn't sn't like to use her magic, but now she must.

Kotta takes a step back and then looks away she's trying her best to stay calm she doesn't want her emotions to get the best of her but she doesn't want to use too much of her magic it's too dangerous she is scared she knows her magic is too strong but to win she must use her magic she just wants to use a little bit not too much.

Kotta takes a deep breath and then looks towards her opponent she holds her hands tightly

She then finally decides to release a spell The air starts to freeze as mana chills The energy around everything starts to change as Kotta releases her magic and it blast outward her eyes turns dark as The powers uncontrollable the ice pushes outward again and again getting larger and larger getting unstoppable as it blasts down in the arena slamming forward spiking up her opponent had no chance instantly he was defeated just like that nothing flashy Just a quick amount of ice but it continues it does not stop it keeps going on and on as ice keeps going out she cannot control it she just wanted a little bit but she gets everything.

"Stop!" She yelled trying her best to control herself.

The ice was getting completely out of hand it was getting close to hitting the arena it was going to go beyond that without thinking Leon jumped down as used his protection magic to try his best to stop the ice, Bryn did the same with his shadow magic he use his shadows to slow down the ice as it could get a hand pretty fast.

Ryon also immediately jumped in to stop her magic from getting out of hand he was able to stop her from using it with a simple spell he also pushed the ice that was coming forward away from everybody.

"It's okay it's under control I know you try your best to only use a little bit I could tell but you are the victor, it's okay calm down relax" Ryon said as he pats Kotta's head trying is best to calm her down everybody was silent as the mage squads looked away, they started to talk among each other and communicate they thought about something they thought about how hard she would be to train and to be able to control her magic but she was powerful, they kept communicating for minutes that turn into even more minutes that turned into an hour after an hour they decided with Hana being the one to speak.

"I'm sorry but we've decided to pass on both of you unfortunately Luka did not get much to do, and it's too risky with how uncontrollable your magic is sweetie, I'm sorry" Hana said In the sweetest tone she could she wanted to let her down easy.

Kotta would start to cry but she won.

"But I won, I don't understand, I thought… this isn't fair" Kotta said as her tears would start to freeze.

"I'm sorry it's much more than that your curse is too powerful you can't control your power we will be putting so many at risk, I wish it was some other way that we could but I'm sorry," Hana said.

Ryon looked back at Kotta and sighed.

"That's okay calm down, I cannot pass on your magic, you are strong that's why instead of assigning you to a mage squad, you will be my apprentice and my underling personally you will learn how to control your magic under my teachings, I know it's not what you want but I hope you can accept this I understand if you do not it's not going to be easy but I'm going to give you this chance this opportunity" Ryon said as he picks Kotta up and takes her to a private chamber so he can watch her meanwhile the infirmity team would check up on her opponent and make sure everything was fine they would then melt the ice away and then there would be chatter and then another intermission.

As this was all happening Kotta would speak up

"I have to I will accept I will be your apprentice please teach me"

Kotta said as Ryon smiled.