

Location: Langley Forest

In the Langley Forest, one could see a Youth about 15-16 years of age battling what could only be assumed to be a wolf, standing at nearly 2 meters

the youth was constantly dodging and was occasionally would get a few jabs on the wolf, no matter how you would look at it the youth was completely dominating the wolf if not playing with it.

Sensing the danger on the Youth in front of it, the wolf turned around to run away only to be stopped before even taking a single step away, gritting its teeth, the wolf once again started attacking incredibly frustrated as this was the Fifth time this had happened

He had started his day off normally going hunting with his pack when this impulsive human had attacked them from out of nowhere! but that wasn't the unnormal part, they were attacked on a daily basis, it was the fact that this person did not stop any of his other pack members from running away when they realized that there was no hope in defeating this human

refocusing on the battle in front of him the wolf looked for any and all opportunities to escape and it new it had to find one quickly as the youth in front was clearly getting more and more annoyed every escape attempt as if saying "I let your partners go free yet you dare try to escape yourself!?" as shown by his increment to the number of times he had retaliated

this Process kept going on for another hour neither of the creatures tiring but one starting to get bored, shown by the less and fewer movements being made by the youth, this change in attitude did not escape the eyes of the wolf seizing his chance by jumping away and then started running at speeds which astonished the wolf itself

120km per hour!!!

Even the youth was surprised as he raised an eyebrow for what had just happened but soon the Suprise was replaced with a sparkle in his eyes and a smirk after which he immediately drew the daggers on his waist for the first time in this battle each one measuring approximately 30cm in length and started frivolously chasing the wolf

after escaping for the first time the wolf was filled with a gleam in his heart thinking he would go back to his pack, live normally and make sure to always be the first to run in front of another youth

never would he have thought that behind him was a youth slowly but surely gaining on him with an evil grin on his face

planning to take a rest and eat the wolf stopped next to a large tree and eyed a creature drinking water from the river, the wolf would have immediately moved for its prey had it not heard the sound of sticks cracking, the wolf turned around before losing all the color on its face

Zhang Guang has his own reasons for not chasing the other wolves one of them being that he had put beneath himself to chase animals moving at less than 100km/h


Name: Zhang Guang

Age: 15

Cultivation: 3rd Stage of Houtian

Next stage: 500/ 800

top Speed: 300km

Duration: 5 minutes


Zhang Guang smiled as he looked at his status he knew that with everything as it is now he would be more than ready for the selections tomorrow

"Master, I have returned," he said as he opened the door

"You're back, I assume you had a good hunt?" an old man replied, wearing nothing but a worn-out out Kimoto

"I had a great hunt," Zang Guang replied earnestly

"You only come with one Tier-3 Direwolf and you call it a great hunt? I have taught you nothing?"

"If it is such I as your honorable master must sincerely Teach you!" the old man said getting up

Zhang Guang struggled to not start shaking his head and simply replied

"I must apologize, master, but today I do not feel up to the task"

"Come I'll make it quick"

"No, master, no you won't"

"let's make a deal if I can catch you then you must do it!"

"Master, I suggest you revise your meaning of "deal"

After a long debate, Zhang Guang was let go after using the excuse that he had to rest

"Do you think you are ready for tomorrow's Pearl Peaks selection?" the old man said just as Zhang Guang was about to enter his room

"Of Course, Master" Zhang Guang sighed in annoyance

"Then you should know that both Huang Twins are participating this time," the old man said before immediately continuing

"Once you come First within the outer circle, I shall teach you something"

Zhang Guangs Eyes Sparkled at this he called the old man master yet he had not taught him many things