
Speed Devil

"Everything seems so slow as if they are frozen in time, but they are not, I am just too fast. I feel like I can outrun light but will I be able to? Would I even be able to see at that speed?" "Well there is only one way to find out" . . . _________________ A physics intern gets exposed to enclosed tachyon particles in a lab accident which causes his body to go through severe changes making him the fastest being ever. _____________________ A/N - The start of the novel will be very slow-paced, the characters around the MC will be introduced, the world around him will slowly be built. If you don't like slow pace start, this novel is not for you.

Evil_God_ZARAKH · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Changes In Body

As Shawn returned back to his house, he noticed that it is still empty, his mother is not there, he expects her to spend the day at her boyfriend's house.

Like before he had no hope of improving the relationship between them, when he saw her worried about him in the hospital, he thought that they might have a chance but seeing that she went right back to her old habit, Shawn lost all hope but he didn't blame her.

He blamed her before when he was still a teenager, he really hated her but as he grew older, he stopped hating her, he just started to care less about her, he also understood that this was her way of coping with her life and Shawn didn't want to interfere with it, he was not the perfect son and she was not the perfect mother.

Ignoring the fact that she is not home, Shawn locked the door and went to sleep after taking a shower, when he lied down on his bed he closed his eyes and tried to sleep but he didn't feel sleepy at all, knowing that he will be awake for hours and he thought about his life and where he will see himself in future.

After thinking for a while he really doesn't know where he sees himself in the future, he actually never thought about it, the only reason he is studying physics is that it was the most interesting subject that caught his attention, he wanted to know how this world really worked.

He knew he is going to be a scientist but he was not crazy focused on becoming one like some other students in his university who share the same major, he does work hard but not as hard as the others who try their best, his intelligence help him a lot as remembering and understanding things are much easier.

For now, Shawn decided to get himself a Ph.D. before he does any other planning for his future.

Shawn went to sleep as he has classes tomorrow, though he has been in an accident he didn't feel any pain which surprised him as well, he closed his eyes and wondered around in his thoughts, it took an hour for him to finally fall asleep without realizing.

When he woke up the next morning Shawn felt very energetic, he has never felt so refreshed ever in his life, his mood was great and his mental state seems to be pretty sharp, he felt like his vision has become very clear, he didn't have a bad vision before but now things around him seem to be a little more colorful than usual.

Since he felt very energetic, he decided to go on a run, he noticed that his mom is still not home, he locked the door behind him and started to jog towards the park, it didn't take him too long to reach the park, he was surprised by his phase but what surprised him, even more, was that he was not exhausted at all, he didn't even sweat a drop.

He was surprised by his current fitness. Since he doesn't feel any kind of fatigue he decided to continue with his run but after running for a while he soon realized that no matter how much he ran, he doesn't seem to be tired at all, by now he should be sweating and breathing heavily but his heartbeat seems to be very stable and beating in a rhythm.

'Something is definitely not right' He thought and ran back to his house to get ready for university, once he was back he directly went to get a shower, he stood in front of his mirror and noticed that his muscles seem to be a little more defined than before, this just proved that he was right.

Muscles just don't get bigger or more defined in a day, he removed the bandages from his body as he wanted to take a shower, to his surprise, all the cuts and bruises that were under these bandages seem to have disappeared.

'Did I go through a mutation?' He questioned himself as cases like these have been recorded before in history, a scientist got exposed to radiation which triggered a mutation turning him into a mindless monster that almost wrecked the whole city, he was soon put to stop by Omni Guardian.

'Shit, will I go beserk?' He thought by noticing the changes in his body. 'Let's not overthink it right now, I should observe my condition, if things get worse I need to report it to Professor Newmon'

Shawn thought while checking out his body, he would be lying if he said he didn't like the changes, he already had muscles but now they look more defined, his eyesight seems to have improved a lot, he is able to see colors that he couldn't see before.

For example the designs on his bathroom tile, he could clearly see a different shade of blue that he couldn't see before, knowing that his body is going through some kind of changes he knew that he has to be careful.

He quickly took a shower and headed to the university, he decided to run as he wanted to know the limit of his newfound stamina and he was surprised once again.

Even when he reached the university by running, he didn't even sweat a bit nor was he out of breath, he wondered if these changes are advantageous to him or will they reveal the side effects soon after.

He is really worried right now, not knowing what his body is going through can be scary, he is a little scared that the side effects will be much worse than the reward which seems to be a stronger body and a lot of stamina.