
Spectral warlord of the apocalypse

Festus_Darko_1226 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The beginning

A tall and muscular 24 year old boy with black hair was watching television at home and enjoying himself. He had been watching a show for hours now and got up to go get a snack from the kitchen. On his way to the kitchen a sudden blue screen appeared in front of him relaying a message. 

[Welcome to the world system]

[In exactly ten days a galactic catastrophe will reach earth and kill possibly all beings living on it. To ensure the survival of humanity, the system is automatically assigning a class to every human being on Earth along with the cultivation techniques of said classes, it is up to the individual whether they want to train or not, goodbye everyone and please prepare for the apocalypse]

[Name: Ethan Young]

[Class: Hollow]

[Class specialization: Spectral creation]

[Spectres: 0]

[Souls: 1]

Of course everyone was puzzled, some thought it was a prank, others just didn't care, some decided to wait and see what happens in ten days and others started cultivating due to the prospect of getting something special. The boy though was different, instead of doing any of the above he just locked up his house and immediately rushed to his best friend's place.

Three quick knocks and the door was opened, out came a blonde haired tall and moderately muscular boy came out with his sister. The sister was a blonde beauty with everything just right. "Good afternoon Winter, Desmond." The boy greeted. "Good afternoon Ethan, come in." Desmond said opening the door enough for Ethan to enter, then closing the door behind him. "So what brings you here." Desmond asked. "Come-on, don't act like there's nothing wrong, didn't you get the message." Ethan said. "The thing is, I don't know whether it's a prank or if it's real." "That doesn't matter, the fact that we were given a way to cultivate means that at least part of it is true and am going to train as much as I can until I can do something nice." Desmond said. "Ok, what class did you get?" Ethan asked. "Well that's the thing, I got the jumper class and Winter got the mage class. I did my research and it turns out there are very different specialization a class can have so even if we were all the same class we would have different specializations." Desmond answered. "Hey, if you still do research then do you perhaps know about anything called the hollow class." Ethan asked. Desmond paused for a brief moment before answering. "You don't have that class do you." He asked. "I do why, is it dangerous." Ethan asked. Desmond and Winter glanced at each other and burst out laughing. "Yeah, hollow type abilities focus on ghosts and the dead, sorry bro but you got a crappy class right before an apocalypse." Desmond said while still laughing. "Anyway, we were just training, do you want to join us." "Yeah, I do." "Great, let's get started." They all say in a meditative position and started cultivating.

The whole week goes by with the trio cultivating, preparing, stockpiling resources setting defenses, training the abilities they cultivated, and finally Ethan made a breakthrough. Ethan had been cultivating with the siblings the whole week and hadn't achieved anything, he could feel the energy being gathered within his body but he couldn't do anything with it, all he continued to do was gather in hopes that one day something will happen, and today was the day. Ethan could be seen in the backyard moving a human sized white spirit, the thing was a human except it was pure white and people could see through it almost like a ghost except with legs. These were what was known as spectres. Spectres were mystic beings that were forged from souls. The siblings urged him to practice with the Spectre but all he could do currently was move it around, Desmond gave him the idea that since it's a ghost it needs to possess a person, he tried the possession on himself and that was the end, his body had seemingly obsorbed the Spectre and he couldn't bring it back out sending him back to square one. The cultivation started again and Ethan was having a hard time restarting his cultivation all over again.

On the ninth day everything was fine, the group took a break from cultivation to enjoy the things they could enjoy one last time. They explored various parts of the city, went to the amusement park, did a few other things and then returned to Desmond's house to wait out the so called apocalypse. Day ten arrived and nothing happened in the morning, the group waited until midday but nothing happened. "I knew that the message was a lie, the person who did that just wanted to scare people, at least we still have our abilities." Desmond said. "You two have your abilities, I lost mine when I decided to try out spectral possession." Ethan said a little sadly. "Well, since the apocalypse didn't happen, wanna go for a walk." Winter asked. "Yeah, ok." Ethan answered. Even though Desmond wasn't invited he decided to tag along. They walked around the whole city ending up on the other side. They decided to return, Desmond checked the time and it was five seconds before 1:00 pm when the messages were sent, he watched as the clock struck one o'clock and then, the sky darkened, strange things started slamming into the ground, the group stood there long enough for one of the things to stand up revealing a humanoid figure with six arms and the figure was made entirely out of muscle tissues. The being dashed forward and plunged one of it's fists straight through a man who was standing nearby, the man's muscles exploded from within his body and slowly wrapped around his bones while destroying his organs and erapting his skin, it took twenty seconds for the transformation to be completed. The newly transformed thing attacked another person and the rest of the things started attacking everyone they could see. One of the things tried to attck the trio but when it came a little too close Winter blasted it with a bolt of lightning destroying it's head and causing it to die on the spot. Another one came from the side and Winter didn't see it in time but before it could get her three portals appeared under all three of them and they fell in the portals appearing in Desmond's house. The apocalypse had started. Beings made of muscle were killing and transforming people all around the world. Those who had been practicing their class specialization were fighting back. Major cities were destroyed, buildings were decimated and people were being killed. It was chaos and mayhem outside.