
Spectacularly Ridiculous Spiderman

Nikhil_Tom_Biju · Movies
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

Peter and Ned were out of the Bus and hurrying towards their first day destination check when Peter was called out.


The voice was more than enough to flood his insides with a red raging tsunami, he clenched his bag straps hard enough to make his knuckles go white.

He reminded himself to be calm, he took a deep breath, held it, reminded himself, "Not Now!", and exhaled slowly he gestured Ned to wait for him, by know everyone who was out of the bus was looking at what was going on with interest but Peter had eyes only fort that one Dark faded Auburn haired man with a screaming straight rigid posture and confidence that be told that this guy was used to everyone listening to him.

"Peter, son." Norman Osborn waved him forward with his only heir to Oscorp, Harry Osborn a complete opposite image of his father, head bowed, posture inclined and eyes that held defeat.

Peter could hear the whispers of everyone behind him as they recognized the businessman that was calling him son.

"Hey Mr. Osborn, A pleasant surprise! What are you doing here?" Peter shook the offered hand with a plastered realistic smile, "Hey, Harry! How are you? What was it, seven something years, Man, such a long time right?" Peter gave a friendly punch to his once good friend, never a best friend though.

Norman didn't let Harry form a reply as he continued on, "As for what I am here for, I thought being near you and in such a prestigious school would certainly do Harry a lot good, so congratulate Harry here, he is your classmate from today onwards." Peter really wanted to throttle this guy's beefy neck with all his strength, but he smiled and congratulated and even weirded out Harry at his father's enthusiasm.

"Now Harry do go on, get acquainted with your other classmates." Norman shooed off his son like a dog, and like a dog Harry listened to his owner, dressed in expensive clothing, he was a loyal pet, the price of his shoe laces was more than the school fees.

Norman put his arm on Peter's shoulder, brought him into a one arm hug and leaned down like he was going to whisper the powers of immortality in his ear.

"So, Peter Have you thought about my offer?" Norman whispered discreetly looking this way and that.

Peter was genuinely confused, "Offer? What offer?" Peter asked naively, he pretended like he genuinely did not have any idea as to what this guy was smoking about.

"The offer of internship, of course! At Oscorp." Norman was quick to reply, as if there was any other offer he was going to provide Peter with.

"Oh this is too quick..." Peter hesitated as to what this self obsessed idiot was going on about.

"Too Quick!? I personally sent you an Email two months back?" Norman couldn't believe his eyes as looked at the careless attitude displayed by such a bright young man, who was going to help him revive his father's work, because Peter was more intelligent than his parent's combined, he couldn't believe his eyes when he had read those advanced papers on Nanotechnology that were better than the Papers he was going to submit on the same topic and if he had Peter under and working for him, he could have access to one brilliant mind that had the capability to become better than the likes of Tony Stark, Reed Richards and such. But seeing the lack of recognition in Peter's eyes, Norman was doubting himself.

"And which E-mail ID did you send me this offer?" Peter asked patiently.

"The one that is registered in your school." Norman spoke like it was the obvious thing.

"Oh, that! Sorry Mr. Osborn I don't use that one anymore, Here," Peter handed him his card which had QR code, "Open your Camera and scan this." Peter said.

Intrigued, but willing, Norman did as he was told, he scanned and information credentials regarding Peter started appearing on his phone, Norman felt a jolt of shiver travel his being as he just saw how this kid had outdone him, again, "That Email is littered with all sorts of different offers, companies asking help on fixing their servers, party invitation, and the usual white hat hacking that don't pay well and the likes, basically useless stuff so I don't use that ID anymore, you should have all my work details listed in your mobile now, so if you have anything you need my help with, do contact me on this numbers and addresses." Peter pointed out on Norman's Phone.

"What is this?" An astonished Norman asked, pointing at the QR code.

"It's a unique code to hold a specific information, this information can only be accessed by this code which is embedded in this, so without this code one will be unable to access this information, I am building a QR code generator which will house tons of such information. "

"And where are you storing this information," Norman asked with a raised menacing eyebrow, interrupting Peter, he was completely mind blown.

"Oh, That's a question for you Mr. Osborn, take a guess." Peter implied that no one could guess this one correctly.

Norman smiled with shadows converging on his face in acceptance of the challenge. "I think this is not on some Internet servers as that would be very obvious, so what could it be, satellites is all I could think of, My boy."

Peter laughed heartily, "Listen very carefully, Mr Osborn, This information that you just accessed was born in this very instant, that QR code is to provide complex instruction for your phone's Professor to make this info right here at this exact time with the use of its communication antennas to access the microwaves in the nature and switching itself on and off at implied intervals and lengths like a..."

"Morse Code, but where.." Norman hissed out impatiently.

Peter chuckled at adult's childish behaviour, "I am coming to that, it is in the very microwave signals that our phone uses to send and receive signals except, you don't need a host server, the air, earth, everything is made up of a certain wave, so the very nature becomes our host and we just need a processor which is in our mobile phones and instructions as to what to find, which is in the QR to create this information and this can be done as many times as possible, I am building a payment transfer app which will help every individual to send money or whatever to be frank without needing a server, as everything can be created without a need for internet. This is the next version of the internet."

"Phenomenal," Norman couldn't help himself as the words left his mouth, that amount of passive money such a thing could make was just incomprehensible. And looking at the smiling face of Peter, he was again reminded of his past, Richard Parker with the same drive and zeal had given him the same deal but he didn't use it better, but now fate had given him a second chance and he was going to snag Peter Parker for himself at all costs and he could finally fulfil his dream of a serum better than Super Soldier.

Peter continued his droning as Norman was lost in his own day dreaming, "So this payment application will be unique for each individual, with as many banks an individual has and how many one uses, he wouldn't have to wait for a check all the time and for it to get processed for days and what not, with this technology payments of any kind will be done within a minute. Anyway Mr. Osborn it's getting late, see you around." Norman gave a shaky absent nod, before he was reminded with a jolt as to why he was here in the first place. He pulled Peter back and asked excitedly, "So, you'll be joining right. I'll send someone to talk with your school to arrange internship hours.."

"Woah, woah, wait a second, I didn't agree to your proposal yet, and if my Aunt hears this she will go bonkers, she doesn't let me skip grades, no way in hell she's going to let me intern at you let alone anywhere for that matter, she has already forbidden me from joining the internship offered by the Baxter building."

Not really, she was beyond happy and proud of him, it was Peter who didn't want an internship because he had big plans and being under someone was fulfilling their dreams not your's, so he had literally fucked her raw, bound and unconscious till she agreed to reject the offer given to him by Susan Storm the owner of the Baxter Building, and when the incident involving them getting powers happened, Aunt May literally hugged him and cried as to what his fate would have been if he was present there along with them, She blames herself everytime she sees Ben Grimm in all his rocky glory, even his junk was not spared.

"And, Mr. Osborn, if you really need an intern I'll definitely suggest Liz Allan, she is very intelligent as well or there is Cindy Moon who is also on par with Liz."

Norman eyes had gone hard, stony red in an instant, when his not so good felt offer was rejected, he unknowingly dug his claws in Peter's shoulder.

"Think about it again, My boy, time flies and you might regret rejecting this offer in future, Offer still stands and there is also another girl about your age who is also interning under Connors, You would love it there with some close to your age as a colleague and it's pays well." Peter looked on as a creepy sinister smile lit on Norman's face and Peter at once knew he was walking on thin ice.

He had to placate this nutcracker at once. So in a turnaround Peter encircled his hand around Norman and whispered lowly, "Mr. Osborn, You know I would totally love to work under you, help Oscorp in helping humanity just like my father and mother did," Norman nodded jerkily his cracked smile still in place, even as his grip became tight enough that Peter's blood circulation in his right hand stopped as his fingers became cold and numb, "But you have to understand Mr. Osborn now is not the time, My Aunt will kill me, I promise you I will personally reject all offers and right after I finish my highschool next year, I'll personally call you, so till then be patient it's just a year more, then we'll both work together." Peter whispered in a tone that belayed complete submission.

Norman conceded with a blanched expression on his face and asked Peter to contact him if he needed any funding for his application before letting Peter go.

Peter turned around and walked back, softly sighing in relief as blood filled with rich oxygen rushed in his right arm.

Liz, her gang, Ned, and Flash's gang whispered among themselves as one of the richest person on planet came to personally talk the Champion Nerd of the Nerds on campus, nothing like this had ever happened in Midtown high, so when they saw Peter walking back they were all very curious, while Cindy and Liz shared a concerned look between themselves as they both observed what everyone among them failed to, the stormy look of anger, completely lost eyes and Peter silently stomping his rigid posture on the ground with his emotions all over the place, this was the first time they had seen their careless Peter this serious, Cindy noticed her best friend's hesitant look just as Liz skipped the short distance clutching her bag straps hard as her worry for Peter grew.

Peter power walked with every step crushing the grass below him, he had not forgotten what that bastard had done to his life, his family, what he was still doing, but now was not the time, he was not prepared yet, but when he was, he was going to throw Norman in such a deep pit of no way out that the only way to come out was by praying to Hell.

His revenge had just begun.

Liz came to a stop next to him and walked in step with him, but after walking a few steps Peter was still bubbling in silent anger and downright ignoring her as if she wasn't even there, which probably was the case, so she bumped her shoulder into his and smiled cheerfully.

When Peter felt some unknown passerby dash into his shoulder, Peter for sure knew this was Flash Thompson and his hand made a beeline for his skateboard ready to smash it into his egg like head, and when he was just about to do that, he turned only to find Liz, her face trembling in stunned disbelief and fear struck, his grip on his skateboard slackened and his board clattered to the ground.

Peter couldn't believe himself as to how close he was to doing something that he would have regretted, even if it was Flash and not Liz. "Oh I..I..I just, Oh I am so-sorry Liz," Peter was this close to crying as his eyes pooled with moisture.

He was this close to hurting someone very precious to him, he visibly shook with the weight of his consequences if he was a second late, a second late into forever harming one of his dear friends.

Seeing Peter break in front of her, she reached out with her hand and patted him gently with occasional circles in his back, Peter took a drop breath, left his emotions mix with his breath and let them out through his breath, he gave a shaky smile and ushered Liz into his warm hug, Liz didn't know whether to be gleeful or caring when Peter nuzzled into her hair like a kitten, she threaded her fingers in his luxuriously soft hair, softer than her in fact and caressed him lovingly, hearing Peter sigh in her ear sent a shiver in her being.

"It's Fine, it's alright, happens with the best of us," she soothingly rubbed circles in his strong muscular back, almost enjoying herself, before she reminded herself to think about Peter, he needed her right now.

Peter squeezed her in a reassuring hug and replied, "Thank you and I am really really sorry." And he meant it.

"You owe me one for nearly splitting my head." Peter winced at the reminder and noticed that Liz herself winced at her lousy tact, 'You just forget a rule, girl, don't remind them what clearly hurts him.'

When they both noticed the other person wincing in response to each other, they both went smiling, bursting out in laughter. "I definitely owe you after that!"

Just that very moment the bell buzzess sharply and they both turn around to find Flash with his brand new iphone filming Peter and How long was this idiot recording them? Peter sighed at this guy's antics as everyone went inside the school from where they were standing outside the school for 20 some minutes.

"Yo, Penis Parker, was that Norman Osborn asking you to be their test subject for a rare disease called Nerdiness." The Gang of Flash laughed heartily, even Peter felt a smile tugging at his lips but he had a reply ready nonetheless.

"Nah, he was just asking for a strand of your hair, so they can clone a female replica of yours and blackmail your military general dad to replace you with her, so they can use you to make a cyborg brain dead super soldier with your remote in the Oscorp hands." Flash had gone pale white with bullet beads of sweat all over him as he imagined the scenario.

Liz elbowed him, "That's horrible, Pete." She mockingly admonished even though the corners of her mouth tugged upwards at his dark joke.

Peter shrugged undeterred, and continued, "And he wants thousands of clones like you, so that he can take over the US government and rule the world like that guy Dr. Doom, but with you as his army." Peter whispered conspiracies and him along with Ned snickered as Flash went into abject horrid trauma.

He turned back to look as everyone except his friends were teasing him and that Penis Parker was clutching his stomach and fist bumping leeds.

"Parker, You bastard." Peter and Ned ran at their highest speeds possible, laughing uncontrollably as they imagined a terrified Flash Thompson showcasing his Football running skills as he trampled the students coming between him and his target.

Liz didn't feel it but unknowingly a smile blossomed on her pretty face seeing Peter happy, She didn't like the empty look some minutes ago that adorned his handsome face.

The Asian ethnic Cindy came beside her longtime bestfriend, "What happened with Peter and that rich old man driving Mercedes." She nudged her girlfriend.

"He didn't tell." Liz spoke in silence even as they hurried into the classes.

They take a seat just as an angry Flash runs inside searching for them and behind him, their subject teacher, "Eugene," She barked to the unknown Flash who jumped high at being called out, "stop creating ruckus and take a seat, Come on in girls."

She nodded for the girls to come in and during all this, one sexy redhead girl had completely escaped Peter's notice as she sat in the very back and out of Peter's eye, observing Peter and Liz with a scrutiny.

In between his hurried Morning BJ, running to catch the Bus and a chance encounter with Norman asshole Osborn and his son of all people, Peter got very tired and yawned as the teacher started droning on about who knows which idiot, who did what? Peter fell asleep for some much needed rest.

Just after some blissful ten minutes, someone bloody threw something right at his head, he was elbowed by an equally drowsy Ned just as the Duster landed where his head was, they both grew nervous in horror.

"PARKER," It was a lioness roar this time, "FIRST DAY, FIRST PERIOD AND YOU ARE SLEEPING, Free period detention with Coach Wilson, and Parker don't you dare mess around. Or I'll call your Aunt for a talk. Understand."

Peter looked this way and that with abject horror, Nope not Aunt May, Please no.

Seeing as one of the smartest students being cowed properly in his place, she went back to teaching as the class settled in silence, there was no laughter or mocking when it was literature, Professor Ritters was known to hand out Severe Punishments like they were going out of trend.

Except Flash many felt sympathy for Peter, who knows what her punishment is going to be this time, some students shifted uncomfortably in remembrance when last year they had to clean out the entire roof and paint it as community service.

"How the fuck?" Peter whispered irritatedly, "did you not get punished?"

"I was singing Hallelujah." Ned hissed back in reply.

"I'm Jew, what am I supposed to pray for and for that matter neither are you Catholic." Peter pointed out.

"PARKER!" She yelled out with another chalk hurled in his direction, but Peter caught it. "Just asking for page number Miss." His teacher sighed, shaking her head left and right in annoyance and went back to teaching.

Just like that, the first period of the first day went by and Peter with Ned hurried off towards the Students Noticeboard to paste his yearly adverts and something new.

"Tuitions? You are giving tuition, do you even have time for that with your two jobs already? And why for that matter?" Ned asked as Peter pulled out previously pinned adverts and placed the repair service advert run by both of them.

"Why, why not, I left that boring job and I need something to make money and with these grades that I worked so hard to achieve last year, no way I am letting easy money out of my grasp."

"You were absent for most of the classes." Ned replied back mocking.

Peter balled the pre pinned adverts and perfectly dunked them in the far corner dustbin just as Liz and her merry gang members turned the corner only to find a balled advert land in the dustbin, her advert, she looked on as to who would dare do that and found a proudly smiling Peter fist bump his best friend for his aim.

She took the ballad advert out of the dustbin and stomped towards Peter with Cindy, Betty and a few others marching behind her.

She could exactly make out the, "Oh Fuck." from Peter's very kissable lips from the distant hallway and she felt like crushing her lips against his and practically sucking the oxygen of his very lungs, by the time she reached there her mind was completely devoid of any built up steam and she was just standing there like an idiot glaring at him without any heat, when she heard footsteps of her girls coming to a stop behind her, the sheer rage just evaporated and she arched her left eyebrow in question. Liz internally enjoyed herself as Peter grew more nervous every single second she was quiet. He was cute, even nervous!

"Er, Um, Sorry Liz didn't know it was your's, here let me, I'll pin it back." Peter took the crumpled notice and smoothed it to his best ability, pinning it back right next to his advert this time removing someone else's advert, which so happened to be one of schools importance notice. Peter could feel her glare on the back of his head like a poking pin while he pinned.

He didn't even read as to what was written, before he was out and skipping from there. Ned joined him a second later, both exhaling like they had escaped a great calamity, "What's the next period?" Peter asked. "Mine is algebra, here check yours?" First period was the only common period as the teacher taught in two more schools, Peter took the offered phone and started scrolling, "Uh, Bro do you by any chance know what's my roll number?" Peter asked, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"Your next class is with me Mr. Parker," Mrs Warren called from where she was towering behind him, "I knew something like this would happen when it concerns you, also Miss Ritters has assigned me to takeover your detention in your next free period, which so happens to be the next two periods after mine and since you have left all the extracurricular clubs, as you have completed most of them, still a student needs to at least be in one Club so that the student can be tallied off if he/she scores less marks in a particular subject, in a year," The more she spoke the more his face changed colours and in the far distance, he could hear Flash and cronies laughing just as everyone around him winced in sympathy, all the while Ned patted his back in assurance like he was a soldier going to fight a war, "Speaking of which did you complete the Holiday Homework project that I had personally assigned you?"

"You did?" Peter squeaked bewildered as to when this had happened? And why the fuck was being in a club necessary it was not last year, he could've skipped classes after break and gone home after that, but now he had to wait for his extracurricular club activities, probably the reason why it was kept after classes, He was in a program where he only sat for first five periods of the day, that being Literature, just to keep Ned company, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Math, after which he skipped School or occupy whatever labs were empty to use for his projects with permission of course.

Every other subject he self studied and the school allowed the students if they signed an agreement with the school, he had fucked his reluctant Aunt unconscious so that she would sign it for him, that was usually the way to get his Aunt to agree to anything except skipping grades, that she wouldn't do even in his deathbed let alone her's. But now he had to choose a club that sits just after break so that he can go right home after that.

"Oh, you forgot didn't you, I personally told you to prepare..." she went on in her ranting lecture about his project that he still didn't recognize and his careless attitude. Next free period, which she informed him about, was going to be oh so pleasurable. Unlike what everyone thought, he was looking forward to his detention.

'Heaven.' Peter thought. Peter was pretty sure because he used to skip classes after the lunch interval and as he didn't need to stay for the remaining periods he went home early, so many kids must've complained and because of that, the important subjects were scheduled throughout the entire day so that he can't escape, Jealous bitches, he could see some satisfied smiles on the known teacher's pets of the school.

When the bell rang indicating five minutes for the next period all the kids dispersed from the hallway and Flash passed him by grinning like an idiot at his misfortune, Every student dreaded detecting detention with Mrs. Warren because of how strict, harsh and long her punishment's stretched, some students had a very good idea as to which cupboards and files Peter was going to sort, punch into different folders along with cleaning the cupboard itself and his Personalised Holiday Homework on top of that, she was famously known to give homeworks impossible to find answers on the internet, unless you were Peter Parker.

Ned patted his arm in sympathy, while Liz glared at her Physics teacher, She had blackmailed Ned last year so that she could also choose the same subjects that Peter chose, so their timetable matches and now this bitch just literally took him away whereas she could have spent some quality time with him for the next two periods, now she had to wait for the fourth period so that she can finally be alone with him. 'How the fuck had she gotten so smitten with a Boy of all things?' Her mind screamed.

She watched as Peter was literally dragged to their next class of Physics by his ear as Flash sniggered behind his back.

Flash was having the time of his life that too on the very first day, Penis Parker was on complete Bad luck mode on today, now he had to find the new redhead girl from the bus, if only he had his father's Audi, he was sure to score a date with her, in his quest for beautiful redheads he missed an equally pretty savage girl, stomping her foot hard on his and getting lost in the crowd of students, whereas he was left yelping in pain, 'Coach is going to be so pissed off, when he finds me limping.' Flash thought in dread.

Inside the classroom Peter sat in the very last bench of the corner with his laptop open, typing very seriously like he was taking some serious notes, but he was not. He was creating unique individual Spider-Man suits for his too many future villains and Peter was going all out, he was using his advanced thinking capable brain to regenerate his comic book knowledge from his previous life, but none of this suits were made yet, because he was yet to become Spider-Man, so first Spider-Man than suit making.

Meanwhile as the class went on and he used all his acting skills to pretend to be attentive, he pulled out another window and started his own hacking software alongside his suit designing, he was already on suit #69. His fingers ran on the keyboard with a record pace. Liz was noting down important points as her teacher explained them, when a notification appeared on her laptop and a note started typing itself. "Hey Liz, Peter here, Sorry about that thing earlier, where I totally destroyed your posting, It was totally not cool, I am genuinely sorry and as an apology, here take this, just click on the accept button below," Liz was never more faster than now, she opened the template to see a very beautiful and artistic drawing of cosmos with colourful planets merging together, it was destructive in its beauty, she came back as the text continued typing itself, "It's a template for your advertisement, sorry I didn't read as to what that was about, What was it anyway?" The text finished typing itself on the black background. And a dialogue box appeared for her to type in.

She sneakily started typing making sure her teacher was not checking on her, "Did you just hack my laptop?" She typed biting on her bottom lip.

"Temporarily," Peter typed back, "Don't worry it's just a dialogue summons, Your Laptops is still completely yours, I am just barging in for a sorry." Peter ended it with a smiley face.

A soft sigh of relief, she did not know she was holding escaped her succulent lips, she literally had the nightmare stuff on her laptop in regards to Peter, especially her Diary and folder including pictures of Peter, if he found out about them, then she would have to forever say goodbye to her crush.

Liz tentatively started typing back after making sure Mrs Warren was not on the lookout, she was even more horrible then Miss Ritters when it came to detention, last year she had her type the papers of hers which were like 200 pages in total, that was just savage on her part, "It was just a meeting announcements for the first session of the club. And thank you for the template, you draw very well, like just wow."

"Nah, it's not that hard to draw once you know the basics and put in the necessary practice," He was drawing Spider-Man costume designs from the time he came here, "So what is this club, I didn't see you in any of my clubs that I was in last year."

"It's a new one, just formed last year about Quizzes on anything and everything related to studies in all subjects, we even have competitions with other schools, But keeping that aside what is up with you and your oh so many clubs that you had joined last year, like you were always running ragged from one class to the next"

"I was just doing crazy stuff at home, so my Aunt promised me something big, if I gain at least a passable certificate in all the clubs, So I joined every club on campus and completely finished them pretty early and easily, and I got bored so I completely learned 7 languages one after another, 3 music instruments and such, so the only club I was in last year was the Physics one, that didn't require much practising or such, Me and Mrs Warren are very good friends because of that."

"What, Seriously?" She couldn't believe her ears, uh!, eyes. Peter, Mrs Warren, Freinds? Unbelievable.

"In my detentions with her we mostly debate and discuss about every wild thing imaginable, she is a very smart conversationalist when it comes to Physics and Technology and such, so I was pretty much always in detention with her because all the clubs I had no use of except Physics."

"Wait, is that why you were always absent from the campus half of the time. You just went home after lunch break, exactly, I always wondered how you just disappeared halfway."

Peter continued working on his different web shooters, he adjusted the nozzle into different settings like fine spray, narrow line, heavy cord, thick adhesive and many such, simultaneously he would type in the dialog box he had hacked, (Temporarily hacked) into Liz's laptop.

"Yeah, that's about right. And they probably knew I would do the same thing this year, so they strategically placed the subjects that I attend with intervals in between so that I don't escape, this is most likely the principal's idea as he was pretty frustrated last year, when I was acing everything without attending half the time and now I don't have even have to be for any clubs, because there are none remaining for me to be in, so I probably have to be in Physics club, just for the sake of that compulsory rule."

Liz couldn't help but grin with a concealed straight face as she read the comment, "Oh God, Such partiality, look at us lowly mortals struggling to juggle studies, classes, club, Homework, cultural festivals and what not, While Big Brain Parker is struggling for something new to occupy him, so unfair Mr. Good God, so very unfair. 's sniff, sniff'."

Peter rather than sympathise with the good natured banter, decided to flame on, "Oh, Homework, Right! Me and Ned made a tiny tracing robot and had it scan our previous notes, So now that small robot does mine and Ned's Homework, we haven't done a single page of homework for the last two years." Peter didn't forget to paste a smiling emoji with horns at the end.

In Reply to that he got a crying one with overflowing tears and another Puffed cheeks angry emoji, with the captions of "So unfair."

Peter smiled and apologised once more before closing the window and going back to his web shooters. He designed an opening circular slit on his shooters so that he would be able to use his organic webbing without his artificial web nozzle hindering him.

All he did was expand the front surface of spinnerette into ports which will automatically contract and dilate so he can use his organic webbing at the same time alongside his artificial web.

All in all he would have two webs holes to fire in a single wrist, but when he gets his Nano-based Spider Suit then he could have as many spinnerets as possible and wherever he wanted as long as they had access to a web cartridge.

Liz on the other hand was on cloud nine, 'This is exactly why she was so smitten with the Nerd. Woohoo,' she cheered internally, she was feeling so smug that her fingers started drumming on the bench and her blonde friend Betty raised an inquisitive eyebrow in her direction.

Liz shook her head, smiling abashed.

Mrs Warren turned to look at the soft noise to find the second smartest student of her class, Miss Alan goofing in dreams.

"Miss Alan," The beautiful African-American teacher with soft swirls of shiny black hair called out, "Any doubts about the problem?"

Everyone in the class turned to look as to what was going on.

Liz was hurled from cloud nine to six at being called out as her smile was wiped out of her pretty angular face, she shook her head in negative and hid herself behind her laptop, blushing in embarrassment.

Mrs Warren nodded to herself as she left the matter alone, Miss Alan was a good, smart Kid, no need for any administration for the girl, unlike one Mr Parker.

She pulled the attention of the class back to the projector, only for her eyes to fall on the smartest, most intelligent student she had ever come across in her teaching career, Peter Parker.

The boy was busy playing on his laptop with something that was so not related to what she was teaching at all, she knew Peter enough to know that he was hardly ever interested in what she thought, let anyone for that matter, he was leagues ahead of graduate students, so ahead that she wouldn't be surprised if he told her that he already knew the entire subject matter to perfection.

She wouldn't be surprised at all, he was just that talented.

But, this level of concentration that he was displaying as he went in and typing made her pretty sure, he was most likely in his games of Star Wars, boy was crazy Mad when it came to Star Wars and it was the fault of Ned for introducing Peter to that.

But this was unacceptable, other students complained to her if she let this slide and if said complaints reached Mr Morita the principal, then she was in for an earful.

The class went confused as to why their teacher stopped teaching, one by one everyone turned and traced her line of sight, to see Nerdy Parker in his Superconscious mode typing like he was going to pull the keys out today.

Monica felt her eyebrow twitch, the white chalk in her finger snapped in two as Peter failed to notice the pin drop silence that had descended upon the class, the only sound being smashing of keys and mouse clicks.


The class thundered at the sudden outburst. The classes above and side to the physics classroom rang with the word Parker and by the next period everyone would know that the Parker boy was in trouble, AGAIN.

Nothing New.

On the other hand, Peter felt his skeleton vibrate as he leaped from sitting to standing on top of his chair, quickly snapping his laptop shut and exiting the program while he wondered, 'What the actual fuck happened?'

Looking in Mrs Warren's narrowed glaring eyes, Peter winced as he just knew something bad was waiting to be dished. She kept on drilling her invisible optic laser beams in the back of his skull.

The class didn't even laugh at his dramatic response, praying that her eye didn't fall on them. Some students still remembered the ache in their muscles when they were in detention with her.

"What were you doing instead of paying attention, Do tell! Mr. Parker?" Mrs Monica asked as she folded her hands.

"Nothing, just searching topics for my physics Homework of the Holidays." Peter had climbed down but was still standing with his eyes not meeting her.

"So you were not paying attention?" She nodded like that explained it.

Peter, Liz, Betty, Jason and every other student could recognise the word 'detention' forming on her lips.

"NO." Peter shouted at the top of his lungs, his hands up in the air gesturing to her to stop it. He was already in detention, and only he knew how her detention worked when in regards to him.

It was oh so painful, frustrating and just everything in between.

Liz was throwing daggers at her teacher as she could see her targeting Peter for another detention. Why can't this bitch have her one free period which she shared with Peter, she had already assigned him the next period as punishment, that was minus one for her.

"Oh! So, you do agree to not paying attention, Good, Good, Det..." she was cut off as Peter yelled even harder.

"NO, NO, I mean Yes, YES I was paying attention." Peter sighed like that explained it all.

"So you were paying attention, Good, Very Very Good, in that case, can you please tell me the answer to this problem." Everyone in the class breathed out the breath that they were holding except two of Flash's cronies, those being his gf Sally Avril and the meathead Kong who groaned, because everyone in the entire campus knew that the Parker kid could solve any and all answers from his grade to graduates, he even answered the ones that the teachers themselves didn't know.

Peter exhaled and looked pretty confident. This was easy.

Peter looked on at the half solved problem, the given information was k1 bar, k2 bar and p1 and p2's dot products, so Peter started using the first three to find the measures q alpha-beta vectors, while simultaneously solving different elements in the background of his head, that would be needed ahead, which had to be inserted further down the equation, he was quick in solving the basic logarithm without a log table as he just solved them in his mind and started inserting them in the derived equation, after putting those, he started solving only to get 0 infinite. And all of this happened within two seconds in his mind, he was just that fast.

Pretty much assured that he had just escaped a second detention, Peter answered confidently.

"The combined product of q1 q2 cap and j is 0."

The teacher couldn't believe what this idiot student of her's had just done, he was, was.. she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Everyone in the classroom held their breaths looking at their teacher to see if the answer was correct, many were even more assured that this was the correct answer.

Peter smiled sitting down. Liz happy to be spending time with her crush after his next period detention, Sally and Kong groaning as they knew this was going to happen, Isaiah the African dude who always came third, scratched his head as he tried to understand what just happened.


The teacher was the first to clap softly and pretty quickly everyone joined in, the other four classroom teachers and kids wondering what's going on in the Physics classroom.

Peter smiled as someone patted him in congrats. He had just escaped death and that was a tale to be told for his future grandchildrens with fire and marshmallow.

"Wrong ANSWER."

One second the claps were going strong the next second pin drop silence as everyone's jaw dropped this phenomenon was equal to nuke strike, it just never happened.

Peter started coughing like crazy, "WHAT?, Impossible," he wheezed out, checking the board, solving the problem once again only to reach the same zero.

"Mrs. Warren the answer to the product, which totals as I alpha cap is zero." Peter stood once explaining.

"What, Pray tell, Mr Parker is a cap?"

"Um, unit one magnitude." Peter answered truthfully.

"And i, j, k?" She asked exasperatedly.

"Um the three different directions on the graph." Peter answered, trying to determine what she was getting at.

She nodded like she was having an inner conflict.

"Which grade are you in Mr. Parker?"

"Ten." Now the entire class was confused as to where their teacher was going with this.

Monica nodded like that explained it all, "That is the problem Mr. Parker what you are solving is taught in the next grade, that too basics and after you graduate, hopefully you will, in your second year of graduation you will be taught to solve the problem that you just solved, the question on the board is a very basic one which asks you to find a simple term called unit.."

"Scale Magnitude." Peter's face palmed himself as the entire class burst out laughing, he never read the correct question, but answered a correct complex answer, nonetheless.

"There you go, I hope that sums it up then, do pay attention from next time, Mr Parker and everyone let this be a lesson, don't answer without reading and understanding the question and Mr. Parker DETENTION. continuing your first one."

She slammed the chalks on the desk, just as the Bell rang signifying the end of second period.

Everyone quickly hurried out to tell the new Parker tale, Liz giving him and her teacher a nasty glare which both of them failed to see as she went out.

Thank Goodness that asshole son of Norman was not sharing all periods with him, or else he, who knows what else that fucker Osborn will be keeping tabs upon concerning him.

The class emptied out and Mrs Monica closed the door ushering Peter to the teachers chair, pulling the blinds and placing two sound concealers on the door and window made by Peter which would start emitting waves that cancelled any and every sound, he had made them especially for occasions such as these.

It was a very frustrating third period, where she used him for her pleasure with ball rings on his balls, constantly keeping him on the edge and never letting him reach that last blissful release.

And in the fourth detention period it was him who pounded into her hard, raw, tying her to the chair and sodomising her arsehole and pumping her with a load, his second load of the day went down her contracting throat as Peter face fucked her pretty face, making sure to smudge her mascara and makeup, his third load was plastered to her glassess after he tit fucked her and continued back in her tight smooth inner reddish and outer black pussy, with him railing into her from behind pulling hard on her sensitive chocolaty nipple with one hand and strumming her oversensitive clit with his other, while making sure that the his tie was secured as a ball gag in her mouth.

When all of a sudden, when there was still 30 minutes for the lunch break to start, the door opened before closing itself, Peter and the married Mrs Warren were so much lost in their lust that they didn't even notice it the first time, it was the second time when someone sneakily came inside trying to make sure no one saw her except the two girls who she warned, threatened to not speak about this, pretty sure they wouldn't.

She went and whispered," What are you guys doing?" She screeched silently.

They both heard and Peter went to pull out only for Monica to hold him and spit the gag, "No, don't stop I'm close."

Peter was left gaping like a fish, balls deep, his shirt opened, his jeans half hanging as he fucked his physics teacher.

Peter didn't know what to do in this situation, so he continued doing what he was good at as everyone stared silent mouth to each other, and hell broke loose as Mrs Warren gave a guttural moan that bespoke volumes of the orgasm that she just hit as she kept on spasming even after her orgasm died down with occasional minis.

"Ungh, ungh, ungh!" Peter grunted as he kept thrusting till he came.

"Yes, yes, yes!" she whimpered in delight, squeezing another small orgasm for herself.

Mrs Warren and Peter were quick to dress as Miss Ritters kept guard on the door to make sure no one barged in, in her excitement Monica had forgotten that a spare key to her office was with her colleague Julia Ritters.

Monica was quick to throw Peter out after he was decent without his tie as both the teachers continued the barrage of active conversation behind closed doors, Julia her colleague agreed to not let anyone speak of this again and keep their secret.

Peter got a message from Monica to not worry and Peter left it at that, he trusted her.