
Spectacular World

Hope Lauren has read her share of comics. She’s seen supers around her city, even been saved by some on occasion. And she always hoped that she’d be able to join them. With Jack, her grizzled older mentor with secrets that could shake the world, and Pantheon, a new team of heroes, Hope will have to fight against monumental odds to save Oleander City. In a world of action, comedy, tragedy and adventure, there’s plenty for a new hero to do. ---- *Readers can expect a mostly adventure themed superhero journey, that will include slice of life, action, and hopefully interesting world building. Will also contain a slow burn GL plotline I'll get to eventually when I feel like it I guess. This will be a very long story with many arcs* Want to buy me a sandwich? Send me some money! https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ChaseWard2020

RainLiquid · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
113 Chs

Pantheon VS Bad Timers

Kevin had spent his whole life trying to be the best. He studied three times a day: when he first woke up, during lunch, and before he went to bed. He exercised for three hours a day whenever he could and constantly read the new info on the local football players for the next game.

And on top of all of that, he was on a cocktail of drugs. Sure, his future wouldn't be the best, but the present was the only thing he cared about. He was as good as a human could get.

But that was just the thing.

In the end, he was human.

Gunfire rang throughout the air, hitting metal and stone. The warehouse had been dark, only a large window up top allowing moonlight in. Well, that and the many flashes of fire.

Demonica's name was accurate, it seemed. She moved like a demon. She was fast. Most Supers were faster and stronger than your average human, but speedsters were something else. They were like a cheat code, casually dodging gunfire and moving fast enough to cause their blows to land with devastating force.

Each goon they hit didn't get back up.

"Jesus," Kevin whispered, watching the woman dance through every person like it was nothing. They said God once created man, and it was the act of guns that made men equal. Tell that to a Super.

She didn't just run through every person that came near her. She utterly destroyed them. Demonica crawled, going on the ceiling and the walls, her limbs twitching and distorting like something out of a horror movie, as fire blasted off of her, scorching anyone that got near.

"We can't handle a Super, retreat!" Someone screamed out.

That caused Kevin to snap out of the trance. "This is our chance." He put his arm under the man in the suit and helped the guy up. "We can get out of here if we hurry."

"You think we can actually escape." The man groaned, clutching at where he had been shot. "That woman is one of the cruelest people around. She won't let us go."

Kevin didn't even have time to argue with the man. The warehouse they were in constantly shook, and the wooden beams had ignited with fire a while ago. There were no windows, and if not for the open door, they would have all been killed by the smoke a while ago. Dozens of boxes formed walls, allowing them to stay mostly out of harm's way from the bullets. There had been at least a hundred goons in the warehouse, many up in rafters or sitting on boxes, but now less than twenty remained.

Several of the Wandering Coin members dropped their guns and made a mad dash for the exit. No one was able to get outside, though. Fire blasted out at the entrance to the warehouse, causing the front of the building to cave in, leaving them all trapped in what might become their metal tomb.

"Damn it!" Kevin hissed. He made sure they were out of sight of the villain as he set the man down. "You stay here. With all these boxes around, there's bound to be a few crowbars to open them somewhere. I'll try to bust through the wall."

"Ha. You think you can get through an entire wall of wood and stone?"

"Gotta try at least." Kevin hissed.

The man shook his head and stumbled to his feet. His eyes lingered on something that was in the center of the warehouse. The one who had invited everyone here today had been sitting on it, though now only his lower half remained. "Idiots. Of course, a gun isn't a match for a Super. Did they forget what kind of products they had?"

"Where are you going?" Kevin asked.

The man ignored him, stumbling into the center of the room, where bullets rained as much as the hellish woman's fire did. Kevin had been right about the crowbars. There was one next to a box which the man in the suit picked up. He brought it down on the box and forced the lid off, ignoring how his side felt like it was about to explode.

Inside were dozens of jars of a strange orangish liquid. He picked one up and got ready to pop the top off. "Hey!"

That caused Demonica to come to a stop. She dropped one of the men she had been holding, her head twisting all the way around until it stared at him.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size!" Demonica didn't even give him a chance. She was on him, and despite the fact it was a mere flick, the attack threw him through the air, and he smashed back first into the metal wall.

The villain raised her hand up charging up a bolt of hellish fire, ready to vaporize the poor man on the spot. That was when Kevin did one of the dumbest things in his life. As a mere mortal, he leaped out from behind the box and sucker-punched the Super!

The fire on Demonica seemed to freeze, just as the woman did. The attack did nothing, although it absolutely caught the woman off guard. Her eyes darted up to the tall boy who forfeited his life. Kevin stood there shaking but brought his arms up, ready to fight.

"Super or not! I'll fight you!" Kevin never got to even try. One of the Wandering Coin goons fired his gun. The bullet hit Demonica, literally bounced off her skin, and stabbed into Kevin. He gasped and fell over, clutching at his gut wound in shock. "What just happened?"

Demonica let out a snort and brought her foot up, about to simply crush his head. Kevin closed his eyes as the limb came down! Despite having his eyes closed, he was able to see the bright flash of gold and the scream Demonica made that caused all gunfire to cease.

He opened his eyes and saw the mighty Super was shaking rapidly as if she had just been hit with the mother of all tasers.

"Cinder, the thugs! Snowdawn, deal with the fire." A voice announced from up top. Kevin looked up with wide eyes. Heroes. Just like in the comic, they had arrived at the perfect moment. One was dressed in all red, and he glowed with a golden aura. He was the one barking out the orders.

The one in blue, a young girl with a metal helmet, dropped from the roof and tried to land a superhero pose. She fumbled a bit but managed to stay on her feet. Her hands flew out in awkward slapping motions, and any poor goon that got hit by her attack was smashed into the ground, knocked out, and most sporting a broken jaw.

After her was a strange snowman thing, it was covered head to toe in frost, and as it dropped, it held its hands down, creating layers of water and snow that formed into a cushion as it landed. It instantly got to work, blasting snow at the many sets of pillars that had ignited, putting them out.

The man in red was the last to drop down, doing so just as Demonica recovered. The villain hissed and threw out a punch at lightning-like speeds, but the hero caught her fist. Demonica stared in shock as the lower half of the man's face twisted into a smirk. "Let's talk. Speedster, to Speedster." And with that, Battery rammed his fist into the woman's face as fast as he could, blasting her to the other side of the room and through the wall!

Kevin stared up in shock at the man in red. "Did you come to save me?"

Battery didn't answer, pointing his hand at the villain, who was already getting back up. "Bang." A blast of golden light exploded out, causing all the goons and the villain to scream as the brilliant light burned into their retinas.

Cinder smacked goon after goon, moving through the horde of enemies. Her arms came up as she blocked a large man wielding some kind of automatic rifle. The bullets caused her to wince and shake at the thudding impacts, but they didn't pierce her costume. She gave a small smirk and punched the man in the gut, causing him to drop instantly.

"You know, fighting normal guys is a lot more fun than Supers."

"You've fought a Super before?" The voice of Whisper asked, going through the communication device Cinder wore.

"Yep. Three now. Intake, Red Ape, and Green Wolf. I'm two for one also!" Cinder bragged.

Up above, a drone flew through the air, keeping close to the young girl. Whisper wasn't in the building. She remained outside in her van, monitoring everything. "On your left." The girl calmly stated.

One of the goons tried to sneak attack her with a bat, but Cinder dodged the strike, thanks to Whisper's warning. "You know I don't need a babysitter, right? Snowdawn could use your warning more. He's not as durable as me."

"Yeah, but I don't like him," Whisper stated bluntly.

"Ouch." Snowdawn's voice came through the earpiece, causing the girls to giggle.

"There appears to be two civilians near the front, both in critical condition," Whisper said as her drone finished flying through the room.

"I've put out most of the fires," Snowdawn said. "Cinder, you grab the two and bring them to Whisper. I'll take out the rest of these guys and go back up Battery with the villain."

"Got it." Cinder threw one of the goons through a box and began to rip her way past the wood to where the downed people were. She prayed Kevin was okay.

Jack had called her while Whisper had tried to call Myth. Whoever was in the car seemed very important. So important Myth insisted on talking to them and staying behind claiming he would catch up. That meant they currently didn't have the best heavy hitter for their team at the moment.

The Sub Enforcers were busy with something on the other side of the city, and no one was able to get a hold of Watch Dogs still. Ocean Empress could show up to help, but it was fifty-fifty at best. That left just them.

Battery, as it turned out, was fast. The more energy he built up, the quicker he got, and so he carried Snowdawn. She was fast as well, though nowhere near the levels of Speedsters like Battery, Max Lightning, or Demonica. She arrived shortly after him while Whisper drove a van that had all her equipment in.

This would be their first real mission.

She prayed it would all go well.

Cinder came to a sliding stop in front of the downed Kevin. "Kevin! You, okay?"

Kevin groaned, fading in and out of consciousness. "Lauren?"

"No." Cinder put on her best, not Hope Lauren voice. "I'm Cinder! I'm here to save you!"

Kevin's eyes closed, and his breathing slowed. "There was another guy. He was hit by the villain. He had something on him too. One of the drugs." He grunted out.

"The drugs?" Cinder's eyes widened. "Uh oh. Battery, we might have an issue."

"Little busy kid." Battery's voice hissed through the earpiece. "Sit still, ya damn Demon, I'm gonna show ya the light of God! Bang! Bang!"

"At least someone is having a good time." Cinder set Kevin down and made for the corner the other man was at. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw him. He was in bad condition, Very, very bad condition, but the drug remained unused. It seemed he got knocked out before he used it. He also hadn't opened the thing all the way.

She took the jar out of his hands slowly and took her backpack off. She was glad she brought it because she had no pockets on her costume. She opened the bag up and set the jar into it gently, then closed it back up. Slipping it back on, she grabbed the man and gently carried him over to where Kevin was still sprawled out on the ground. All the while, Whisper's drone followed her.

"Cinder here." She said, speaking into her earpiece. "I'm taking the two civilians to you now, Whisper. Get ready to transport them to a hospital."

"Copy that," Whisper responded.

Cinder did her best to lift Kevin up carefully. Her strength made it more than easy. She focused her senses throughout the room. Her enhanced hearing still hadn't recovered fully ever since she blasted her eardrums out. In fact, she was starting to worry it wouldn't. Still, her eyes were fine, and they allowed her to see through the smoke and fire to where what looked like the weakest wall was.

Next up was the man in the suit. She used one arm to lift him up, throwing both men over a different shoulder. "Good thing he got knocked out when he did. If he took that drug, things would have gotten bad."

"Yeah." A loud buzzing caused her to wince as several alarms went off on Whisper's end.

"Shit! Hope behind you!"

Whisper's warning came a second too late. A literal metal beam flew through the air and smashed into the back of Cinder's head. She stumbled forward, gritting her teeth as she kept her grip on the two civilians.

"Ow!" She screamed. "That freaking hurt!"

"How curious. I tried to take your entire head off?" She froze when she heard the voice. It was one she still remembered every now and then. One she had heard before she had her powers. "It seems you are durable. Yes, I'd say you're at least a little tough."

He was dressed in black knight-like armor, a long cape flowing behind him as all the metal in the room was lifted up. Polaron, leader of the Bad Timers, strolled forward.

"I have bad luck."

"That you do." The villain looked up towards the drone that was above him. He lazily cocked his head to the side, and the machine let out a mechanical cry as it was crushed into a ball. "Still. It's a little odd." The man hummed. The ball landed on his finger and began to slowly spin. "I tried to crush your skull into a fine paste, but it seems that the helmet you have isn't normal metal. Ah, it's one of Avalon's isn't it. I heard he had come here."

Cinder ignored him as she slowly set the two civilians down. She was able to get a single step forward before the man struck. The metal ball blasted forward and tried to ram her. She dodged the strike at the last second and managed to wrap her arms around the man's waist. Twisting her body, she turned and threw him across the room and into one of the boxes. His armor rose up as he used his powers to float above the air, all the nails ripping their way out of the wood. The air buzzed as his knight-like helmet once more cocked to the side. "Whisper, come and get Kevin out of here! I'll hold this guy off!"


Over with Battery, he heard everything that was happening from over his earpiece. He gritted his teeth and cracked his knuckles, the black lines on his outfit turning gold as the energy began to rumble. "I don't have time to play around anymore. The kids need me, so you're gonna have to go ahead and stay down, 'kay?"

"I'll feast on your soul!"

Battery blasted a cone of energy out, throwing the villain back. "I sold that piece of crap a long time ago." He joked.

Demonica was back on her feet once more. He had been throwing the woman around over and over again, but each time she got up. She was like him. Building up power. Every second, the fire on her body grew in size and heat and she got faster. He gained his power by absorbing and building up energy, in this case the source came from the shard within his heart, but Demonica's power source was different. She gained power from pure hatred and rage.

And she was really pissed off!

Fire formed around her claws, and she slashed down, trying to cut him into ribbons. The wall behind him, which was several meters away, was scorched instantly as he dodged at the last second. Her fist met his gut, and he had to wince. It was like a volcano had decided to punch him. The fire literally blasted out of her elbow, boosting the punch as if it were some kind of jet. It actually caused Battery to nearly vomit as she shoved him back several feet, no doubt breaking some ribs.

As he slid back, he felt his back collide with a wooden pillar. It broke his fall, but he didn't have time to catch his breath as the villain jumped at him. He blasted out with dozens of golden beams, each shocking the hellish woman, who howled in a feral rage. His energy bullets left small holes in her body, but she didn't bleed. Instead, more fire poured out of her wounds. That was another thing they had in common, it seemed. Blood was optional for them.

Battery pulled himself off of the pillar, dodging a powerful right hook from the villain. "You know, we seem to have a lot in common."

"What, is this the part where you ask me out?" The villain spat.

"Nah." Battery's fist smashed into her gut, golden lightning erupting through her veins and causing her eyes to go wide as her muscles went crazy. His fist smashed into her face next, and she was sent flying across the room. Battery rushed forward, seemingly skating on the floor, as he moved faster than a bullet, appearing where she was going to land. "I like my women to be strong, and it seems you don't cut it." He had been able to blast holes through her body with just a finger. This time his entire hand ignited as he held his palm up. "I'd say go to hell, but that sounds like a nice vacation for you."

Demonica crashed into his palm, unable to get her body to work right, and with a cry, Battery blasted her with everything he had in the tank. It wasn't a small beam but a mighty wave that came out, and all the power in the building shut down from the pulse of pure energy as the woman was hit with literal light and smashed into the ground. The entire dock the warehouse was next to shook. For a moment, he thought he'd gone a little overboard.

A mini crater rested in front of him now, Demonica's body buried beneath a layer of rubble.

"And that's that."

A set of claws stabbed into Battery's gut, and his eyes went wide as he was shoved into the wall behind him. He collapsed to his knees, gasping. If his ribs weren't broken before, then they definitely were now. The claws dug inside of him and pulled out, ripping part of his stomach.

Blood didn't drip out of the wound, though. It was more like busting open a flashlight, sparks of energy seeping out. Battery held his hand to his gut, the golden light already sealing his wound shut.

"You almost killed me." The voice of the villain had grown rougher and had an edge to it. Demonica was picking herself up, two of her arms raising what was left of her body out of the ground, and another set of arms returning back to a fighting position, the same set that had just slammed into him.

"Four arms?" He groaned. "I take it back. Our powers are very different."

Her costume had been utterly destroyed, revealing the red skin beneath. Demonic horns stabbed out of her head, and her hooves were curved like a goat. Four arms came out of her body now, and she was cloaked almost entirely in fire. "Didn't mommy and daddy ever teach you not to piss a girl off?"

"You transformed when your rage reached its peak. That's pretty neat." Battery grunted. He stood up, ignoring the aches in his stomach and heart. "I'm not done yet, though!" He hoped the others could take care of themselves for a little bit longer. Demonica was starting to become a real threat.

Demonica went to take a step towards him but was stopped suddenly when a wave of snow smashed into her from behind. Her eyes went wide, and the fire around her began to go out.

"You should chill out, lady!" Snowdawn announced proudly. He stood behind the woman blasting her with everything he had.

Battery took that as his chance. The energy charged up in his fist, and he smashed it into the villain's face, throwing her across the warehouse once more. She crashed through several boxes, her clawed hands digging into the stone in order to slow her down. Already though she was back up.

"I'll back you up," Snowdawn said, moving over to Battery.

The older man nodded, his eyes turning gold. "You focus on her fire from a distance. I'll take her, hand-to-hand."

"She has four arms. I think she has the advantage when it comes to hand-to-hand."

Battery smirked and brought his hands together. "Let's fix that, shall we." The same energy as Victorian. He held that power within himself. Her ability to create a brand-new state of light matter. There was a way she always used her power. She often preferred to create weapons out of it. He pulled his hands apart, and the golden light took shape, turning into what looked almost like a longsword. It was forged from crackling lightning and faded in and out as the hero gripped it tightly in his hands. Not quite as good as the Victorian's, but it would do. "This brings back some memories."

"That's freaking badass!" Snowdawn said with stars in his eyes. "You got a freaking laser sword!"

He twirled the blade stepping forward. "This should even the playing field just a bit wouldn't you say!"

Demonica stared at the sword forged from light. Her eyes narrowed, and she sniffed the air. "You remind me of someone I saw once. Who are you? The real you. Not this clearly fake act you are putting on."

Battery just gave a sly grin. "Just a hero."

"We shall see."

Outside of the warehouse, Whisper said a quick prayer and then hit the gas. The van roared to life and shot forward, as she used it to literally ram through the wall. Normally it would be a very bad idea, now however, the building had taken so much damage that it was already falling apart, so it was just a stupid idea now.

She winced as the car came to a crashing stop when she broke into the warehouse. A gasp escaped her lips when she saw what was going on inside. Battery was fighting a literal fire demon as Snowdawn struggled with the fire that was pouring off of the woman. Smoke was piling up quickly, and there were almost as many unconscious bodies as there were dead. The members of Wandering Coin, who were still alive and conscious, had either given up, stayed low to the ground, or ran off. There were hundreds of large boxes, many of which had been smashed, spilling their orange liquid everywhere. She couldn't see Hope, but she did hear the girls yelling through the building.

All the lines were down after Battery's big attack, so she wasn't able to get in contact with anyone.

Whisper focused her power and shivered as she felt the light bend and twist around her form. She became unseen, even to herself. Normally invisibility wouldn't be as cool as it sounds, as even a person's eyes would need to be visible in order for them to receive light, letting you see. Her power, however, like many superpowers, just didn't make sense and so she could still see just fine. In fact, she could see even better like this.

The line lit up with an unseen trail of light. She got out of the van and followed it. Bullets still rained, and by now, the building was falling apart, so debris threatened to crush many. Not her, though.

Whisper quietly followed her little line, always outside of the danger of the bullets or debris. Soon she arrived at the boy that Cinder had called Kevin. She twisted her head a little, a bullet flying past, barely missing her. Not skipping a beat, she grabbed the boy by his foot and began to drag him.

She struggled to do so but forced him to come anyway. She didn't have super strength or anything crazy like that, but she was still a hero.

"Are you still alive, big guy?"

"Wha?" Kevin's eyes opened slightly, but he saw no one dragging him. "Who?"

"Don't worry about it. You wouldn't know my name even if you saw me. I'm not one of the important people. I'm a side character like you."


"I said don't worry about it." She followed her line, dodging the bullets and falling debris, all the while dragging the boy across the stone as they got closer to the van. "We have some supplies in the van, I'll patch you up, and hopefully, you won't die. Still got to say, coming here was a stupid idea. You're going to have a hard time explaining to a judge why you were in a drug den."

"Just get me out of here." Kevin groaned.

"Will do."

Whisper struggled to lift the boy up, and he let out a stream of curses as his bullet wound ached, but eventually, she managed to throw him into the back of the van. "Where are you going?" He grunted. She didn't get in with him. He couldn't see her, but he could still hear the sounds of her footsteps as she began to walk away.

"There were two of you. I'm grabbing him, also. Then I'm going to help my team out of this mess you brought them into."

Kevin sighed and looked up at the roof of the van as he was left alone. "Damn Supers. They're so strong." He reached into his pocket and slowly fished out something that had rolled near him after he had been shot. It was a small jar of orange liquid.

The wooden pillar collapsed as Cinder was literally smashed through it and came crashing out on the other side. She tried to break her fall, but she failed and rolled brutally across the floor.

She was happy to have an enhanced body. She was also glad she got her costume when she did. The thing was staying together no matter how many nails tried to impale her.

She quickly pushed herself up to her feet and ran at a wall. She kicked off of the wall, lifting up into the air and grabbing onto one of the wood rafters. The nails in it began to rip their way out, and the thing broke, but she wrapped her arms around it and chucked it at Polaron. A large metal buzzsaw floated in front of the flying man and spun fast enough to cut the wooden beam she threw in two.

She crashed back down onto the ground, huffing. He was staying out of her melee range and simply throwing fast but strong attacks at her. It was more annoying than painful.

"Why don't you get down here and fight me like a man!" She called out. "One v one me, coward!"

"No thanks. I find physical combat beneath me."

"Okay. Well, why are you evil!"


"I asked this question to the other villains. I mean, your powers would be insanely good for helping people. You could be a really good hero, you know. So, what made you decide to be a villain?"

"I prefer to leave this answer blank." His finger twitched, and an iron sword that was at his side unsheathed itself, and with another small gesture, the blade flew forward with blinding speed.

She blocked the strike with her arms, wincing as she felt it cut into the costume and part of her wrists. It didn't get far, though, as she flexed and shattered the blade! Those shattered pieces then flew up and pelted her stomach, making her hiss. It was too weak to stab, but it would leave a bruise. The buzzsaw flew next, and she ducked it, but it then curved back through the air, she dodged it again, and it once again came back. at her.

She punched down on it before it could reach her, but then the thing folded and bent around her hand and then caused her hand to smack into her face and nearly break her nose again.

"Ow! You're being so annoying!"

Dozens of metal rods and poles smacked into her, bending and twisting around her body, trying to bind her. She was raised off of the ground by them and sent smashing through the window, going high up into the air. They then untwisted around her and let go. She fell and screamed as she crashed through the roof and face-first into the floor.

"You're durable." Polaron huffed, sounding annoyed. She growled and ripped all the metal off of her. Then she punched the ground as hard as she could, ripping out a huge chunk of stone. She pulled her arm back and threw it just like how her dad taught her! The stone softball hurled through the air, and Polaron lazily floated to the side, dodging the attack. He turned, watching it fly off. "Did you really think that would work?"

Her hand wrapped around his foot as she jumped up as high as she could. Then, mustering up as much strength as she could, she smashed an elbow into the one place she could reach! Right between his legs!

"Gah!" Polaron's voice finally had some emotion to it, and he raised his foot up as fast as he could, and he smashed it down onto her face, shoving her off of him. She collapsed back onto the ground, and before she could stand, he floated down, his fists being enhanced with extra weight as he piled metal on them. He began to unleash several brutal punches and kicks, all the while, nails and rods smashed into her back. "Damn savage!"

He threw another punch, but she caught it this time. She was bruised and battered, but she smirked. "I thought you didn't engage in physical combat."

"You will die a painful death!"

She opened her mouth and blasted him with fire at point-blank range. He screamed, his armor bursting into flames, and he tried to jump away. Metal formed into a solid ball around him, forming some kind of shield, and she let up her attack, wiping at her mouth. She had been sure to hold back so as not to knock herself out, but already she was starting to feel very tired and dizzy. She hadn't gotten to rest up from her previous battle either.

Polaron's barrier slowly broke apart, and he took a moment to check himself. His armor had changed a little. Melted slightly. It didn't seem to bother him, though, despite the fact that he would have been cooked alive if he was a normal human.

"That was close. You almost broke through my armor." He sighed, slowly landing on the ground.

"Was kind of hoping that would hurt you more." She winced.

Polaron raised his hand up, lifting more of the metal in the room. "You're more trouble than you're worth. We came to deal with the members of the Wandering Coin. Leave now, and we'll finish killing them off, and none of you heroes have to get hurt."

"Sorry, but I can't do that." She said, shaking her head.

"Why does it matter? You plan on throwing them all in prison, right? They will be locked away for life for their crimes. Dead or in jail, does it matter what happens to low lives like these?"

"If you really think they will be heading to prison, then you have no reason to kill them." Cinder countered. "They won't be able to bother you ever again. This entire battle is pointless. Call your goon off, and no one else has to get hurt or die."

"I have a lesson to teach. One that shows why I am said to rival Green Wolf. Bad Timers must keep their reputation." Polaron raised his hand and threw more metal towards her. She did her best to dodge but every time one of the shards hit her, her entire body vibrated and twitched. "I would never expect a foolish girl like you to understand it." The metal began to wrap around her trying to bind her.

"I don't need to understand it!" She flexed her body and broke out. As soon as she hit the floor she used her momentum to fire forward like a bullet. "I'm going to beat you!"

He blocked her strike with ease, though the metal along his arm cracked and dented causing him to hiss. "You're not strong enough!"

"It doesn't matter! I'll find a way!" She kicked up with her legs ramming him up further into the air. He spun getting higher and stopped his fall floating up in the air. Despite her bold words the double fire blast in one day, plus the broken hand she had, was all starting to take its toll on her. She wiped at her face. "One more time. Even if I black out. I'll hit him with everything I have one more time-"

"Cinder." A voice snapped her out of it, and she jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She felt her body relax when she saw Myth had finally arrived.


"It's fine. You did well. I'll take it from here." Myth adjusted his robes as he stepped forward, his eyes glaring into Polaron.

Polaron was silently staring back. Myth had been part of the Sub Enforcers when Red Iron ran it. He had gone on dozens of missions and had likely faced Polaron hundreds of times in combat. The fact he was still alive showed he was stronger than the average hero.

"Stay back, Cinder." Myth stated. His body began to transform, but it wasn't that of a bull. Not this time. He grew golden fur, and a large mane began to wrap around his neck. Massive black claws jutted from his fingers, and he let out a loud roar that caused Cinder to gasp and clutch at her ears. He almost looked like a lion, but one far bigger with near unbreakable fur, and a set of claws able to slice through nearly anything.

He took off at inhuman speeds. He ran on all fours and leaped high into the air. Polaron blasted dozens of shards of broken metal, but none of it could harm Myth, his hide bouncing them all off. His claws came down leaving a large gash across the front of the villain and ripping the armor open.

The broken shards began to seep out of the gash and stab into Myth, but he ignored it, sinking his fangs into Polaron as the villain tumbled to the ground, screaming. The two rolled across the floor, clawing and punching at one another. As shrapnel blasted wildly in all directions, Cinder had to drop to the ground to avoid a stray bullet that shattered another wall.

"If he could do something like this, why didn't he do it in the fight with Red Ape!" She yelled with wide eyes.

"He has his reasons." The voice of Whisper caused her to jump. She looked around but didn't see the girl. She heard her voice and felt the girl's hand on her shoulder, though. "Myth inherited his powers from his family. He is gifted with the ability to take on the form of powerful beasts from ancient tales. If he isn't careful though he could lose himself. The bull is hard to control, filled with wrath and anger, it takes everything he has to not destroy his enemies. The Lion, though. That only comes out when someone needs to die."

She felt her face pale and watched as the Lion began to rip its way into Polaron's armor, even as wave after wave of pure magnetic force shattered against his hide.

"I'll kill you all!" Polaron screamed as loud as he could, his voice booming inside of his helmet. All the metal began to rise off of the floor and blast through the roof, and pillars, destroying more of the building. Myth went to ignore it but stopped and gasped. He wasn't the only one. Cinder stared with wide eyes as everyone, but her and Polaron suddenly crashed to the floor. Even Battery and Demonica weren't immune.

Whisper's power wore off, and she became visible, scratching at her wrist and gasping.

Cinder realized what was happening a second later. The iron in their body. Polaron was literally trying to rip everyone apart from the inside out.

Myth's lion-like body struggled up and faltered as it growled and roared. Polaron raised his arms up and brought them down, using his power to yank his metal-covered arms down as hard as he could. He punched over and over again, and Myth's fur began to turn a nasty red, as part of his flesh began to tear from the inside out.

"You're starting to make me use my outside voice." Polaron's tone had grown harsh and sharp, and he glared at Myth. Then he stopped when he felt a hand touch his shoulder.

Polaron was twisted around by the hand that was on his shoulder, and he came face to face with Cinder.

"What! Why isn't the iron in your body responding- No wait! Are you like Full-"

This time she didn't hold back. She unleashed everything she had, blasting him with as much fire as she could. It didn't just pour out of her mouth this time. For a split second, her entire body ignited in white-hot fire, and with a scream, she literally exploded, blasting through Polaron's shield and his armor! She used everything she had! All of it. Like a mini sun going supernova, the armor was turned to literal ash, as was the floor beneath her the building finally giving out and falling apart.

Myth was able to survive only thanks to his near unbreakable fur, and even with his eyes closed, he began to see white as the fire washed over him.

When the attack finally died down, Cinder dropped to her knees, grabbing at her stomach. Her costume was thankfully mostly unharmed, all things considered. Whoever made it, was smart enough to make it fire resistant. It would need a good wash though, covered in black ash. She didn't really care, though, unable to stop herself from vomiting onto the ground.

The screaming of Polaron filled the room. It wasn't a scream of anger or pain but rather one of pure fear. His armor was utterly gone, and as the dust settled, everyone was finally able to see the man who hid beneath the knight-like armor.

Just like Demonica and Mars King, Polaron wasn't a human. He never had been. He looked like he should have been dead. There was no muscle, or skin, or organs. He was all bone. Literally. A walking, talking skeleton. However, as she stared, she realized his bones were made out of a solid metal and hummed.

His head was tilted as he stared down at his hands, screaming louder. "Don't look at me! Don't look at me! Don't!" Metal began to fly through the room and crash into him, stabbing into his bones and fusing with him. More and more, he began to gurgle and gasp. "Demonica!" He screamed.

Now back up, the fight between Battery and Demonica was starting to reach its peak.

Battery side stepped a kick, and dodged layers of debris as he sliced with his sword., She hissed as one of her arms was sliced off instantly, and before she could react, a layer of snow smashed into her leg. The fire blasted out of her melting the snow, but she froze when she heard her Master yell. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at Battery. "What's your name?" She growled.


"And I'm Snowdawn!" Armin announced, though he went ignored.

"Well, Battery. We'll continue this later." She grunted out, blasting him with a wave of fire.

A barrier of golden energy formed around his body, blocking the attack for him and Armin. "Oh, no, you don't. I'm not letting you get away!" He ran towards her, pulling his fist back. Demonica didn't run away. Instead, she crouched down. Her back tore open, and a set of large bat-like wings sprouted out, causing Battery to stumble in shock. Then she took off, blasting through the air. "She can fly!?"

She swooped down and grabbed Polaron. At this point, he had almost turned into a solid ball as more and more metal began to fuse into him. Demonica wrapped her arms around him and nearly dropped from the weight, but with a grunt, she kept flying, fire blasting out of her feet and boosting her as if she were some kind of rocket. Myth gave chase, dropping down to all fours, and Snowdawn, as well as Battery, also tried to take a few potshots, but neither of them were able to catch up in time.

Demonica was high in the air, and in only a few seconds, she became a spec on the horizon. "Well." Cinder nearly jumped when she heard the voice of Whisper, the hero reappearing next to her a few moments later. "All things considered, I think things went well!"

There was a loud crash as the rest of the building came crashing down.