
Wake up call


Orion jerks awake to the sound of loud alarms. He looks around, confused at first, but quickly realizes what is going on.

He complains to himself; "Just another drill"

Orion gets out of his 'bed' which is actually a concrete slab stuck onto the wall with a thin blanket to keep Orion warm. And stands in front of his sink. He looks into the mirror to see his altered head.

Orion's head is mostly normal, except for the fact that instead of normal human ears, he has a pair of wolf ears that are currently pulled back as if he was being threatened, when in reality they were pulled back due to the loud sirens coming from outside his room.

Orion turns on the tap and washes his face and drinks some water. He then walks to the door where the only window in the room is. He looks outside to the usual white hallway with yellow lines on the sides of it lined with more doors all along it. Orion can see movement behind some of the doors.

As Orion is looking outside a couple of the doctors come running down the hall. One of the doctors looks behind him as a loud bang sounds out. Red liquid covers the other doctors. They yell out as three more bangs sound and The remaining doctors fall to the ground.

Orion's jaw drops and he quickly hides under his bed. While he hides there he hears yelling and more of the loud bangs. Then the lights go out and a click of the magnetic lock disengaging is heard. More yelling ensues followed by a couple bangs.

Not long after, Orion's room lights up. The door opens and Orion shakes in fear as a figure enters the room. The figure shines the light around the small room stopping on the bed.

"Looks like this room was occupied..." the man mumbled to himself.

As the man leaves the room he yells; "CLEAR"

After somewhere near ten minutes of silence Orion climbs out of his hiding place. The room and hallway is completely dark, but because of Orion's altered body he could see fine. The door to his room was ajar.

Orion cautiously pokes his head out of the door. Outside there is complete carnage. Every door in the hallway is open... with a dead body in most of them. Orion would've puked if he had anything in his stomach.

Orion steps out of the room and begins to walk down the hallway. As he walks he passes dead body after dead body. He walks in the maze like hallways for what seems like hours before he hears something.

"What a easy job, hahaha!" A deep voice says followed by another, raspy voice

"Ya, and the briefing said there would be high resistance! All they did was run!"

Orion comes closer to the voices but not close enough for the people behind the voices to see him. He follows them through three different massive metal gates. Then he sees a bright light ahead.

Orion stumbles in disbelief, almost forgetting about the people in front of him. The people luckily didn't hear Orion stumbling and they continued on talking to each other as they enter the light, out of Orion's view.

Orion flattens himself against the wall and shuffled along it towards the light. Orion sits just outside of the lights reach and waits for his eyes to adjust. Once they do, Orion sighs in disappointment. There are people everywhere.

Orion doesn't know what to do and is deep in thought. { do I make a run for it, stay here, wait until they leave? I don't know!} Orion is in a slight panic over it and finally decides to make a run for it. He didn't know when or if these people would ever leave. Orion prepped himself for the run across the yard to the open gate.

Orion starts off in a very quick sprint and Shouting quickly follows. Orion continues to run, ignoring what was going on behind him. Orion was only a few meters away from the gate when someone grabbed him from behind tripping them both.

"You little..." the person says as he gets up. Orion is on top of him and the man shoves Orion off, resulting in Orion yelping and the person getting a face full of tail.

"What the?"

A couple other people ran over.

"You okay man?" One says,

"Ya, little brat nearly got away though. He's quick...". The person who tackled Orion responds.

The man grabs Orion and picks him up off of the ground. Orion squirms and kicks trying to get away from the man, but to no avail.

"Jeez, he is like a wild animal..." the man holding Orion says. "Let's get him calmed down."

The group inject Orion with a needle and take him to a car. The car starts and leaves through the gate as Orion falls asleep.

This is a rewrite of the old chapter. I enjoyed writing both the new one and the old one, but was very unhappy with how the old one was written and how the plot played out. In result the following chapters will be rewritten as well. Thank you for reading, and stay safe and healthy.

Jacob_Reedcreators' thoughts