
Special Transmigrated Life

Too lazy to find a fit description

TreasurerOfDreams · Teen
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7 Chs

Mother's System

"This is your mother's necklace, she always uses it everywhere and never took it off", Lin Mengyuan looked at the necklace with nostalgia and a longing expression on his face.

"Now she gave it to you, I hope you can promise me, you will take care of it and never take it off whatever happens", After that, he turned and looked at Lin Yiyi with a serious expression.

"Um, I promise", Lin Yiyi nodded, anyway it's just not taking it off.

"Good, then turn around, I'll help you use it".

Lin Yiyi turned with her back facing him, he then put the necklace directly on her neck. After that, she examines the necklace on her neck.


*New host detected, calculating genetic data*

"Huh?", Surprised, Lin Yiyi looked around for the source of the voice.

"What is it?", Lin Mingyuan was also surprised when she suddenly looked around.

"... It's nothing".

"I see, then I have to go now, I will accompany you later", After that, he got up and exit the room after giving her another pat on the head.


Only Lin Yiyi is left in her room but the sound is still lingering in her head.

*Genetic data calculated, generic data found*

*Hello, new host. Do you want to bind this system?*.

"System? what is that? is it like a computer system?".


"Well... No", This system thing sounds like a pain in the ass, she doesn't want it.

*If you didn't bind the system, then this necklace will self-destruct*.

"What? why?", She just promised her father, now if the necklace got destroyed wouldn't she be considered breaking her promise?.

*If the necklace is not destroyed then the system will be forced to stay in the necklace and cannot find a new host. If the system can't find a new host then it will be deemed useless and will be obliterated*.

"Eh... but why though, can't you just get out of the necklace? or should I give you another thing to stick on?".

*Can't, this necklace is special*

"How so?".


"... No negotiation?".


"... Fine, but before that, you won't force me to do anything right?", She doesn't want to do a troublesome thing anymore, that is already a past life.

*No, the system requirement is all need to be voluntary from the host, otherwise, it will count as rebelling*.

"Ah, okay then, go on and bind it".



*Binding successful, Successor message found. Do You want to open it?*

"Huh? well, open it".

*Opening... Video message played*.

After that, a faint screen appeared in front of her.

On the screen, a woman is so gorgeous that even words can't describe her beauty. She wear a white long dress and her hair was tied into a side braid, looking elegant and kind. The woman looked at the screen with a smile.

"Yiyi, how are you?", The woman asked.

"...", Lin Yiyi looked blank for a second, it's because she knew this woman and she has seen her picture. This woman is her missing "Mother", Zhao Meiling.

"I hope you are doing okay, I really miss you now", Zhao Meiling said as she showed a sad expression on her face.

"Um, if you get this message then your father should have given you my necklace and you have bound the system inside it".

"Don't worry, the system is harmless and it will help you tremendously in the future. It's just that... I want you to keep it a secret from everyone, even your father".

"Ah, it's not like I want you to be selfish, but it's just that there's an organization that eyeing these kinds of things".

"The fewer people know about it, the better. I just want you to be safe".

"I record this message just to tell you that... that...", When saying this, Zhao Meiling started to sob and her eyes turn slightly red.

"I love you, I love you very much that I don't want to leave. I want to take care of you, brush your hair, and cook your favorite breakfast. I want to see you grow up, I want to hear you whine, I want to tell me your problem, I want you to cry in my hugs, I want to see you marry and have children. I really, really don't want to leave...".

"But I have to, otherwise I will lose you and everything".

"*Sniff* I really don't know what to do...".

After crying for a little while Zhao Meiling calmed down.

"Yiyi, after hearing this, I hope you live a normal life. Don't try to look for me, I'm in a faraway place, and don't worry, I'm safe here".

"Once again, Yiyi I love you. When these things pass, I will definitely return".

"End of Message".

*Message Deleted*.

"...", Lin Yiyi sat there in a daze. Then she looked down and started organizing these newly acquired pieces of information.

The most important one is, that Zhao Meiling is alive and well, but she is being hunted by some organization. That organization like to collect something like this system she just got. but this system is not what they're after, if not she wouldn't have left it here. So there should be something even more precious in their eyes on Zhao Meiling.

This mother's love for her daughter is real and she could feel that. So why doesn't she just give that thing?. It's either very dangerous if it falls on other hands or... it's related to her lifeline.

"Hah...", Thinking about it Lin Yiyi sighed. Anyway, this is something out of her reach. She doesn't want to get involved in something so annoying. But, she is her daughter so either way she would get involved anyway.

"What a pain".



Lin Yiyi and Lin Mingyuan generously dine in the dining room. After finishing and ordering the maid to clean the table Lin Mingyuan started the conversation.

"I almost forgot, did you remember your brothers and sister?".

"?", Lin Yiyi just looked at her father questioningly. As if saying, the doctor said I lost my memory alright?.

"Well, then let's meet them tomorrow".

"Um", Lin Yiyi nodded.


Next day.

Like usual, Lin Yiyi woke up and went downstairs to get breakfast. But this time, there are another 4 people besides her father. 3 men and a woman.

When she got down, all 5 of them looked in her direction.

"Ah Yiyi, these are your brothers and sister".

"Come, I'll reintroduce you".