
Special Transmigrated Life

Too lazy to find a fit description

TreasurerOfDreams · Teen
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Lin Yiyi

Somewhere in a luxurious villa.

A girl lay on a big bed with an oxygen mask on her face and a lot of medical equipment beeping around her. The heart rate monitor beside her suddenly showed a straight line but before the emergency alarm can go off the heart rate returned to normal.

The girl slowly opened her eyes and started to look around the room.

She opened her pale lips as she muttered with a hoarse voice, "Where am I?", the voice was so hoarse there's no telling whether it was a male or female voice.

She tried to lift her body up but she felt so weak that she can't even move her upper body. The only limbs she can hardly move are her skinny arm with tubes and needles on her wrist. She's so weak, she can't even pull the needle or the tubes off. She can only lay there helplessly.

'Am I getting tortured?' She thought.

Fortunately, after a while, a creaking sounded and a door to this room opened. A woman in maid clothes entered the room and immediately noticed the girl on the bed with eyes open. The woman looks surprised for a second and then she hurriedly left the room.

"Wait...", The girl wanted to stop her but her voice are hoarse and the woman left too quickly, not letting her have a chance.

"Ahh... am I gonna die?", The girl thought to herself.

"Why am I here in the first place... I'm just drunk, aren't I? Uhh... I can't remember...", The girl lay on the bed and started thinking of what is the reason she was here.

"I only remember going to a bar with my best friend... and then I got drunk... and then my best friend drive me home and on the way, there was a bright light. After that... I don't remember... Ugh", The more the girl thought about it the more painful her head feels.

The girl stopped thinking about it and simply lay on the bed, waiting for death to come. But then she heard a lot of hurried footsteps from the direction of the door. After that, a bunch of people in white clothes came to her room led by a handsome middle-aged man.

The man hurriedly came to her side and gently hold her hand.

"Yiyi, you finally awake!".

"You... are?", The girl searched through her memory but there's no such person. Besides? Yiyi? that's not her name.

"... Doc, this...", The man looked at the people around him, and finally, the man in a white suit carrying a stethoscope said, "It's the residue from the accident, it seems that she had permanent memory loss".

"Permanent memory loss? well, it's okay, at least she's fine. Then, there won't be any other problem right?", The middle-aged man sighed and then asked.

"The lack of nutrient for 3 years need to be compensated immediately, otherwise her organs won't work properly. It's fine when she's in a coma but now that she's awake then we need to inject multiple nutrient solutions to make it up".

"That... is there any other way? I'm afraid she's not ready for the pain", The man shook his head. Not accepting this kind of treatment.

"Well, then she needs to eat highly nutritious food and drinkable nutrient solution after eating 3 times a day. The difference between drinking and directly injecting the nutrient solution is that drinking can only take a small amount and it takes time to digest, ineffective but we can make do with this".

"Well, let's do that", The man nodded apparently accepting it.

Meanwhile, the girl on the bed heard their conversation in confusion. Although they didn't specifically point at her, she's sure that they are talking about her. What? who's she? I'm a 25 years old man and besides memory loss? although I don't remember what happened after I was drunk, I remember clearly all my 25 years of living. Also, what nutrient solution, why have I never heard it?.

As she thought about this, her stomach started rumbling. It's so loud that everyone heard it. The man told all the people in white out of the room.

Just in time, a maid came in with a bowl of vegetable and meaty stew. It was the same maid that came in and then run away just now.

The man anxiously took the bowl and carefully lift the girl up and put her in front of him and use himself as a backrest for the girl.

The girl looked at the bowl in front of her, the stew was still boiling so it's definitely just got out of the stove. It looks very hot, but the man's hand seems to have no problem at all.

The man took half a spoon and then slowly blow it to cool it down. After feeling it was cool enough the man put up the spoon in front of the girl's mouth.

The girl stared at the spoon and then at the boiling-looking stew in the bowl and asked with a hoarse voice, "Is it not hot?".

"No no don't worry about it, dear".

Even though the man said that the girl looked at the maid and said, "Why don't you give him the tray? don't you see the stew is still boiling?".

The maid was surprised when she asked her but she patiently explain, "Miss, this is a special bowl, no matter what temperature the item inside, the temperature of the bowl will still be normal".

"Oh...", The girl seems to understand but she was confused why the maid call her Miss. But before she asked she opened her mouth to eat the stew in the spoon in front of her. After all, it would be rude to let the man hold the spoon in front of her for long, it's tiring, been there done that.

After swallowing the content inside her mouth, she asked, "Why do you call me Miss? and who are you, people?".

The man heard her question and couldn't help but felt a little sad.

"Well, I am Lin Mingyuan and you are my daughter, your name is Lin Yiyi. You got into an accident 3 years ago and have been in a coma ever since".

Hearing the Lin Mingyuan explanation, the girl took a deep breath and stayed silent. After digesting the information the girl accepted her identity. Even though it seems like a piece of simple information on the outside, only the girl knows that before, she was a 25 years old big man named Li Yun. From the looks of it, she either died and reincarnated or something else. Anyway, even in her life as Li Yun she can always accept information quickly and be extra calm in any situation.

There's no difference at all between this life and previous life. Except for gender and probably she's a rich second generation now judging from the luxurious-looking things around her.

"Then... where is my mother?", Lin Yiyi asked. There's a father, so there should be a mother too, right?

When Lin Mingyuan heard her question he froze for a second and then coughed, "She's very busy and couldn't see you right now. Ahem, anyway eat, you must be very hungry", then he continued to feed Lin Yiyi the stew until the bowl emptied.

The maid took the bowl and then give the man a glass of water. Since Lin Yiyi still can't move any of her limbs properly, she was once again being helped by her father.

After that, Lin Mingyuan gently put Lin Yiyi back on the bed and covered her with the fluffy blanket.

"Rest now, I have something to do. Just call the maids if you need anything okay?", Lin Mingyuan said, gently kissing her on the forehead and then leaving the room.

Lin Yiyi looked at the ceiling thinking this has been a really weird day.

From Li Yun to Lin Yiyi, from boy to girl, from just enough to more than enough, from an orphan, and now she had a parent.

Maybe her new father is right, she did need a rest. Let her think of all this and what to do.

So Lin Yiyi simply close her eyes and her breath started to smoothen, and finally, she entered her dreamland.

Uhh, I'm no doctor, anything I write is full fiction and bulls. So no need to scientifically prove it specifically.

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