

In a mystical realm teeming with legends of deities, a tale unfolds of a zombie-infested apocalypse. As humanity struggles to survive, Adam becomes a beacon of hope. However, he grapples with his own internal conflicts, battling demons within. With unwavering support from loyal companions, they embark on a perilous quest to rescue their world from impending doom.

ShawnGuh · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs


Nhia and Mr. Kaika remain ensconced within the protective barrier, steadfastly keeping the encroaching zombies at bay. Nhia's disbelief persists as he resorts to lightly striking his own head, saying the notion that this may be a terrible dream. Amidst the uncertainty, Mr. Kaika interjects, revealing his waning magical energy and the imminent fragility of the barrier's defense. Nhia's eyes snap open, the dreadful realization crashing down upon him – this is no mere nightmare that the chaos around him is real.

With his heart pounding and desperation growing, Nhia turns his thoughts toward his girlfriend, fervently hoping for her safety. He implores Mr. Kaika to accompany him to the airport, only to be met with the stark truth – Mr. Kaika lacks the strength to facilitate such a journey. The barrier's resilience dwindles, exacerbating Nhia's sense of urgency. Fearing the encroaching zombies, Nhia beseeches Mr. Kaika for salvation and a chance to reunite with his girlfriend. Despite his diminishing vitality, Mr. Kaika suggests a final resort, sparing him the agony of being devoured alive. Gathering his last reserves of magic, Mr. Kaika conjures a small energy orb, extending it toward Nhia as a potential release.

Nhia gazes at the ravenous zombies closing in, a grim acceptance dawns – death by Mr. Kaika's magic might be a swifter fate than succumbing to the horde. Yet, just as he prepares to yield to his destiny, a familiar roar pierces the air – Simbad appears near by with his katana sweeping through zombies with precision. Nhia's attention shifts to Rune, who wields a katana, severing zombies heads , rescuing a man from the clutches of the encroaching zombies. Nhia watches in awe as Rune's voice booms at its peak, effectively luring the relentless horde away from their immediate vicinity. Amid the chaos, Simbad emerges as a beacon of assistance, ushering numerous survivors towards safety within the confines of the blacksmith shop. As the imminent danger subsides, Mr. Kaika relinquishes his protective barrier, allowing some respite to set in.

Overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation, Nhia's emotions overflow, reducing him to tears and causing him to collapse onto his knees in an anguished acknowledgement of the peril he narrowly avoided. In this fragile state, Simbad approaches, offering support and guiding Nhia and Mr. Kaika towards the shelter of the blacksmith shop. There, amidst a gathering of around twenty individuals, they find a temporary haven.

Simbad activates his walkie talkie, engaging in communication with Rex to relay the survivors' status. Stepping towards the doorway, Simbad addresses the assembled survivors, urging them to remain composed and assuring them of their current safety. The floor then opens up as Nhia, Mr. Kaika, and the others plummet, their screams echoing in the depths as they plunge hundreds of feet beneath the mall's surface.

Amidst their panicked descent, the view transitions from darkness to illumination, revealing a vast expanse below. As they land upon a soft surface, Nhia and the others release a collective cry of relief and gratitude. Around them, the scene unfurls – a platform strewn with blood and populated by over fifty survivors who tries to help them up on their feet. However, amidst the crowd, Nhia's search for Mr. Kaika proves fruitless.

Nhia and his fellow survivors join the others, attempting to make sense of the ordeal that has befallen them. Their attention is drawn to the ongoing cascade of falling individuals and zombies. Witnessing the brave actions of countless survivors wielding makeshift weapons against the relentless onslaught, Nhia observes a colossal robotic arm emerging from the floor, obliterating several zombies in its path.

Nhia's gaze eventually finds Rex, and he approaches him seeking solace. Rex offers insights into the repercussions of Nhia's prior actions, acknowledging that his unknowing contribution has accelerated the mall's recovery. Nhia gazes at the screen displaying the energy bar, its ascent to 90 percent prompting his surprise. He grapples with his role in this unfolding calamity, to which Rex explains that the toy phone inadvertently wielded by Nhia is a potent magical artifact responsible for the mall's rapid rejuvenation. Notably, even as Rex harnesses his magical powers, the bar remains untouched, preserving the energy harvested by the enchanted item.

Simbad's gaze is fixed upon the room's closing floor as he witnesses Mr. Kaika deftly escaping the closing gap just in time. Curiosity piqued, Simbad inquires about Mr. Kaika's actions, wondering why he was clinging to the floor. Mr. Kaika's response is tinged with a hint of vulnerability as he explains that he had been gripped by the fear of impending death, which compelled him to hold on tightly. Assuring Mr. Kaika of the safety provided by Rex and others below, Simbad offers an explanation, indicating that their companions would ensure his well-being.

In response, Mr. Kaika acknowledges his magical abilities and the need for a moment's respite, hinting at his readiness to join Simbad in aiding their fellow survivors. Understanding dawns upon Simbad, who acknowledges the necessity of Mr. Kaika's recovery, recognizing the potential value of his magical prowess in the ongoing efforts to save others. With an understanding nod, Simbad advises Mr. Kaika to rest, highlighting the importance of preserving his magical energy for the arduous task at hand. After their brief exchange, Simbad departs the room, embarking once more into the mall's chaos.

A soft chuckle escapes Mr. Kaika's lips, his thoughts taking a reflective turn as he contemplates the dire circumstances that have enveloped their world. Musing to himself, he considers the question of whether he would rather face Rex's potential wrath or the impending threat posed by the ravenous zombies. Faced with the stark reality that monetary pursuits hold little relevance in the face of impending doom, Mr. Kaika's thoughts take a darker turn. Mulling over potential alternatives, he entertains a third option—a sinister resolve to extinguish everything in his path.

Rune's resounding cries echo through the air, effectively diverting the attention of the relentless zombies towards him. With agility and determination, Rune vaults atop a compact shop, prompting a swarm of zombies to clamber after him. Swift and deliberate, he delivers forceful downward swings of his katana, cutting down numerous zombies attempting to breach the shop's rooftop. However, the repeated assaults begin to take their toll on his weapon, eventually causing the katana to shatter.

Surveying the grim scene around him, Rune's gaze sharpens, his resolve unwavering. Amidst the oncoming horde of hundreds of zombies, he centers his focus and extends his arm, recognizing that this critical juncture demands the full might of his weapon. With a fervent call, his plea resonates through the air, and in response, the surrounding walls yield to the impending force as his butcher blade responds, propelled by magic. The weapon returns to his grasp, and with renewed determination burning in his eyes, Rune readies himself.

In a seamless display of athleticism, he springs into action, executing an elegant backflip before driving his blade downward with lethal precision, extinguishing the unrelenting threat of numerous zombies. The ground quivers as his blade makes contact, an embodiment of his resurging combat prowess and innate instincts. The sensation of empowerment surges within him, reigniting the dormant fires of his battle-hardened spirit. With fervor igniting his movements, Rune gracefully maneuvers his blade in sweeping arcs, cleaving through the encroaching horde with a potent blend of skill and confidence.

Propelled by an intoxicating surge of adrenaline, Rune confronts the mass of zombies without trepidation. Each swing of his blade becomes an embodiment of his determination, leaving a trail of severed limbs and dismembered bodies in his wake. Unrestrained by fear, he takes on the onslaught with unwavering resolve, his prowess resurfacing as his connection with his weapon deepens. The dance of death continues as Rune strikes and maneuvers, a force to be reckoned with amid the sea of undead assailants.

Stella, Judith, and Hasan find themselves pursued by a throng of zombies in the hallways. Amid the chaos, they glimpse an elevator just ahead, its doors held ajar by a couple seeking refuge. Stella's voice rings out, urging them to hold the doors as she and her companions hasten towards the haven. Casting anxious glances behind them, the couples quickly comprehend the impending danger and slam the doors shut, sealing off the escape route.

Stella rushes to the doors, attempting to press the button to reopen them, but the elevator has already begun its ascent to higher floors. Hasan locates an adjacent door, and Judith proposes a retreat to the stairwell leading to Barbra's daycare. Determined to evade the relentless pursuit, they ascend the stairs with the undead horde in relentless pursuit. They then encounter with an elderly couple up the stairs, the man's anguished sobs and the woman's trembling form as she undergoes the dreadful transformation into a zombie. Stella rushes forward, intending to pull the man away from the impending danger. However, his refusal is resolute; he declares his intent to remain by his wife's side. Stella's gaze shifts towards Hasan and Judith, who acknowledge the gravity of the old man's choice. As the relentless advance of the zombies draws near, they reluctantly leave the old man behind as the horde overwhelms him.

Arriving on the designated floor where Barbra's daycare is located, they quickly take in their surroundings. To their left, a grim sight unfolds as zombies mercilessly attack a couple trapped in the elevator. Responding to the imminent threat, the group dashes away, pursued by the relentless undead. For a few minutes, they sprint through the corridor, passing numerous frightened individuals seeking safety.

Stella urgently advises against returning the way they came, only to be met with a fellow survivor's response confirming their shared predicament. As Stella glances ahead, her heart sinks at the sight of more zombies emerging from the opposite end of the hallway. The dire reality becomes clear: they are trapped between encroaching threats from both directions.

Facing this dire situation, Hasan supports Judith as he tries to comfort her amidst the mounting chaos. Surrounding them, the survivors gives their prayers, signaling the acceptance of their impending doom. Yet, Stella refuses to surrender. In a display of determination, she seizes an umbrella from a nearby shopper's bag, symbolizing her unwillingness to give up.

In a rallying cry, Stella reminds the group that surrendering is not an option, urging them to fight for survival. Her words resonate with a few, infusing them with newfound resolve. She outlines a plan: they'll divide into two groups, with Stella taking on the larger horde of zombies and the rest taking on the lesser horde of zombies. The command to employ any available means to fight for their lives ignites a spark of determination within the group. This unexpected act of courage from Stella astonishes Hasan and Judith, who find themselves lifted by her indomitable spirit.

The group charges into action, facing the lesser group zombies with renewed vigor. Stella leads a charge against the larger group of zombies, while in the back of her mind, she braces herself for the more substantial challenge she is about to confront. In a moment of introspection, Stella contemplates if this is the most fitting way for her journey to end. With determination blazing in her eyes, she brings down her weapon in a forceful strike, the impact connecting with a zombie's skull. Swiftly following through, she executes a powerful kick, toppling the zombie onto its back. Each swing of her weapon stuns the zombies it lands on, causing them to crumble to the ground.

As the zombies are tripping on one and another, her strategic strikes buy her precious moments. Casting a quick glance behind her, Stella observes the rest of the group effectively combating the smaller horde, eliminating the final zombie with coordinated effort from their side. Filled with triumphant cries, Judith and Hasan surge forward to join Stella, rallying the other survivors to stand united. The collective motivation sparks a surge of action as more survivors engage in the fray. Mid-battle, Stella's weapon shatters, but undeterred, she thrusts the broken umbrella into a zombie's eye.. Responding to the camaraderie, the other survivors enter the battle, and the tide of zombies continues to swell in the hallway.

As the relentless wave of undead threatens to overwhelm them, Stella begins to feel the enormity of the challenge ahead. A grim turn of events unfolds when one of the survivors is bitten, succumbing to the onslaught of zombies. Witnessing this loss dampens the group's spirit, leading a few individuals to flee from the scene. Stella's voice pierces the chaos as she declares that they have no escape and must stand and fight. In a resourceful move, she seizes a shopper's bag and hurls its contents at the approaching zombies.

Summoning her determination, Stella fights with every available resource, even using a deceased zombie's body as a makeshift shield to hold back the encroaching horde. Urgently, she emphasizes that the hallway's confines are unfit for proper combat, stressing the importance of reaching Barbra's daycare. With Judith and Hasan at her side, they press onward, the survivors in tow regaining their resolve to stay and fight.

Working together, they form a united front, pushing against the tide of zombies with renewed strength. Shoulder to shoulder, they leverage the dead zombie's body and one another's support to create a barrier, holding off the zombie onslaught. In the midst of the struggle, a few of the front-line survivors are bitten, prompting swift stomps and kicks to fend off the crawling zombies at their feet.

Stella and her companions press against the backs of the transforming individuals, relying solely on their sheer force to push back the horde. Despite facing the grim reality of their impending fate, they continue their push, driven by a determination that seems almost futile. Stella's arms begin to weaken, her grip faltering as fatigue sets in. With a heavy heart, she turns to Judith and Hasan, admitting that she might be holding them back and suggesting that they escape while she holds off the zombies, buying them time to reach Barbra through an alternate route in the mall.

Judith's response is firm and unwavering – she insists that Stella is family, her sister, and she'll stand by her side until the end. Hasan echoes the sentiment, expressing his commitment to remain with them throughout this dire situation. As the other survivors decide to flee, Stella, Judith, and Hasan stand united. Stella's eyes well up with tears, a mixture of helplessness and deep emotions flooding over her.

Just when it seems all hope is extinguished, the ground beneath them gives way, and they plunge downward alongside a few falling zombies. Stella's gaze follows the closing floor above, a falling zombie meeting its end as it's severed by the closing surface. Their descent continues down the mall until they land underneath the mall area, greeted by a cushioned surface. Reacting quickly, Stella kicks away a zombie that landed too close for comfort. Amidst the chaos, a group of survivors rushes in, lending aid by pulling Stella away from the fray and battling the zombies.

Judith takes action, forcefully pushing a zombie away from Hasan. However, Hasan remarks that Judith didn't need to assist him. Confused, she looks downward and spots a bite wound on Hasan's leg. The sight leaves Judith in a state of shock, her disbelief palpable. Witnessing the alarming situation, a fellow survivor steps in, attempting to separate Judith from Hasan, sensing the urgency of the circumstances. Overwhelmed by her emotions, Judith seizes the survivor's weapon and urgently instructs him to step back. Her weapon is also aimed at the other survivors. Moving towards Judith, Stella navigates her way through, her gaze falling upon Hasan's bite wound. Hasan, weak and feeling unwell, offers an apology. Stella herself is deeply affected by the scene, pained to see Judith in such distress.

She calls out to Judith, urging her to get away from Hasan. However, in response, Judith's voice rises, demanding that everyone keep their distance. Stella counters, emphasizing their sisterly bond and the need to stay united. Despite tears filling her eyes, Judith clings to Hasan, who is coughing up blood. This anguishing sight prompts Stella's tears as well. With heartfelt words, Stella implores her sister not to proceed down this path. In the midst of the emotionally charged moment, Judith admits her profound love for Hasan and her inability to witness him die like this. As Hasan's condition worsens, he continues to apologize while trembling. Judith's grip remains firm, even as Hasan's condition deteriorates. She expresses her regret that she won't be able to share her life with Stella. Judith also hopes that her actions will inspire Stella to lead a different a path, a better life. Stella responds, assuring her that there's still time to come back from this decision.

Hasan's transformation into a zombie is nearing, yet Judith remains unwavering, holding onto him with unwavering love. Stella's pleas for Judith to return to her persist, as Nhia and a few others present are moved to tears by the poignant scene. Despite Hasan's complete transformation into a zombie, Judith's devotion remains resolute, even as he bites into her neck. With remarkable composure, she bids her final farewells to Stella, who cries out Judith's name in agony. Rex, equally touched by the heartrending moment, watches with a heavy heart, though circumstances compel him to act. He employs his magic, a colossal robot hand emerges from the floor. Witnessing this, Stella attempts to reach Judith, but her efforts are in vain. The robot hand flicks a finger, resulting in a catastrophic collision that ends in a spray of blood and flesh. Stella, now bereft of emotion, sinks to her knees, her gaze fixed on the gory aftermath before her. Her tears continue to flow unabated, mirroring the sorrow that envelops the others who share in her loss.