
SPARTACUS : Orion the Invincible

It is a fanfiction based on the Spartacus series, it will be an adaptation of a novel already available in French version, some changes will be made in the story compared to the French version . English is not my first language so bear with me. There will certainly be historical errors, but the main purpose of this fanfiction is to entertain readers. I wish you all an excellent reading

The3Entities · TV
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32 Chs

chapter 5 : Batiatus

Three weeks have passed since Orion returned from Cyprus, his injuries had healed within a few days of the first week and he resumed his training.

 During his convalescence, Orion did not sit idle, he created certain paintings which he sold at high prices to several wealthy personalities including merchants and magistrates through trusted intermediaries.

 With the grass he brought back from Cyprus, Orion was able to make mixtures to create certain special substances and sometimes at night, at Marius's house they could hear evil laughter coming from Orion's house.

 Among these plants, the last ones he bought at the port were the most precious and mixed with other herbs, they had certain effects of which only he had the secret and even his father did not know some of these combinations. He had planted a lot of them at home to avoid having to travel to buy them.

 A few days ago, Orion had ordered a lot of wine which he stored at home and had put a mixture of herbs inside, the quantity was small but the effects were powerful.

 He had been informed by Marius that Quintus Lentulus Batiatus the famous lanist had purchased at a high price a Thracian slave baptized "Spartacus" by the crowd during his execution where he defeated 4 men a few weeks ago and since then, this Thracian was bought to become a gladiator. It was a story that caused a lot of noise in the streets of Capua.

 Orion had a plan to get closer to the Thracian and get information about Sura's wanted husband.

 Right now, he was on the training ground and wearing equipment that looked ridiculous. It was a complete outfit that he had sewn himself from leather bags and filled with sand.

 The equipment was clearly heavy and hampered his movements, but besides, he was training with the others while wearing it.

 During the first days, fighting with this equipment was pure hell for Orion, however with perseverance, he had more or less adapted with monstrous speed.

 Apollos, one of the Spartans, once tried the equipment and ended up giving up because of the weight. The result of Orion's training with this heavy equipment was the frightening increase in his speed and the power of his muscles even more visible than before.

 As for his men, he trained with them individually and was delighted by the skill of Vayline the Gallic with her bow and the speed of her handling of daggers.

 she grew stronger and stronger the more she trained with him just like the rest of his men. To keep their deadly reflexes, Orion sent them to fight in the pit and they kept the winnings of their fights.

 Vayline was happy with this initiative, her fiancé Ajax didn't want her to fight there at first but she insisted and luckily everyone was undefeated in the pits.

 Marius came to see him, he always had a mocking smile every time he saw Orion in his ridiculous gear but even he had to admit that the results were fantastic on Orion.

 Marius: So, finally you will go see Batiatus this evening about your plan?!

 Orion: Yeah, it's boring but it's worth it for Sura. She is a magnificent woman and even if she keeps smiling I know her heart is bruised. I want to help her find her husband. (he said with a certain smile)

 Marius pretended to think before asking "Orion I know that you like this woman but knowing you, you are not ready to help the first stranger so that is not the only reason. What is your real motherfucker goal?!

 Orion: (sighs) Lucretia!

 Marius: Who?! I know her ?!

 Orion: She's Batiatus' wife, I want to fuck her!

 Marius: I knew it! You are truly beyond redemption! I forbid you from doing that, do you hear me?!

 Orion: But…

 Marius: There's no "but", remember how far it got you the last time you fucked someone else's wife. You really have a problem!!

 Orion: Oh shit! You're right, I won't do anything then. However, I also aspire to become a gladiator.

 Marius: Huh?! For what ?! You already earn a lot of money, no need to risk your life!! For what ?!

 Orion looked him in the eye before smiling mischievously and saying "The worship of the crowd!" 


 This statement from Orion was honest, he had his good points but he was mostly a vain and narcissistic man.

 Later that evening, Orion headed alone to the north of the city where the villa and Ludus of Batiatus were located on the top of a large hill.

 He arrived at the gates of the villa and was intercepted by the guards, he gave his identity and said he had a meeting with Batiatus. Quickly, it was received.

 He entered the villa where he saw several servants and maids half naked due to the heat of the drought that hit the city and even the house of Batiatus was not spared from it.

 Orion watched all this with amusement, he was not affected by the drought, he had in a very short time become rich, richer than a lanista like Batiatus and was ordering boatloads of water for himself and Marius as they held both to their comfort.

 He was guided into a large room where he saw a middle aged man with a red haired milf, it was a wig.

 When his gaze met Lucretia's, the woman felt a little palpitation in her heart and why? Simply because of Orion's beauty and elegance.

 Batiatus: Orion, is that right?! I was told you had a deal to offer me.

 Orion: That's right!

 Batiatus: I'm listening to you.

 Orion: I have come to offer myself as a gladiator, I will fight for your Ludus in exchange for part of the winnings from my victories.

 After listening to Orion, Batiatus and the people in the room began to laugh at the ridiculousness of Orion's statement.

 Batiatus: Forgive my reaction, but I don't know who you are or what your skills are! Are you a former soldier?! A mercenary?! A fucking joker?! Gladiator fights are no joke and I don't have time to waste on you, go piss off that cocksucker Solonius!!

 Orion deposited a purse of 20 denarii and Batiatus showed more interest, his business was going badly and he badly needed money. Orion's little purse deepened his attention.

 Orion: We can give it a try now and see if I'm fit to fight or not. Give me a fight with one of your gladiators with training swords, I would hate to kill one of your products. I don't like wasting my time either so make up your mind quickly Batiatus.

 "Ahahahahaha! Very good but whether you win or lose, this purse remains mine" Batiatus said shamelessly.

 Orion: I agree, consider the money as compensation for future damage to your gladiator.

 Batiatus did not understand the reason for this sentence but still laughed while making fun of Orion and even Lucretia his wife could not help but laugh.

This guy's handsome and delicate appearance was nothing like a gladiator, he would be better suited in bed to satisfy a woman.

 Batiatus guided Orion to the other side of the villa, the ludus where the gladiators were doing their evening training.

The guards escorted Orion past the gladiators who looked at him with curiosity for some, contempt for others and some with lustful looks.

 Above the training ground, on the balcony, Batiatus and his wife appeared with the handmaidens behind them.

 He looked at Oenomaus who was guiding the training of the gladiators, he was a tall, bald black man with a protruding jaw, a stern face and lean muscles, he was holding a whip in his hand and even despite the appearance of Orion , he was not decentralized to continue gladiator training.

 After observation, Batiatus shouted "Doctore, stop the training. This handsome young man wishes to become a free gladiator and fight for our ludus. For his test, he will have to face one of the gladiators here with training swords."

 Everyone started laughing downstairs after the statement of Batiatus who himself was laughing.

 "This little girl ?! A gladiator? »

 "Go home kid, isn't it for kids here?!" 

 "Is he really a man?! He looks like a pretty young woman hahaha! »

 Orion was unfazed by the gladiators' comments, he didn't care. Doctore, the instructor came before him, and of all he was the only one who remained silent.

 Doctore: What is your name young man?!

 Orion: My name is Orion.

 "Damn what a pretty name, as pretty as a girl's ahahah"

 " Eh ?! It's a foreign name!" 

 "Whatever his name is, he doesn't belong here!" 

 Among this mockery, upon hearing this name, one of the men was silent and looked at Orion with fear, he was quite small and wore a splint on his injured right leg.

 "If I were you, I would stop making fun immediately!" he declared to the others.

 « What are you talking about Ashur?! Do you know this wimp?! » one of them asked contemptuously.

 Ashur: Him no, but I know this name well!

 " What do you mean ?! Explain yourself vermin ! " another said.

 Ashur: A few months ago there was a rumor circulating in the pit, an undefeated warrior who had never taken a blow in the underground arena his name was "Orion, the Death Star".

 " Seriously ?! And you really think it's that weakling?! Impossible !!" the other replied.

 Ashur: I don't know, but let's wait and see.

 On the other side, Doctore was still talking with Orion, "Are you sure you want to fight ?!" he asked Orion who just nodded.

 Doctore: SILENCE EVERYONE (he shouted to the agitated gladiators)! For Orion's test, he will face one of you with training swords!! GNAEUS APPROACHES!!

 From the crowd of gladiators, a tall, muscular man with shaved hair came to stand in front of Orion and stared at him provocatively. Doctore came and gave them two wooden swords and they faced each other.

 Gneus: Orion huh!? You're pretty cute!! Unlike the others here, I don't want you to leave. A magnificent specimen like you is perfect to warm up my nights here.

 Orion: HEAVENS! One of those guys with strange desires! Sorry but I'm only interested in women! You can save your anus for someone else!

 «START!! » Doctore gave the signal to begin their fight.

 Gnaeus sent a first horizontal attack which Orion quickly dodged. He attacked again and again without results because Orion dodged each of his attacks without any worries but the worst thing was that he did it while smiling with a footwork that resembled an elegant, cold and deadly waltz.

 Watching this scene, everyone was silent and looked at Orion in disbelief, Batiatus on his balcony was speechless, Lucretia his wife watched the magnificent Orion dodging Gnaeus' attacks again and again as if he was dancing.

 a single word came out of his mouth "Divine!" 

 Ashur's eyes wanted to pop out of their sockets, "It's him, it's definitely him, he's The Death Star" he said.

 Gnaeus, annoyed by Orion's incessant dodging, began to provoke him: "Little whore, do you only know how to run?! ", he launched another attack but this time, Orion himself was tired of playing with him, he dodged this attack and then...




 Orion sent three successive and extremely rapid attacks to Gnaeus' face, one blow to his nose, another to the temple and the last to the chin. It was so fast that poor Gnaeus fell without even understanding anything, he convulsed a little before remaining inert.

 *Total Silence*

 "By the gods!" 

 "What was that fight?!! Can we even call that a fight?!" 

 "Gnaeus ! Do you think he's dead ?" 

 "The Death Star ! It's him !" Ashur muttered again before disappearing.

 A few rare gladiators were whispering. Doctore remained silent. He knew that with Orion's calm earlier, he was not a simple person but what he had just seen had left him speechless. He wanted to announce Orion's victory when he was cut off by Batiatus.

 Batiatus: Orion's incredible victory which spectacularly proves his place in our ludus as free gladiators. (Enthusiasm was visible on his face)

 "Doctore, show our new titan the gladiator dormitories and the baths." he said before returning to the villa almost dancing. Orion looked at him, shaking his head.

 Doctore took Orion to tour the premises after ordering the gladiators to resume their training and take Gnaeus to medicus.

 As they walked, Orion quietly answered Doctore's questions about him and where he learned to fight the way he does. Of course, he lied in most of his answers.

 After the visit, Orion returned to Batiatus to sign his contract as a free gladiator and determine the terms of their agreement.

 "Was the visit to your liking?!" Batiatus asked Orion.

 Orion: Not bad, however I don't plan to sleep in the normal dormitories, the smell annoys me. I plan to rent the boxes reserved for champions, although they are small, they smell better and are more comfortable. In addition I will have to keep personal effects there.

 Batiatus: How much are you willing to pay for the rental my friend?!

 Orion: 4 denarii per week!

 Batiatus: Perfect! And regarding the distribution of the winnings from your fights?! You will also have to wear the ludus mark!!

 Orion: 60:40 no more, no less. I keep 60 percent of the winnings.


 Orion : I advise you to tone it down motherfucker, I'm not one of your slaves. In the arena, I am the one who risks his life. My fights in the name of your filthy Ludus will attract the privilege of your house if you know how to show yourself passing.

 However, if that bothers you then perhaps I will go to your competitor Solonius, he would be delighted to see me massacre your gladiators for his prestige.

 Batiatus: Are you provoking me?! Are you threatening me?! Miserable cocksucker...(interrupted again)

 Orion: I offer you the privilege that will attract you more attention! If you want to give it up for a percentage of my earnings then I prefer to offer my services to others! (He got up and wanted to leave)

 Batiatus: Wait! It's okay, no need to get carried away like that! We have an agreement, 60:40!

 Orion smiled then they talked some more until he decided to leave,

 "I'll come back tomorrow to move in! Good evening to you Batiatus!" he stood up and started walking towards the exit under escort.

 Lucretia who was present looked upset because throughout the interview, Orion had completely ignored her, not even a single glance.

Batiatus meanwhile sat in deep thought with a smile on his lips, this guy was a complete bastard but he had a keen Instinct on the long term Value of a gladiators and Orion had a very good smell, the smell of money.

 Later, Orion finally returned home where Marius was waiting for him with Ajax behind him protecting his back.

As he arrived, Marius distinguished 3 silhouettes with him, they were women and more precisely prostitutes.

 Orion greeted his friend and the latter asked him the reason why he brought prostitutes now, Orion used to bring prostitutes to his house but never more than two.

 Orion: We're having a little party tonight and these three girls are for the Spartans, not for me. I will take this opportunity to present to you our flagship product, the one that you will sell in my absence because tomorrow I am moving to the Ludus.

 Marius looked at him curiously before nodding.

 They had a small party at Marius' house and the children were already sleeping, everyone was participating and eating at the party including Orion's men and the prostitutes.

 At one point during the party, Orion went to his house and brought back a small jug of wine.

 Orion: This is my latest creation. Wine, but not just any wine, the best in the world. I named it " Blood of Venus".

 I prefer to warn you that you should drink it in very small quantities, half a glass is enough to send you dancing with the gods.

 Everyone looked at Orion and his wine with ridicule. What kind of wine can be named as the blood of the goddess of sex and pleasure?! Above all, they found a wine that was drunk in very small quantities stupid.