
Fairy Tale Date

Senior High School Dance, 2014

Billie waits outside his van for his date. At 18, he looks so dapper in his black tuxedo and oozing with charm.

Every girl that passed by him can't keep their eyes away from him. Just looking at him makes them smile and wonder what if he was their date to the ball. He really looks like a prince. Most boys can't help but feel insecure so they make sure to escort their dates immediately inside the venue.

Billie looked left and right before he slightly opened the sliding door of the van. "How much time do you still need?" he asked the person inside.

"Oops…no picking," Zofi warned him.

"The ball's about to start. I think everyone's inside already," he told her.

Zofi sighed. "That's the intention. We are preparing for a grand entrance just like Cinderella's. Everyone should be there to witness it," she said.

"Okay. I'm just reminding you that it will start any minute…..oh!" Billie couldn't finish his reminder. He's mesmerized by the look created by Zofi.

"What do you think?" she asked.

Billie can't hide his admiration towards Cindy. She's the shy girl that the mean girls in campus love picking on. Zofi's mission is to avenge her from those girls.

"She's beautiful. You did well, Fi!" he said.

"Oh, thanks. But she's a natural beauty. I just enhanced it to make her shine. I have a new skill!" Zofi said. She's proud of her creation.

Cindy becomes shy and it showing on her face, which makes her look sweet as well.

"Thank you, Zofi. Actually, I feel so indebted to both of you," she said.

"Indebted? That's too deep. It's nothing. Just relax and have fun in the party. You deserve this moment," Billie said.

"I never thought joining this ball would be possible for me. I didn't have anything to prepare me for this," Cindy continued airing her gratitude towards them.

"It's time. Off you go," Zofi said.

"By the way, how about you?" Billie asked Zofi.

"I'm your fairy godmother tonight. I can take care of myself. Just be there when I hide from those annoying childish brat boys," she said.

The two fist pumped. They understand each other very well.

Billie and Cindy walk hand in hand towards the entrance of the ballroom. They look as if they came out of a fairy tale book.

Most students didn't recognize Cindy at first glance but they were in shock when they did. They thought she's someone from another school. The girls got instantly jealous of her when they realized that she got one of the most popular male students in school as her date. Many of them tried to ask Billie but he declined all invites.

The boys regret not asking Cindy. They were afraid of the mean girls who strongly disapproved of her attending the ball.

Billie already feels like he's the star of the night. He's not a proud guy but with the beauty that's beside him, it's understandable if he feels that way.

Zofi looks content watching everyone's reaction from near the stage. She thinks Cindy's look for the night that she created compliments Billie's. Those two look good together and she can't be prouder when they were announced as the king and queen of the night.

Come Monday after the ball, Billie and Zofi are the guests in the school's weekly radio program.

Everyone is tuned in.

"So, this mission of being a spare date or whatever you may call it, when did it start?" the host asked.

"It's actually Zofi's idea," Billie said.

"Can you tell us more about it, Zofi? What motivated you to do this?" the host asked Zofi.

"Well, I really feel bad for those who are being left out or picked on just because others think they don't belong and they simply don't want them. Who are they to set standards and kick people out? I'm just trying to make the game fair for everyone," she explained.

"One time, we attended the wedding of our parents' common friends. Everyone was dancing except one lady who looked so intimidated. Someone said something about her weight and that her dress didn't fit her. At first she tried to hide by sitting at the back until she decided to just leave. Zofi noticed her and that's when she told me to run after the lady and asked her to dance with me. I was only in fifth grade then and I even called her 'big sister' but she was touched and agreed to dance with me. She was happy but I could still see her holding back her tears. I wish those were tears of joy. My dad couldn't be prouder of what I did to the poor lady. And that's thanks to Zofi's idea," Billie narrated.

"That's a wonderful story and it seems that the two of you are really in-synch with each other. Speaking of which, I am tasked to ask the most difficult question…" the host started to ask.

"Oh, cut the chase. We are not dating!" Zofi said.

Billie looked at her and smirked. "Why did you have to cut him? Is it a bad idea to date me?" he joked.

Everyone in the booth laughs.

"Can you let us know what then is your relationship if you are not dating each other? Are you like siblings?" the host asked.

"I don't think we can be considered siblings," Billie said.

"He's like Mathematics and I'm no branch of math because I'm English. We're two different subjects but if we're together, it could be a blast," Zofi explained.

"Wow! Zofi always has the most elaborate explanation to everything. Okay, then, so you probably are best of friends. You two are BFFs, aren't you" the host insisted.

"That could be the closest but it's still a limited description of what or who we are to each other," Billie answered.

"Perhaps labeling connections really has to stop. I leave my case here," the host said. "Sorry, my dear listeners but I couldn't squeeze anything from these two," he addressed the listeners. He gave up.

"Should we tell them?" Zofi asked Billie.

"What should we tell them?" he asked to clarify.

"Oops, looks like it's not over yet. There's a little something going on here. Let's wait," the host said. He noticed the conversation between the two.

"Alright, you tell them," Billie said to Zofi.

"What is it, Zofi?" the host asked. He's excited.

"On the night of that same wedding, we realized the pressure on someone to fit in and get noticed and be chosen. We began to worry about the future. What if this also happens to us? So we made a promise that we would be each other's spare date if and when needed. But then we also thought about the more distant future and that's about real dating and not just as escort to an event. What it no one wants to date us for real? So, we copied something from 'My Bestfriends' Wedding' and promised to each other that by the time we are 19 and we are single, we will try to date each other," Zofi explained effortlessly.

The host is amazed. That's one big scoop.

Billie looks to Zofi as if trying to ask why she had to tell everything.

"That's the kind of thing that they wanted to hear," Zofi murmured to him.

"Billie, you're 19 years old now and single, right?" the host asked.

"Yes but she's not 19 yet," Billie answered.

"When are you be turning 19, Zofi?" the host asked Zofi.

"In three months," Zofi answered.

The host calculated the timeline. "Oh, you're already out of this school by then! Anyway, we will follow you on social media to see what happens when you turn 19, Zofi," he said.

Billie can't help smiling. Zofi is really smart.

Three months later. On the eve of Zofi's birthday, the two had dinner in a restaurant before heading to the airport.

"Are you sure about this?" Billie asked.

"Sure about what? Travelling solo? Of course, I am!" Zofi said.

"You won't miss me?" he asked.

"I'm sure, I won't," she said.

Billie knows how brutally sweet she can be to him. He knows her well. He loves that about her.

"C'mon, dude. I'll be away for only less than a month. Don't make me feel guilty about leaving you," she said.

"Of course not, I am just making sure that I'll be at peace on my own this entire break prior to college," he said to annoy her.

"Ah really?" she said.

"Kidding aside, take care and be alert all the time. I won't be there," he said seriously.

"And also kidding aside, why don't you go ahead and start dating for real this time? We don't have a mission to work on anyway," she told him.

"Date for real?" he asked.

She nodded. "Go!" she said.

"C'mon here," he said while pulling her close for a long goodbye hug.

Zofi noticed the beautiful moon. It gets even more beautiful as the night gets deeper.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"Almost your birthday," he said after checking the time from the car's watch.

They both look to each other as if having the same question in their heads.

It's been a long time since they've become friends. There's never an awkward moment between them. They don't keep secrets from each other and all their secrets are safe with them.

"What if we fulfill that promise we made when we were in fifth grade?" Billie asked.

"Do you think we should?" Zofi asked.

They look at each other longer than they'd ever done before. The thrill of the first time is present in the moment and no one is there to witness it but the beautiful silent moon. No one knows who closed their eyes first but perhaps they closed their eyes at the same time.

"What are we doing?" both asked upon realizing they were about to kiss each other. Their eyes got bigger, they look funny.

The car gets filled with unstoppable loud laughter.

"I couldn't believe we almost did it! We're crazy!" Zofi said.

Billie shakes his head. "Let's forget about it," he suggested.

"Why should we? This will be good for those reunions when we get much older," Zofi said.

"That crazy promise! It's your fault. You brought that up during the interview," he said.

"But that's true, right? Well, I'm thinking, why don't we move the ultimatum to until we are 25? What do you think?" she asked.

"What I think is you're going to be late for your flight," he said to avoid the question.

"It's settled then. Let's see what happens when we are both 25 and still single, okay?" she said.

"Go ahead, you'll miss your flight," Billie reminded her.

"It's still early. I have something to say before I go," Zofi said in a serious tone.

"You know I worry when you sound like that," he said.

"Seriously, go out and date Cindy. I know there's something going on between the two of you," she said.

Billie is speechless. It's not a secret that he's trying to keep from her. He's just not ready to tell her. He's waiting for the right time.

"We're still getting to know each other. There's nothing serious going on between us," he admitted.

"That's fine. Let me know the status when I am back, okay?" she said.

"Happy birthday!" he greeted her.

They fist pumped to say goodbye.

Billie stays in his car. He watches Zofi as she enters the boarding area alone. It's not like she's going somewhere and not returning, but for the longest time, they've always been together doing stuff. It doesn't matter whatever kind of relationship they share as long as she is a constant figure in his life.