

Mason followed his maniac little sister into the blood-splattered fortress.

"Older Brother," she said playfully, "You know that I've killed many people, right?"

"Yes." He said grimly.

"Do you know that our... organization's symbol is the Spade?"


"Do you want to know why?"


"OK!!" She said cheerily. "Follow me here!!!"

Aeryn and the pair of twins turned right in the dark tunnel. She muttered

"Patentibus." '

and slit her hand. The blood flew from her hand and swirled around the door in front of them. The blood flowed through the door... STRAIGHT THROUGH THE DOOR.

The door then opened with a click. Aeryn went in the door, but the twins didn't follow. Aeryn turned around and faced her brother.

"Aren't you coming inside, brother?"

"Uh… Yeah… Sure." He said, and went inside the dark room.

When he went inside, the door shut with a loud bang. Red light flooded the room, and Mason got a clear view of everything inside the room… well, more like a dungeon. The room was made of large bricks, and blood was splattered around it. There were chains… and accessories. Gold bracelets, silver necklaces, platinum anklets, bronze coronets, pearl earrings, ruby rings, and countless others. They would've been beautiful, but there was blood on the accessories.


"It's where I tortured women."


"Oh, don't worry!" she said cheerily, "They were all homewreckers, gold diggers, social climbers, or suicidal people!!!"

"Sis, that's no reason to kill anyone."

"Why not?" she frowned.

"They have family, too, what if they come after you? Or they could try and torture you too."

Aeryn giggled at this.

"Don't worry, older brother, I killed their families before I killed them. And I always left a card there. An Ace of Spades."

"The card of death." He whispered.

"Exactly!!!" She giggled.

Mason looked around the room once more. The pieces of jewelry looked expensive.

"Wait… The jewelry look like they belong to rich women, noblewomen…"

"They do."

So the king would definitely know of his rich noble friends being massacred…"


"You're trying to make the king fear you?" He asked.

"Exactly the point!!!" she giggled.

"Why don't you just kill the king first?"

"Too many guards this time of year… and I need to do something in the meantime… so, I figured that If I kill some of his richest nobles, then he'll start to fear his own assassination. He'll become paranoid, start to near the brink of insanity… and then what he feared the most would finally come!!! It'll be so fun!!!"

"You're doing this for your real Mother, aren't you?"

"Mother?" she repeated, and started to laugh, "Mother? I'm doing this for both of MY real parents. You think we're actually related?"

Another bout of maniacal laughter erupted from Aeryn. Mason looked at her, confused.

"We're not related at all," finally after her fit of laughter, "Before my mother married your father, she became pregnant, with another man's child. Her father, my very own grandfather, found out, and quickly married my mother and your father." She said seriously. "Then my grandfather died. Your father found out that I wasn't his child. And then the king appeared. He saw my mother, and wanted her to become his concubine. So your father and the king made a deal. Your father would divorce my mother, so the king could lay his hands on her 'properly,' and 'with all right'. Your father would instantly become a rich nobleman and would be able to have my real father killed. The king killed my mother soon afterward because she spilled tea on his carpet. Then your father remarried, to a pretty lady, who had you with him. We have no blood relation at all. And now, I'm going to kill the king for allowing my real father to be murdered without even investigating, and for executing my mother. "

"I can still be your brother, blood relation or not."

"Alright. But then you have to get a tattoo."

"I'm fourteen..."

"I cut out a spade on me, a tattoo hurts much less."

"You did WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

"Cut out a spade on myself...." She said calmly, not knowing why her brother looked so frustrated and worried.