
Spacetime Anomaly: MHA Fanfic

Despite being bullied for the majority of his life after learning that he would never develop a Quirk, Izuku Midoriya held on to his dream of becoming a hero; no mater the ridicule. One day, however, his idol, All Might, broke the metaphorical camel's back as the final straw that would see the young fourteen-year-old end his life. Instead of dying though, Izuku is given a chance. Before you start calling for plagiarism, I started posting chapters for this fanfiction on fanfiction.net. Yes... GengXin makes up the pinyin in Mandarin Chinese for Bright Dawn; 耿昕。 I'm kind of a comment and review whore, so I decided to start posting chapters on Webnovel both for more exposure and of course... for the reviews and comments~ To those of you unsure if this really is my, GengXin's, account on Webnovel and I'm just shamelessly plagiarizing, I'll update the first chapter of the story on Fanfiction.net to include a note confirming that this is indeed my account~ ~ I gave my sister half a Popsicle for the Photoshoped cover~

BrightDawn · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

7.3: Hyping Her To No Avail...

Chapter 7.3: Hyping Her To No Avail...

'No wonder he doesn't have any friends… Who would be able to manage that level of dedication towards their studies while simultaneously managing friendships.' Left to her imagination, she envisioned Izuku as a bookworm who would spend over a dozen hours each day studying like his life depended on it. But upon recalling the images of his figure moving about with such finesse during the practical exam it directly juxtaposed her initial thought. His powers and the manner with which he fought told a story of someone who had practiced for years…

Suddenly Mina's impression of Izuku grew to levels of admiration she simply didn't think was possible before their meeting. He was like the ideal representation people had when they thought about their potential; of what they could be when they pursued their dreams with 100% of their effort.

As she further pressed him for details of his life, she gradually came to respect him more and more without him even knowing. The comparisons she made between herself and Izuku slowly drew out a fire in Mina's heart that eventually couldn't be suppressed any further. Normally she would never suggest what was about to come of her mouth, but the passion the boy before her held about heroism had infected her and couldn't help but blurt out, "Midoriya! We should like, totally train together!"

Her sudden outburst certainly startled Izuku, but more than that it filled him with a sense of humorous irony. Today was the first day in ages where he had set aside time to indulge himself with some free time and when he took it upon himself to hang out with his friend, she suggested they train. Still, the prospect of training with another person certainly wasn't something he felt the need to reject. Perhaps there would be a way to have fun despite the normally un-fun nature of training.

"Alright, Mina-san," Izuku thought for a second before he proposed, "Before that though, why don't we discuss the details of your Quirk. To design the best training routine we can, of course..."

The fire in Mina's eyes had yet to die, but she relented to Izuku's suggestion. She extended her hand to get Izuku's attention and explained, "My Quirk, Acid, let's me secrete acid. This much I expected you already know, but..." She let a couple of drops of acid drop on the ground and while some droplets made a harsh fizzling sound which literally ate away at the ground with little resistance, other droplets simply pooled without any noticeable effect.

Mina explained, "I can control the strength and some properties of my liquid Acid. I can make it as dangerous as a superacid or as harmless as water, as viscous as honey or as slippery as ice. I can make acid from anywhere there's skin on my body, but the more dangerous I make my acid, the worse the effects on my skin."

Seeing Mina go silent, Izuku asked, "Can you change the property of your acid after you've made it?"

"What?" Mina didn't immediately understand.

"Can you make harmless acid dangerous remotely? Can you change its properties with physical contact, or is it entirely impossible to change your acid after you made it?" As the questions were asked, they hit Mina like a semi-truck barreling down uncontrollably down a mountain slope. She had never even thought about testing the limits of her Quirk after she had discovered it when she was but a toddler.

"I… I don't know… I've never really tested my Quirk like that."

Seeing the distant, almost melancholic look in the girl's eyes, Izuku gave her an encouraging smile and said, "It's never too late to discover new aspects of your Quirk. For several years, I thought my Esper powers only comprised of Spatial Awareness, but after all these years of training, It's grown to be so much more."

Izuku suggested, "Try making a small pool of harmless acid in your hands and change it to something more volatile like Sulfuric Acid. If you're like me, changing the properties of your power will be easier if you're making direct contact. I mean if it's even possible to begin with..."

Mina did as he suggested, she initially made a small pool of harmless water-like acid in her cupped hands before wishing with all her might that it changed to something more volatile. Alas, since her skin made her resistant to Acid and she wasn't at all too sensitive to corrosion due to the nature of her Quirk, she couldn't tell if she was doing anything at all. She kept the pool in her hand for a couple of seconds before the slightest tinge of irritation started creeping up on her skin and she decided to spill the contents in her hand on the ground. Though at the point of pouring, she wasn't sure if it was irritation from volatile acid or just her nervous hands cramping up from being kept in such a rigid position for a while.

Fortunately, it seemed like Izuku's suggestion that her acid could have its properties changed after being produced was possible as the mass of acid dropped on the floor began to emit horrifying screeching sounds and the ground gradually deformed along with the evaporation of acid. Suddenly Mina felt terrible seeing as how she had destroyed a part of this beautiful park which she loved visiting. The feeling of guilt didn't last long as Izuku's control over Time made it so the effects of her acid never happened; truly it was convenient to be able to rewind time at one's whims.

He entirely ignored the damage his suggestion caused as he could fix the problem with little effort and was instead more excited about the prospects of Mina's potential. Evidently eager, he stood up and said, "This changes the game entirely!" It was almost as if he wasn't talking to Mina at this point as he fiercely started launching ideas at the speed of thought, "And we haven't even found out if you can change your acid remotely! Just imagine… If you could change the properties of your Acid without being in direct contact, your only limit would be how much of it you could produce. Even if you 'need' to touch your acid to change its properties like you did just now, your lasting potential could rise several times over given the right circumstances and training..."

At some point, Mina rose up to meet Izuku's standing figure, apparently sharing the same enthusiasm as the hero-fanatic as she said, "You're totally right Izu-kun!" Neither of the two noticed this most striking slip of the tongue as Mina continued, "I'm totally hyped to train with you right now! You know any good spots?"

Izuku didn't even have to think as he knew just the spot both of them could train with as much freedom as they wanted. He asked, "Have you heard of Dagobah Municipal Beach?"

"Yeah? I heard it used to be a scrapyard until a couple of years ago." Mina responded as she recalled hearing about a mysterious figure that cleaned up the entire beach within the span of a month, but never claimed credit or demanded compensation for the highly regarded community work.

"Yeah, I originally went there to train my gravitational powers. Now that the entire beach has been cleaned up I also added physical conditioning as well. But regardless, don't you think that would be the best place to train your Acid? This time of the year no one will be there as it's still rather cold and you won't have an issue causing damage to the surroundings; no one would care if you melt a bit of sand, after all."

"Wait… you were the one who cleaned up that beach?!" And here Mina thought she couldn't be more shocked by Izuku's insane past.

"Yeah, it was the perfect place for me to train both my control and strength over Gravitational Pressure. I separated things based on their composition before crushing them as best I could with my power. The resulting blocks of pure metal were sold for some money that I later donated to some medical studies and whatever trash couldn't be used again or sold, I directly tossed into a tear in space." As he recounted his initial training period at Dagobah Municipal Beach, despite the way one could mistake his words for a humblebrag, Mina understood he wasn't at all aiming to boost his ego. She guessed he probably didn't even know how impressive it sounded to both help clean up a beach and use whatever proceeds he could have earned from doing so to help fund a charity. His altruism was bordering on insanity at this point…

"Right, but we should probably change if we're going to be training at the beach," Mina said as she glanced over both their respective outfits. As neither of the two expected their little gathering to end in training, neither had come dressed for rigorous exercise.

Actually... As Mina started to pay attention to more aspects outside of her conversation with Izuku she noticed that the sun was starting to set. Panicked, she looked at her watch only to be horrified by the realization of how long she had spent practically digging out all of Izuku's story; at least his life story of this lifetime.