
Spacetime Anomaly: MHA Fanfic

Despite being bullied for the majority of his life after learning that he would never develop a Quirk, Izuku Midoriya held on to his dream of becoming a hero; no mater the ridicule. One day, however, his idol, All Might, broke the metaphorical camel's back as the final straw that would see the young fourteen-year-old end his life. Instead of dying though, Izuku is given a chance. Before you start calling for plagiarism, I started posting chapters for this fanfiction on fanfiction.net. Yes... GengXin makes up the pinyin in Mandarin Chinese for Bright Dawn; 耿昕。 I'm kind of a comment and review whore, so I decided to start posting chapters on Webnovel both for more exposure and of course... for the reviews and comments~ To those of you unsure if this really is my, GengXin's, account on Webnovel and I'm just shamelessly plagiarizing, I'll update the first chapter of the story on Fanfiction.net to include a note confirming that this is indeed my account~ ~ I gave my sister half a Popsicle for the Photoshoped cover~

BrightDawn · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

7.1: Hang Out?

Chapter 7.1: Hang Out?

A week after the day of the entrance exam, Izuku was going about his daily spacetime control exercises in his room when a knock on the door caused him to immediately stop. As if abiding by his will, the several random articles of clothing that were statically floating around Izuku neatly folded themselves before being stored away in his closet; fit with coathangers and all.

Izuku went to his door to greet his incomparably excited mother who anxiously explained that a letter from U.A. had come for him. The letter would probably decide whether or not he had made it into the ranks of the best Hero Academia in all of Japan. The sudden realization of this implication caused Izuku to grow unstable as this was a moment he had been anticipating long before he committed suicide during his first life. No amount of training and discipline would remove his emotions and for occasions as special as these, there was little he could do to prepare himself.

Despite subconsciously understanding that the chances he failed were so close to zero they could be entirely ignored, despite his ineffable self-confidence when it came to his performance on that day, Izuku still nervously took the letter out of his mother's hand and slowly opened it. Inko must have understood how much this moment meant to her son as she had rarely seen him so uncomposed. She gave him all the time he needed and even took measures to be as unnoticeable as possible so as to not pressure him.

The tension in the room only intensified after the letter was opened and a small disk fell out. Izuku pressed the sole button atop the disk's frame and was greeted with the holographic image of what appeared to be an anthropomorphic rodent. Calmly, the creature introduced itself, "Greeting, Izuku Midoriya, I am U.A. High's principal, Nezu. This is your acceptance letter, congratulations. "

Oddly anticlimactic, Nezu explained, "With a perfect pass on the theoretical due to you already having earned the equivalent of a high school diploma and your record-breaking performance during the practical, naturally, you're to be added to the most gifted class in 1-A. Once again, allow me to congratulate you, and may your time at our school be everything you're expecting and more."

Principal Nezu further added in some details Izuku needed for his first day at the school before the projection cut off and the room filled with silence. Izuku sighed with relief as he was almost tackled into submission by his mother. Or rather he would have, had his body not been trained to such a formidable degree. It was more like Inko crashed into her son, than it did look like she tackled him into a hug. But regardless of the fact, Izuku accepted the hug as his mother cried enough tears for both of them.

Despite Izuku's lack of expression, he was filled with emotion. Since he had revealed to Inko the lengths he went through to become a hero — the best hero he could be — she grew just as anxious and worried as Izuku would have been had his original hero-obsessed self persisted through this second life. She currently represented what he felt but couldn't express…

Eventually, the fires of emotion on both Midoriyas died down and after a night of celebration, Izuku quietly sunk into some of the most peaceful sleep he had in months. As there was still over a month until school life at U.A. began, Izuku decided to do something he hadn't in years and gave himself an entire cheat day. He didn't even manipulate the speed of time affecting his body as he slept a full eight hours through the night as nature intended for normal humans.

The next morning as he woke up feeling full of life, he picked up his phone to see Mina had texted him the news that she had gotten into U.A. as well. He took a look around his room before recalling his promise to take the day in stride before he laid back down on his bed and texted, "Congratulations, what class did you get? I'm in 1-A."

Izuku should have expected Mina's quick response, but to see her start typing within three seconds of his message being sent out seemed impossibly fast. He jokingly thought, 'Could she too have the ability to speed up her perception of time?' As the thought concluded, his phone notified him of a new message from his only friend.

"NO WAY?! I'M IN 1-A, TOO !~!" Very much like a Mina-styled text, along with a flurry of punctuation marks, there was a string of laughing-crying emojis and relief emojis.

Izuku took the news more impactful than he realized as he subconsciously texted back honestly, "Really? I'm glad."

"Ooooh? You're GLAD we're in the same class? Should I be concerned? MHMM?" Even in the format of a text, anyone with even a half working brain could see that she was just messing around as she usually did; teasing the social recluse was among one of her favorite things to do.

Alas, Izuku took the text more seriously than need be and he hurriedly explained himself, "I'm just happy to see that my only friend got into the same school and class as me." Though on second thought, that message was bound to be a bombshell if Mina read it as he had impulsively put it together. Sadly, he had already sent it and could do nothing to change the fact.

A couple of seconds later, Mina uncharacteristically replied, "I'm your only friend?" She had been listening to some music as she played around with her phone and texted some of her friends when Izuku's last text arrived. Immediately, her heart sank only to be accompanied by the sensation of her blood running cold after Izuku replied, "Unless you don't think we are..."

Consequently, the mood turned too grim for her to continue without putting her all in the conversation. She propped herself into a proper seating position and cleared all the other apps running on her phone before honing in on Izuku's borderline depressing conversation. Here she was concerned about his lack of friends and he was assuming she didn't even consider him one to begin with…

Such a talented, powerful, and nice guy didn't have a friend? Mina almost didn't believe it. She texted back, "Don't be silly, we're friends alright~" She quickly ran through her list of things she had to do today and after concluding that her schedule was barren enough to allow for a day of fun outside, she further texted, "If you're not too busy, we should hang out~" It was a Saturday, so there was little in the way for normal middle schoolers like them to busy themselves with; at least that was Mina's understanding.

Izuku was floored as he saw both of Mina's texted; they struck him like blasts from a double-action shotgun. 'Hang out?' Izuku thought. He almost felt inclined to reject out of sheer fear, but when he recalled that today was supposed to be a free day for him to treat himself, he gathered up the courage to reply, "Fine. When and where do you want to… hang out." Somehow he managed to convey his apprehension through text. He barely even registered that he was making plans to hang out with a girl of all people, as just hanging out with another human being was inducing traumatic stress.

"Mhmm~ I don't know, what you want to do?" Since the decision to hang out came spontaneously to Mina, she hadn't a clue as to what the best way to proceed was. Though she had talked with Izuku throughout the week, altogether, they'd barely gotten five hours worth of time chatting back and forth; she simply didn't know the boy well enough to arrange for a proper day out.

"I… I'm probably the last person you want to ask," Izuku confessed. What else was there besides bettering himself and keeping maintenance of his routine? He didn't know what a day hanging out for fun was, if it hit him in the face.

Mina shook her head in her room and randomly suggested, "Why don't we meet up at Yoyoji Park and just talk some more?" This was the best way to use up time if they were to get together again. It didn't have to be a park, but as Yoyoji was relatively quiet and peaceful, it would make for a nice place for the two to better get to know one another. Doing just that was among the most interesting concepts for both participants.

Izuku asked for what time simply accepting things as they came to him and Mina replied asking if 11:00 AM was alright. Izuku replied in the affirmative before the conversation when silent. With nothing else to do until it was time to leave, Izuku left his room and made both himself and his mother breakfast as he usually did. He wasn't a trained chef by any stretch of the imagination, only self-taught through internet recipes and instructional guides. But anyone lucky enough to try his food wouldn't think otherwise. As somewhat of a perfectionist, likely a result of him becoming so dedicated to becoming a true hero, Izuku's food made his mother's tiring workdays just a tad bit more bearable. During the weekends when Izuku would make decadent breakfast foods, she was downright pious in her gratitude for having a son as thoughtful as him.