
Spacetime Anomaly: MHA Fanfic

Despite being bullied for the majority of his life after learning that he would never develop a Quirk, Izuku Midoriya held on to his dream of becoming a hero; no mater the ridicule. One day, however, his idol, All Might, broke the metaphorical camel's back as the final straw that would see the young fourteen-year-old end his life. Instead of dying though, Izuku is given a chance. Before you start calling for plagiarism, I started posting chapters for this fanfiction on fanfiction.net. Yes... GengXin makes up the pinyin in Mandarin Chinese for Bright Dawn; 耿昕。 I'm kind of a comment and review whore, so I decided to start posting chapters on Webnovel both for more exposure and of course... for the reviews and comments~ To those of you unsure if this really is my, GengXin's, account on Webnovel and I'm just shamelessly plagiarizing, I'll update the first chapter of the story on Fanfiction.net to include a note confirming that this is indeed my account~ ~ I gave my sister half a Popsicle for the Photoshoped cover~

BrightDawn · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

4.2: Butterfly Effect?

Chapter 4.2: Butterfly Effect?

Izuku was still not yet ready to come clean about this reality, especially with his emotions already fluctuating wilding today. He wasn't even sure he would ever be able to tell the truth to his mother, so for now, he simply said, "I… I really don't want to talk about it. Suffice to say, I think that the treatment I'd receive if I showed off would change me for the worse. Living as a Quirkless, as I technically still am, has made me see the world from a humbling perspective. I just don't want to become like the majority of people in our society who seem to value Quirks more than they do people."

"Mhmm… I still don't understand, you're Quirkless, but you have Emitter-type Quirk powers related to Space and Time?" Old Take suddenly asked to take the conversation out of the dark place Izuku had driven it towards.

"Yeah, it's like I said. You've seen x-rays of my feet, remember? When you were teaching me how to do it, you must have seen that I still have two pinky toe joints. That along with the repeated confirmation of the doctors I've visited that all say that my body doesn't produce Quirk Factor guarantee that I'm Quirkless." Izuku elaborated.

"Fascinating," Old Take said as he stroked his bear while contemplating aloud, "You're abilities would be regarded among the best, most useful Quirks in any field. Yet it's apparently not a Quirk at all."

Adding on to Old Take's thoughts Izuku explained, "I've been training these powers for a long time now and can confidently claim I have done as much research as I possibly can to understand their limits. Since it seems like the abilities draw power from my mental strength and like to think of myself as an Esper like in the fantasy books back before there were Quirks. Actually," Izuku's gaze sharpened as he proposed, "I actually think it might be the next line of evolution for Quirks."

"What?!" Old Take shouted as he immediately drew the connection Izuku had taken many years to make. He was caught off guard and thus couldn't control himself when faced with the proposition as it made more and more sense the longer he thought about it.

For Inko, how wasn't able to understand out of a scientific or medical perspective, Izuku explained, "My Esper powers don't rely on Quirk factors like normal people with Quirks. Moreover, it takes an extra step outside the bounds of science and logic to directly convert mental strength into abilities that move Space and Time. As far as I know, there doesn't seem to be a limit as to how much my abilities can grow and given the reality breaking nature of some of the abilities I told you about, doesn't it seem too far removed from the bounds of regular old Quirks?"

"When Quirks were originally introduced to society two hundred some years ago, people rejected them as fantastical aberrations far removed from reality. Your Esper powers as you call them… they would appear to us now as Quirks did back then! Another step towards evolution," Old Take eyes widened with disbelief as he came to this conclusion.

"But, your situation begs the question: Why are you the only known case of this kind of happening? Even when Quirks began to manifest, it wasn't just a single isolated case like yours. Millions of babies were born with all sorts of oddities we would later call Quirks, but you are the only one we know has Esper powers..."

"I could just possess a one in a trillion chance mutation," Izuku suggested, "But the reason doesn't really matter to me. After all, even if I wasn't the special snowflake with these amazing powers, I'd still do my best to better help others," He said these words more to reconsolidate his resolve than for anything else. Though he had grown immensely from the wreck that was his first life, the shadow that had been cast because he committed suicide still hid deep within his heart.

With the confession over with and the response magnanimous, Izuku still had around ten months to make his final preparations before he would take hero academia entrance exams. He still continued to volunteer at the clinic every other day and his hero training nearly doubled over. After getting his mom to understand the true depth of his knowledge, all it took was a single day for her to relent to his desires as he had long since prepared a highschool diploma for the moment of his confession.

In his original plan, he would have prepared this only by the time he had already entered his first year as a high schooler, but because of the advancements in his mental strength, over the years he could achieve more studying and complete more academic work with a never-ending growth to his efficiency.

Moreover, he was days away from being tested out of a bachelor's degree. As someone trained to be a doctor, Izuku began to specialize in Biology and Biochemistry a couple of years prior. If he visited a university and proved his knowledge through tests or essays, he could claim a well enough understanding of university-level classes and acquire all the credits needed to earn his Bachelor's degree. His mother wouldn't even have to pay a dime as there was a policy that allowed junior high and high school students to test out for any classes they might be studying before entering a proper university. Since there wasn't a limit to the number of credits he could attempt, only a small fee he would have to pay should he fail his tests. As he was not of age to be in a university, Izuku could finally see his studying efforts pay off.

So, the process began and Izuku planned to visit Mustafu University once or twice every week to slowly claim the credits that would go into his Degrees. With his time to train growing that much larger since he no longer needed to rigorously study so often, he continued developing his heroic skill set and Old Take couldn't be any happier seeing Izuku continue to come to the clinic.

It seemed like Izuku's life had stabilized once more, when about two weeks into his new routine, as Izuku was making his way over to the university to test out of a couple more credits, he was reminded of the event that ended his first life. A striking sense of Deja vu hit Izuku harder than a semi-truck gone AWOL on the highway, as the teen walked through a familiar tunnel. He'd passed here many times, but the sensation only occurred now as it was rarely so devoid of people; that and it was the place he met All Might in his first life…

Now, as Izuku thought about it, 'Wasn't it around this time that I was attacked by that sludge villain?' He couldn't help but stop and look at the manhole cover as he was coming across the middle of the tunnel. His thoughts continued, 'Surely, me returning ten years into the past and changing so many of my first life's choices has long started a butterfly event.'

Despite his assurance, he couldn't help but let his eyes turn golden as his pupils shifted into hair-thick slits. Izuku sighed, 'You've got to be kidding me...' He shook his head fully aware that fate would see this encounter play out whether he wanted it or not, and proceeded to continue walking past the manhole cover.