
14.7: Wrapping Up The Week

Chapter 14.7: Wrapping Up The Week

As expected, the following conversation Izuku had after bringing Toga to the kitchen, left him with more than a mild headache. To put it bluntly, although Izuku was intellectually gifted and immensely educated, he had very poor social knowledge. Things that people would normally find intuitive or common sense would slip his mind; like the topic of polygamous relationships. Discussing what they would be doing with Toga only exacerbated his borderline social retardation.

"Izuku, son..." Inko stared at her son with a disconcerting look. "You do understand how bad this looks on your part, right?"

"What? Why?!" Izuku asked, more than a little confused. He had just finished passing out the papers his mom would have to fill out to adopt Toga into their family temporarily.

Squinting as she started questioning whether her son was a reverse idiot savant, she sighed and said, "You want me to adopt her and let her live with us?"

"I already told you it's only temporary. Until we can find a foster family that can take her off our hands and still let her attend U.A. Plus, I'll be paying for her share of our living expenses. How is that a problem?"

Facepalming, Inko asked rather contemptuously, "Where in our house is she going to live? The living room?"

"Oh..." Izuku cursed himself internally as he realized there weren't any extra unused rooms in his house. Despite his mother making much more money in this life along with him already earning the salary of a doctor, because it was just the two of them, they never moved to a bigger house. So currently, his home only had a kitchen, living room, and the two bedrooms…

Still, as the one responsible for proposing the idea — the only idea that would allow Toga to enter U.A. in time to attend the Sport's Festival — Izuku thought for a bit before offering, "Honestly, I only need to sleep for around half an hour to get me through the day and my room is usually used as a makeshift gym for training. So… I could make do by living in the living room on a futon."

"That's… a bit much," Toga chimed in, "At most I'd be happy if you shared your room. But I wouldn't dare tell you to give it to me and live in your house like a stranger. I could sleep in the living room on a futon..."

With Toga finished saying her piece, Inko's squinting softened as her face morphed to convey smugness as she said, "So you're going to share the room with a girl?"

"I guess…"

"Ho?" Inko smirked, as she started reading over the papers he had given her. As she started writing things down and signing various parts, she knowingly chirped, "Now I'm not sure whether I should be worried or not, since another one of my trips has been scheduled for this Friday."

Slightly cringing as he watched his mother not-so-subtly laugh at his predicament, Izuku nervously asked, "Y-you've got to be joking, r-right? You haven't had one in almost half a year!"

"Ha," Inko chuckled under her breath, "Shouldn't this make you excited? Not only will you get the house to yourself, but you'll also have the company of a pretty girl and I won't be around to… well, you know," she snorted…

"H-how long is the trip this time around?!" Izuku started sweating bullets.

"Not very long, only a week."

"..." Speechless, Izuku just blankly stared at his mother, eyes keen on picking up on any signs of anger or like-minded emotions. His cold sweats only got worse as he realized she didn't seem bothered by the arrangement at all, and couldn't help but ask, "How are you fine with this?"

"You know, at first I was a little worried, but you just keep making these hilarious lapses in common sense. Now, I more or less understand you wouldn't do anything questionable behind my back; or if you would, it would be… responsibly. In any case, I think this might be a good opportunity for you~"

After getting the OK from Inko for Toga to become a member of the household, the three ate dinner. Dinner marked the end of the happy times for Toga though, as she quickly learned the misery that was being tutored by Izuku. The experience wasn't miserable because of Izuku's teaching ability; he was actually very patient and elaborate on his lessons. However… Toga's sensibilities were constantly being tested as she was locked in a room with him for unbearably long periods of time.

As an already 'slightly' manic young girl, the time being isolated inside the room might not have bothered her much and it wasn't like there wasn't anything for her to do, but… Izuku's ability to distort time was limited. Putting himself under distorted time — whether to fast forward time, or dilute it as he had done to give himself and Toga the time to prepare her for the Transfer Exam — was beyond easy for him at this point, but for Toga to experience the same benefits, she had to be within the range of one of his Time Barriers.

This being the first time he used said Time Barrier on another person, Toga had to be within a meter of him throughout the sessions. Needless to say, throughout the night of tutoring, Izuku called for several breaks before Toga got ahead of herself. Many times, he cursed his 'laziness' for not training this ability as much as he could have. Perhaps, if he had trained his ability to cast Time Barriers, its range could be comparable to the impressive twenty-meter reach of his current gravitational manipulation.

Alas, there was nothing he could do as training anyone of his abilities was slow and gradual accumulation of proficiency. Before the Sport's Festival came, he wouldn't even add a single meter to the casting range of his Time Barriers. Fortunately, that just about covered the negatives he experienced over the week.

For the rest of the weekdays, life progressed routinely with very little impact; to Izuku, at least. The day's schedule consisted of going to school, training after school, returning home to tutor Toga, and after Toga passed Izuku's desired level, she would train with him in his room. On Wednesday, Toga legally became a part of the Midoriya household and by Thursday she and Izuku had covered all the material she would need to ace the Transfer Exam come Saturday.

On Friday, after the apprehension of seeing his mother leave for the week died out due to Toga asking for a bit of training before the Sports Festival, Izuku was given quite the shock. Toga, despite not being trained in combat not only boasted ridiculous physical abilities, she also had a kind of battle instinct that threatened even Izuku when he wasn't serious in fighting with his spacetime powers.

'Holy fuck… she's like a female Bakugo, but somehow even scarier…' Izuku thought by the final night before the Sports Festival. Like Hagakure, sparring with him led her to develop as a fighter absurdly quick. But while Hagakure did so through her ability to perfectly mimic the moves Izuku used to subdue her due to her acute spatial awareness, Toga improved by becoming more experienced and unorthodox.

On Saturday, Toga took and passed the Transfer Exam to enter the General Studies Department at U.A. Using the evidence Izuku collected from her primary and junior high schools throughout the week, many people lost their jobs and some were even convicted for what they did to her.

With Nezu pushing the envelope — after carefully considering everything Izuku had told him and weighing out the pros and cons of adding Toga to the school — Toga officially became a student on Sunday.

Finally, on Monday, the day of the Sports Festival arrived. It saddened Izuku to see the joint-class training camp end the day prior; even more so as no newcomers arrived after Monoma, Tetsutetsu, Kendo, and Setsuna. But, it was understandable as Kendo had told him, "Sorry… you kind of scared off most of the rest of my class from coming. With how we've started showing up to school barely even functioning in the morning and how you flipped Monoma's attitude… I wouldn't doubt that they think you've been torturing us…"

In any case, Izuku wasn't too bummed out as the festivities would flip anyone's mood the second they entered the Sports Festival Stadium. Simply passing by the outside would see the atmosphere turn joyous and festive, as various food stalls and concession stands lined the roads and paths leading into the site of the event. In just a couple short hours, would Izuku be able to compete in one of the most prestigious events in all of Japan!


I know I skipped a whole bunch of stuff, but that can be made up in the next chapter — or chapters. I'm doubtful that the Sport's Festival will fit into one chapter as most people making it into the second and final rounds will be way more powerful this time around~

Anyway, this is it for now~

Plz review and comment, or whatever~

BrightDawncreators' thoughts