
Spacetime Anomaly: MHA Fanfic

Despite being bullied for the majority of his life after learning that he would never develop a Quirk, Izuku Midoriya held on to his dream of becoming a hero; no mater the ridicule. One day, however, his idol, All Might, broke the metaphorical camel's back as the final straw that would see the young fourteen-year-old end his life. Instead of dying though, Izuku is given a chance. Before you start calling for plagiarism, I started posting chapters for this fanfiction on fanfiction.net. Yes... GengXin makes up the pinyin in Mandarin Chinese for Bright Dawn; 耿昕。 I'm kind of a comment and review whore, so I decided to start posting chapters on Webnovel both for more exposure and of course... for the reviews and comments~ To those of you unsure if this really is my, GengXin's, account on Webnovel and I'm just shamelessly plagiarizing, I'll update the first chapter of the story on Fanfiction.net to include a note confirming that this is indeed my account~ ~ I gave my sister half a Popsicle for the Photoshoped cover~

BrightDawn · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

14.5: Like Mother, Like Son...

Chapter 14.5: Like Mother, Like Son...

"Aizawa-sensei, sorry for disturbing whatever you may be doing at the moment, but I only now managed to sort out the day's dual-class training camp."

"Oh? Sounds to me like you've left the training camp." The ever-tired pro didn't sound too bothered by the phone call.

"Yeah, I can imagine you already finished talking to Principal Nezu about Toga-san's situation. So, I'm headed to his office to check on what I should do; if he's there, anyway."

Izuku could hear a sigh escape from the other end of the phone line as Aizawa muttered, "And just when I thought I could finally go home…" Class 1-A's very own homeroom teacher brought the phone closer to his face and tepidly said, "You'll be glad to know that he's still in his office. We were just finishing our discussion over that very topic..."

After a few more pleasantries were exchanged, the phone call ended and in less than five minutes Izuku could be found standing right before the principal's office. As he was already expected to show up, he didn't even have to knock before the doors opened to reveal Aizawa seated before the school's principal.

"Good evening, Aizawa-sensei, Principal Nezu," Izuku bowed.

"Take a seat," the principal said as he gestured to the open seat next to Aizawa. "You don't strike me as the type to be in this sort of predicament over something shady. But the circumstances as Aizawa-san has explained them to me are rather… peculiar." the furry principal took a sip of his mug before continuing, "If you don't mind telling me, I'd like to hear how and why exactly you met and decided to help this girl last night."

Izuku recounted everything that happened last night aside from the obvious details that he wouldn't share for personal reasons. There was no use in telling his school principal and homeroom teacher about his status as a Time Traveller nor did they need to know about the time Toga tried to seduce him…

"...It might seem silly and irrational to place so much trust on someone who just barely avoided crossing the line into villainy; I know," Izuku said. "But Toga's situation is one I can relate to on a personal level. She might be a timebomb, capable of blowing me up at any moment, but I wholeheartedly believe that we can figuratively defuse and rebuild her into being a top-tier hero. She just needs the support that I'm willing to give..." He concluded.

"Mhmm..." Nezu tapped his chubby paws on his desk as he thought about Izuku's story before saying, "Alright then, let's get down to business and review the things we'll need to resolve before she can enter U.A." Stopping here as he saw Izuku's look of confusion, Nezu correctly presumed the source of Izuku's confusion and said, "You must be worried over why I'm so supportive of your plan, no? Why I haven't at least tried to amend it?"

Receiving a nod in response, Nezu chuckled as he said, "For the most part I agree with your ideas, if only a little hesitant on allowing you two to live together for obvious reasons. However, it can't be helped in this case considering that the girl's like the timebomb you used as an analogy. Knowing how close she came to becoming a villain while also knowing how far down that road she might venture, it would be impossible for me to get anyone to adopt her into a family."

"It's fine and all if you and your mom are fine with having her live under the same roof so long as you know the risks, but more important than that, I can't think of any household that would be safer than yours to even recommend. Not only do you have those Spacetime powers to keep her in check should she ever act up, but you and your mom are in the extreme minority of people who don't mind her for the nature of her Quirk."

"So." Nezu drove the conversation back to what needed to get done, "I'm going to need you and your mom to fill these in and turn them back to me before Friday. Though the sooner I get them back, the better," Nezu said after pointing at the large stack of papers atop his desk. "There, you'll find many types of forms. The Child Custody Form should obviously be filled by your mom to have Toga's guardianship transferred over to your household."

"But aside from that, there are also some permission slips to visit the girl's previous schools along with some to allow your use of Temporal Scrying at those places. Along with video footage as proof that she had no part in any of the marks she was written up for, I need you to make reports for each and every case that we could use against the schools should they attempt to fight us on this. Lastly, there's a copy of the Transfer Exam request form in there which you'll need if you want Toga to enter the school as a General Studies Department Student."

"I'm sure you don't need to be told this last part, but everything I mentioned is just the simplest summary of what you'll be doing with these forms. For legal reasons, you'll be doing a lot of tedious but necessary things which will be clearly listed on the papers and tutoring the girl such that she passes the Transfer Exam goes without saying."

After going over the more delicate details about the Toga's situation, Izuku left school. Though he felt a bit odd about returning home while the sun was still very clearly out; the earliest he usually returned was after dusk started settling into twilight. Alas, going early didn't mean anything when there was work to be done. Only the question still remained over how much work 'could' be done, after the bombshell he would have to momentarily drop…

To put things into perspective, Izuku forgoed using a Teleportation Gate to return home immediately and even went so far as to stand before his house's entrance for a couple minutes before he steeled himself enough to enter. It might not have been nighttime, but it was well into the evening and his mother was already home from a hard day of work. This instantly made Izuku's confidence waver as it brought both good and bad news.

Walking over to her, Izuku hugged her and said, "Evening, mom. I just got back from school after discussing Toga's situation, but I think it would be best if we got her with us before I talked more about it."

Letting him separate from her embrace, Inko said, "Alright Izuku, I'll be waiting by the couch."

After walking over to his room, Izuku squinted as he found that the spatial barrier he had left in the morning was still fully intact. The expression turned downcast as he probed the barrier and found that the door hadn't even been opened. He had made the barrier such that she would have been able to leave to get food from the kitchen or go to the bathroom, but in the more than twelve hours he had been away, she hadn't done so...

After opening the door, Izuku almost wished he hadn't as the sight before him caused him to nearly break the door from how hard he had pulled on it to close it before a reiteration of this morning's misunderstanding with his mom could come to fruition. Face fully crimsoned, Izuku teleported into his room to keep the door locked before he shouted, "Why?! And in my room of all places?!"

Toga, red-faced as well, meekly wiped her slightly sticky and wet right hand with the 'used' shirt she had been holding up to her face with her left hand, when she had been caught; it was the same shirt that Izuku had used the day prior to train in; one of the sweat and dirt-stained shirts he had yet to wash…

Utterly devoid of shame, Toga smiled psychotically at Izuku's back as she giggled; fixing her clothing all the while. As she adjusted her clothes to be as comfortable as possible, she remarked, "Sorry, a girl's got needs, too. Plus, there was nothing else for me to do after being locked in here for so long~"

Not daring to turn around, Izuku brought his palm to his face as he retorted, "I told you before leaving where you could go without disturbing my barriers… If you really couldn't have helped yourself, you could have gone to the bathroom! And what do you mean you had nothing else to do?! My computer isn't locked up, so you could have just watched some videos or played games to distract yourself!"

"Tch," Toga clicked her tongue at the mention of his computer. She went over to get him to stop staring at the wall and after succeeding in doing so, she pouted in presumed annoyance as she said, "I logged into your computer, but quickly got bored after realizing there would be nothing I could do to learn more about your preferences. Your search history is filled with nothing but articles and videos on heroes, the news, or medicine… What, are you like the type to keep those kinds of naughty things on your phone or something?"

Toga's seductress speech might have continued had she not finally seen the utter look of shock that now consumed Izuku. He didn't so much look repulsed by the questions she asked, as he was nonplussed by how she was able to take the situation with such stride, but to Toga the two expressions were indistinguishable. More than anything, she didn't want to lose his support, so as she saw a most familiar face of bafflement appear on his face, the thought that he would suddenly want nothing to do with her shook her to her core.

"S-sorry, that was uncalled for..." She backed away shamefaced while looking at the floor. Admittedly, she understood that her behavior couldn't be helped as a part of her personality. She had gone through a couple of harsh rejections in middle school after successfully creeping out guys she had crushes on with these kinds of displays. But for Izuku, she was willing to admit fault and try to change for the better.

"It's… fine," Izuku rubbed the back of his head. Though for some ungodly reason, he felt the need to say, "I'm not mad at you, just try to contain yourself better in the future. Touching yourself is completely normal, probably even more so for us teens that are in the process of turning into adults, but these things call for the right time and place..."

Barely able to not return to her previous lustful self as she picked up on Izuku subtly hinting that he too 'engaged' in that kind of act, Toga could only say, "Thanks for not getting creeped out. I've been rejected enough times to know that most guys don't appreciate me coming on to them like that..."

"Mhmm… You're really serious about having a crush on me," he sighed. "Sorry Toga-san, but I have someone else that I like. We may not be in a relationship yet, but I want to make things work out between us and taking you up on those advancements wouldn't be good for our relationship."


Ok, calm down there's still more dialogue to be had.

In the words of our lord and savior Tristam, "It's not over till it's over."

On a side note, does this count as a lemon/H scene? Nothing really happened, but you know...

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