
Spacetime Anomaly: MHA Fanfic

Despite being bullied for the majority of his life after learning that he would never develop a Quirk, Izuku Midoriya held on to his dream of becoming a hero; no mater the ridicule. One day, however, his idol, All Might, broke the metaphorical camel's back as the final straw that would see the young fourteen-year-old end his life. Instead of dying though, Izuku is given a chance. Before you start calling for plagiarism, I started posting chapters for this fanfiction on fanfiction.net. Yes... GengXin makes up the pinyin in Mandarin Chinese for Bright Dawn; 耿昕。 I'm kind of a comment and review whore, so I decided to start posting chapters on Webnovel both for more exposure and of course... for the reviews and comments~ To those of you unsure if this really is my, GengXin's, account on Webnovel and I'm just shamelessly plagiarizing, I'll update the first chapter of the story on Fanfiction.net to include a note confirming that this is indeed my account~ ~ I gave my sister half a Popsicle for the Photoshoped cover~

BrightDawn · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

13.3: Questioning His Motives!

Chapter 13.3: Questioning His Motives!

As he finished his thought, the only working employee of the coffee shop came with their drinks. After thanking the waiter, Izuku added, "Like I said, most people have their personalities affected by their Quirks. In my class alone, I know of a boy with an Explosion Quirk who likes spicy food and is unabashedly aggressive all the time. There's another with a particularly dark Quirk who constantly talks in a verbose and gloomy way. Even pros like Endeavor can be made into examples as he has a temper matching the heat of his Hellfire Quirk."

"But don't you personally find my Quirk creepy? I need to drink human blood for it to work. The feeling I get from most people is that doing that is beyond disturbing..."

"Not sure why that would be a problem, unless you need to drink blood directly from a person. I mean, do you have to? Or can I just give you a vial of blood to drink and your Quirk would work regardless?"

"I don't have to drink blood from someone like a vampire..."

"Ok, well how much blood do you need for your Quirk to work? Is there a time limit to your Quirk? If you drink blood from several people, can you switch transformations at will? What happens to your clothes when you transform? I can't imagine they transform with you, unless you got a support agency to make special clothes out of your DNA..."

"Oh..." Izuku noticed he had just bombarded the girl with a dozen questions in a single breath, "Sorry, that's a bad habit of mine. I got a little too excited there..." Despite his apology, though, Toga was beyond happy to see Izuku so interested in her Quirk. His pure enthusiasm and interest was a breath of fresh air amidst the years of people simply assuming everything about her and her Quirk before she could even get a chance to explain.

Thus, with a blissful smile, Toga happily explained away, "I haven't gotten much of a chance to use my Quirk after it was evaluated by the Quirk Doctor — for obvious reasons — but I still remember all the details of that day. So, to answer your questions, I can activate my Quirk with just a drop of another person's blood. However, the more blood I consume, the longer I can stay transformed as another person. I was never tested to see if or how many different transformations I could hold. But I do know that I have to be naked before transforming or the clothes I make will overlap with the clothes I already have on."

As he listened to all this, Izuku grew increasingly annoyed as he drank his iced coffee. When she finally finished, he couldn't help but scoff as he said, "What a bunch of idiots." His sudden display of anger surprised Toga, before it almost led her to cry even more when he said, "To almost drives you into becoming a villain, when you have such a useful Quirk… As a Hero, you could easily help the community improve tenfold, but as a villain, you could easily cause hundreds of times the damage." He shuddered at the thought of a villain who could potentially transform into just about anyone. As a solo serial killer, she could probably raze hell alone, but imagining her cooperating with supervillain groups, where she could infiltrate the government, hero agencies, and just about anywhere else; the damage she could do was unfathomable.

"You really think I can be a hero?" She brushed her cheeks to wipe away the tears that wouldn't stop pouring out.

"Honestly, if you trained and studied Heroics as I do at U.A. I'm confident in your chances of becoming a top-tier hero."

At this point, Toga had cried all she could for the night. She couldn't find it in herself to shed any more tears of joy, despite feeling a dozen different levels of happiness at the moment. Alas, as reality settled in once more, the joy in her heart shattered as she lifelessly said, "I… still can't become a hero. I can't do anything… Not after running away from my home and definitely not after the hero schools get a hold of my primary and middle school records..."

"Why? What happened?"

"I can't go back to my parents' house, they'll just drive me crazy enough to do something like this again. As for my academic records… I'm a whole year behind and I have a lot of marks for physical misconduct and fighting. No hero school would ever accept such an unstable person..."

"Mhmm..." Izuku frowned, "Tell me, what did you plan on doing if you went through with tonight's plan? You ran away from home, so where would you have lived if you became a villain tonight?"

"...I would have just lived on the streets or used the identities of the people I attacked to travel from place to place..."

"You don't have any extended family that can take care of you for a while?"

"None like you who won't judge me because of my Quirk. Even if they didn't reject me on sight, most of my family lives in Gunma; the closest one from here being hours away. There's not a chance any of them would even hear me out before shutting their doors in my face..."

"Let's… put that aside for now. Can you tell me more about these marks you have on your academic record? Most importantly, were you actually misbehaving or were all the incidents out of self-defense, or worse yet, were they given to you for no reason other than the views of the administrators." Izuku asked, already imagining the answer as he considered his first life.

He could still remember the days when he would walk home bruised and beaten, assaulted both physically and verbally, while his assailants got away with their harassment with hardly a slap on the wrist, if they were punished at all. Far be it from his imagination that the staff at her schools would be above looking into any incidents, nevermind fabricating situations if only to ruin her future.

"Most of them are actually just the administration pinning fights that had nothing to do with me on my record to preserve the more 'gifted' students. I have yet to fight in or out of school..."

"Heh," Izuku chuckled as he started, "In that case, I shouldn't have any problems clearing your record or even helping you get caught up with your studies to enter a hero school. And about your living situation..." Izuku weighed the pros and cons of the decision he was about to make before eventually saying 'to hell with it,' and concluding, "At least for tonight, you can stay with me."

When the stakes involved the possibility of seeing her Transformation Quirk, amoung other things, the potential disaster that would come the morning after wasn't worth bothering over. Would his mother freak out? Probably. But it was also probable that she would understand after he talked things over with her. After all, she already understood he had a tendency for not sleeping like a regular person, along with his ever-serious attitude, she would first believe this stranger was some sort of victim that her son was helping before guessing she was actually almost a villain; which she technically was…

"Wh- Are you serious?!" Toga nearly scream whispered as she wanted to keep their conversation private and any louder would draw the attention of the coffee shop's sole attendant. "I almost assaulted you tonight and you want to invite me over to your house?! Even if for some reason you trust me enough to invite me over, don't you still have school in a couple of hours? Won't you be bothering your family by doing this? If I went through with it… wouldn't you have to suffer the consequences?"

"Well, while I can't say my decision has nothing to do with trusting you — I mean, we've only known each other for less than an hour… — I'm pretty confident nothing bad will happen to either myself or my mom. I honestly only want to help you, and if possible, put you on track to enter a hero highschool like me. As for going to school in a couple hours, I'm guessing you assumed I haven't slept yet, but don't worry I'll be perfectly fine. And about bothering my family… I live alone with my mom, but she'll understand if I explain your situation to her later."

"Why..." Toga asked, "Why are you so nice to me?"

"I'm training and studying to become a pro hero, Toga-san. If it's within my power, I want to be able to help everyone I can."

"But you don't have anything to gain by helping! If you wanted, you could report me to the police and stop me from becoming a villain. You could just walk away now and let me sort this all out myself, but you don't and I don't get it!"

"Well..." Izuku's face flushed red as he grew embarrassed by his motivation to go to such lengths to help her. "I wouldn't say I'm not doing this for nothing, I'm expecting quite a few things in return from you..." Of all the times for his poor wording to come into effect…

"What?" Toga's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as she mistook the redness that overcame his face as lust, "Do you want me to pay you back with sexual favors?"

"Huh?" Izuku's jaw dropped as he registered her words. "Wh- No! Of course not! I meant that I would get a chance of seeing your Quirk if I helped you and that you would become a great pro hero that would subvert the community's views about you and Quirks like yours!"

Couldn't help myself. The "Misunderstanding" Trope is eternally funny in my opinion

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