
Spacetime Anomaly: MHA Fanfic

Despite being bullied for the majority of his life after learning that he would never develop a Quirk, Izuku Midoriya held on to his dream of becoming a hero; no mater the ridicule. One day, however, his idol, All Might, broke the metaphorical camel's back as the final straw that would see the young fourteen-year-old end his life. Instead of dying though, Izuku is given a chance. Before you start calling for plagiarism, I started posting chapters for this fanfiction on fanfiction.net. Yes... GengXin makes up the pinyin in Mandarin Chinese for Bright Dawn; 耿昕。 I'm kind of a comment and review whore, so I decided to start posting chapters on Webnovel both for more exposure and of course... for the reviews and comments~ To those of you unsure if this really is my, GengXin's, account on Webnovel and I'm just shamelessly plagiarizing, I'll update the first chapter of the story on Fanfiction.net to include a note confirming that this is indeed my account~ ~ I gave my sister half a Popsicle for the Photoshoped cover~

BrightDawn · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

13.1: Nighttime Encounter

Chapter 13.1: Nighttime Encounter

A day passed and after midnight passed causing Sunday to end, it was now Monday. At the moment, there remained a few hours before dawn could creep over for the sun to start the layman's day, yet Izuku was uncharacteristically out of the house. Walking in the dead of night, he shook his head as he thought, 'I can't believe I forgot to restock on my Ethiopian imports.' Yes… The reason U.A.'s most overpowered Esper was walking the streets so early was to pick up some ingredients like chocolate, coffee, honey, and the like…

Usually, he visited his source for all imported goods at very specific times on specific days, but with all the excitement over more and more of his peers joining in on the training camp, this part of his routine completely slipped his mind. Now, he was paying the price for that negligence by visiting his source at this ungodly hour to increase his chance of getting the imports he was looking for; if there was a surplus, anyway.

Normally it would be unthinkable for a boy Izuku's age, with his reputation as a goody-two-shoes and prolific scholar, to be parading the streets at this hour. For a young man with such a plain appearance and no intimidation factor to walking around in the dead of night, he was practically begging to be mugged or assaulted by villains. However, Izuku was, well… Izuku, and he didn't mind the possibility of getting attacked. In fact, on a subconscious level, he almost wished for it so as to facilitate practice against real threats. Whether he liked to admit it or not, his encounter with Shigaraki had shaken him to his core.

Sadly, even after walking around half of Musutafu, picking up his supply and opting to take a longer route back home, it seemed like he wouldn't be seeing any action. Luckily, fate seemed to be abiding by his wishes as it prompted an encounter before he reached his home. Unfortunately, this encounter was probably the last thing he would have wanted to meet at this time; a girl about his age in a highschool uniform…

"Hey boy," the girl called out to him before a light post. Under ordinary circumstances, only her silhouette could be made out, but because Izuku's eyesight bordered on Quirk levels of impressiveness, he could make out her face even in the dark.

Looking at her yellow cat-like eyes and protruding fangs, Izuku might have initially labeled her as a cute girl. Though before the thought could even form, he took in the twin messy buns at the top of her head along with the faint look of insanity in her eyes and his guard immediately raised to maximum alert.

"What?" Despite being alerted to her appearance, Izuku responded to her call without any noticeable change to his demeanor. For all intents and purposes, he seemed as he usually did; if only a bit aloof.

"Oh?" She brought a finger just below her lips as she smiled, "Not very friendly, are you? I just wanted help getting to the nearest station. I'm not familiar with this area and got lost."

"The nearest station should be about a kilometer in that direction," Izuku pointed west while looking amused by the girl's sudden display of shock.

The two stood thereafter for a couple seconds just looking at each other before the girl's shocked expression turned to mild anger and she pouted, "Are you seriously going to have to have me walk there by myself? At this hour? In this shady neighborhood?!"

Seeing her point, Izuku's coughed, embarrassed by his rather unheroic choice, before he walked closer to her and said, "Fine, I'll accompany you to the station..."

Uncharacteristically happy during this dubious scenario, the girl happily took Izuku's arm after he got within reaching distance and in that fashion, the two made their way to the station. Though, if it were only that simple Izuku might have only been 'slightly' uncomfortable. Sadly, the girl was more than happy to keep a conversation going as they walked, so before long she said, "Say… what's a kid like you doing, walking the streets at this late hour?"

A bit peeved, Izuku glared at her before retorting, "Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing? You look like you belong in a high school, like me..."

"So you're in high school?" The girl eyed him carefully as she waited for an answer.

"Yeah, I go to U.A."

"Oh?" Her eyes dulled for a moment in what Izuku could almost describe as disdain, if not for the color to return almost immediately as the girl continued, "So you're a hotshot hero?"

Izuku couldn't put the vibe she was giving off accurately into words, but the closest thing that came to mind was predatory. Still, his self-deprecating nature acted up before he could gather his thoughts, so he blurted, "Not quite… I'm just a freshman who's only been studying at U.A. for two weeks."

"Mhmm," the odd aura she was emanating seemed to calm as she said, "What are you, like in the General Studies Department or something? You reek of humility and modesty..."

"Uh, no..." Though only to prove her words, he forgoed bragging about the insanity of his powers and only said, "I'm in Class 1-A, of the Hero Department..."

Immediately, the atmosphere changed as the girl grew incomparably excited as she shook him by the arm and asked, "So you were there during the villain invasion at the USJ? You fought against the League of Villains?!"

Faster than the girl could take note of, Izuku's eyes shined with a cyan light. "S-sure," he said, more than a bit concerned by her happiness at the mention of the League. However, as he saw her face beg for more details, he thought deeply about what he should say before adding, "We were lucky All Might arrived with several pros from the school to put a stop to the League before anyone was seriously hurt."

"Huh? I heard on a news video that your class was left to fend for themselves for almost ten minutes before help arrived. With just two pros at the scene and twenty kids spread out against hundreds of villains… Surely you didn't just helplessly hide for help to arrive, right?"

"No, of course not..." Izuku struggled to explain himself without divulging information he wasn't allowed to give out, "We fought back, of course. If we hadn't a lot of us might have been injured or killed. But only after All Might arrived, were we able to drive out the villains."

"Hmph! Fine, keep your silly secrets!" Evidently playful even if she was annoyed, the girl pulled on her cheek and stuck out her tongue in protest; stereotypical of a highschool girl her age…

"Anyway, what's your name, oh and your Quirk too~" She suddenly asked. Though after seeing his look of unease, she angrily added, "Why are you like this! So unfriendly, so mean! The Sports Festival is in a week, so what do you have to lose by telling me, now?!"

"Mhmm… My name's Izuku Midoriya and I don't have a Quirk."

"A Quirkless in U.A.'s Hero Department?" Admittedly, Izuku expected the reaction as he was used to it by now. However, what he didn't expect were the words the girl followed up with, "Glad to see U.A. is giving a chance to everyone equally~"

'What?' Izuku stopped walking, sporting an unbelievably confused expression as his brain nearly short-circuited while it processed what had just happened. 'This girl… she accepted that a Quirkless could enter U.A.? She didn't question me or my methods? No accusations of cheating? No demeaning remarks?'

"What about you?" Izuku thoughtlessly remarked. He was now a bit interested in getting to better know this oddly non-judgemental person.

"Me?" The girl smirked, happy to see Izuku finally pay her some interest.

"Yeah, your name and Quirk. I mean, unless you don't want to..."

"Oh, silly~" she flicked his hand with her index finger as she said, "My name's Himiko Toga, but about my Quirk..." Out of nowhere, malevolence intensified as she concluded, "I'd need your help to explain it."

"Mhmm," a bit worried now that she was staring at him like a starving wolf coming across an injured lamb, Izuku asked, "What exactly do you need me to do?"

"Oh, you know… Just donate a bit of blood and I should be good to go~"

Somehow, despite the unprecedented levels of danger he suddenly felt, Izuku found a calmness within himself to say, "Maybe if you told me what you plan to do with my blood, I'd consider it." Even if danger itself took a corporeal form to smack him across the face, if it meant he would see some sort of new or odd Quirk, Izuku's old habits would lead him to ruin…

Inching her face closer to his, Toga positioned herself such that she was whispering directly into his right ear as she took on a seductive tone and said, "You give me your blood, I drink it, and we… we become one..."

Ignoring her look of blatant ecstasy, Izuku took on a similarly excited expression, though one in favor of zeal over pleasure, as he asked, "Y-your Quirk will make us fuse?! Or will you just just take on the appearance of what would be like if we fuse? If you fuse with someone who has a Quirk do you take their Quirk after the fact?"

Perturbed and a bit turned off by Izuku suddenly nerding out on her, Toga hesitantly took a step back as she said, "No, stop that! We don't fuse or whatever else you're going on about. I'll just take in your appearance..."

Gasping, Izuku asked, "So your Quirk lets you transform into the people whose blood you consume?"

After giving him a nod, Toga didn't have to wait for long before Izuku's face grew downcast as she expected. Looking at him stare at the ground with such a grave expression, she couldn't say it was unexpected as everyone reacted negatively to the mention of her 'villainous' Quirk. Having grown up all her life in arguably worse conditions than Izuku's first life simply because of the nature of her Quirk and how it affected her personality, she had developed a rather keen sense for how long it would take for strangers to start reacting to her Quirk.