
Spacetime Anomaly: MHA Fanfic

Despite being bullied for the majority of his life after learning that he would never develop a Quirk, Izuku Midoriya held on to his dream of becoming a hero; no mater the ridicule. One day, however, his idol, All Might, broke the metaphorical camel's back as the final straw that would see the young fourteen-year-old end his life. Instead of dying though, Izuku is given a chance. Before you start calling for plagiarism, I started posting chapters for this fanfiction on fanfiction.net. Yes... GengXin makes up the pinyin in Mandarin Chinese for Bright Dawn; 耿昕。 I'm kind of a comment and review whore, so I decided to start posting chapters on Webnovel both for more exposure and of course... for the reviews and comments~ To those of you unsure if this really is my, GengXin's, account on Webnovel and I'm just shamelessly plagiarizing, I'll update the first chapter of the story on Fanfiction.net to include a note confirming that this is indeed my account~ ~ I gave my sister half a Popsicle for the Photoshoped cover~

BrightDawn · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

11.1: Unexpected Confession

Chapter 11.1: Unexpected Confession

At around 7:00 PM, just as the sun was starting to set, Izuku awoke to find himself facing an unfamiliar ceiling; laying in an unfamiliar bed. Immediately, he recalled the memories of what happened right before he went unconscious, but before he could do anything, he felt his head nearly split from a terrible headache.

'Guess, this is what happens when you go Plus Ultra...' He joked before propping himself up to a seated position. Though he still felt terrible, his body was entirely devoid of wounds, thus, so long as he kept his Esper powers in check for the next couple hours, he would be fine.

As he sat up, he finally noticed a faint pressure on his left leg, a depression was even formed on the blanket that covered his body. Though from Izuku's perspective, the depression was actually Hagakure who had presumably fallen over because of exhaustion, herself. He didn't know whether or not she had fought during the USJ attack, but anyone would be exhausted emotionally at least after going through such a stressful day.

So, while he did find it unsettling to find her sleeping on his leg, he wasn't annoyed by the fact. Actually… looking at her again, she was still in her "Hero Costume;" in other words, naked. On second thought, 'Why is she here in the first place?' Even his mother wasn't here, so why would she; a person he had only known for a little over two days.

Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on who you asked, Hagakure was stirred awake by Izuku's movements; he wouldn't have to wait long to find the answer. As she stretched her invisible body, Izuku turned away out of embarrassment, wondering to himself, 'Is she trying to prank me? Or could she just have temporarily forgotten her position due to waking up suddenly...'

Hagakure yawned as she mistook dusk for dawn and asked, "Is it morning already?"

"Uh, no. It's seven in the evening," Izuku, now thoroughly awake, clarified. One perk of holding temporal mental energy was the fact that it came with an internal clock of sorts.

"Oh..." She seemed to have finally realized she was dealing with Izuku as her face crimsoned as she said, "Sorry about the get up. We were told we didn't have to change until we left the school and most of us simply stayed here in our hero costumes until we had to go."


"Right!" Hagakure grew cheerful as she explained, "Since you were really the only person who had to rest in the clinic after returning from the USJ, most of the class gathered here after we were dismissed. Recovery Girl said you only needed some rest, so we didn't think you would be out for so long..."

"Sorry, I made you wait for so long..."

His response caused her to start flailing her arms around like a manic as she hurriedly said, "D-don't be! It's not like I had anything else to do anyway. Besides," her face flushed once more as she whispered, "you have the cutest face when you sleep..."

"W-what?" Though he heard her clearly, Izuku though he might be suffering from hallucinations.

"Anyway, I know you really don't like me being naked if I can help it, so let's get changed before we leave." She ignored his question.

As he got up from the clinic's bed, Izuku sighed as he said, "It's not that I don't like you being naked around me. It's just too embarrassing being able to exploit you like I can, especially when we're around the others."

"Oh?" Hagakure smirked as she gave him a knowing look. She continued, "So you're saying your fine with me being naked as long as we're alone?" She practically exploded with laughter as she witnessed Izuku devolve into a stuttering mess as he tried to salvage his dignity.

"Wh- H- I- No! I wouldn't dream of it!" He blurted out loud. Unable to control himself, he further added, "I barely even have friends. A girlfriend is already impossible. A lover? Inconceivable!'

Not letting his self-depreciation get to her, Hagakure inched closer to Izuku and whispered in his ear, "Take another look at us and repeat that for me, please?"

At this point, no more blood could rush to Izuku's head as he was thoroughly red in the face and with his blackish-green hair, he looked faintly reminiscent of a tomato. As he tried to cover his face with his hands, he swore he burned them from how hot his face had grown at that moment. As Hagakure watched him devolve further, her bell-like laughter only intensified.

"Alright, calm down," she slapped his shoulders, "I was just messing with you."

After he finally followed her instructions, the two left for the locker rooms. On their way out, Izuku found Recovery Girl making her way to the clinic and after she gave him thanks on behalf of Aizawa and Thirteen, he left for the boy's locker room to change out of his costume.

When the two met once more in their formal U.A. uniforms, as they walked to leave the school, Hagakure said, "Since school's been canceled for the rest of the week, are you going to continue with evening training? Or are you going to take a break?"

Sighing, Izuku said, "After facing the League's Nomu, I can't afford to slack now."

"Good to know," she said whilst flashing him an Ok hand-sign.

As the conversation fell silent, Izuku thought about the things she said while they were in Recovery Girl's clinic and couldn't help but ask, "Remember when I woke up, you said you didn't have anything else to do? What about your family? Like, shouldn't you be heading home as soon as possible to let them know you make it out of the attack safely, personally?"

"Oh, uh… I currently live in an apartment by myself," she started, "I'm from Tokyo, where my family lives, so they were fine with just a phone call."

"Mhmm… Tokyo is an hour away by train and you are being trained to be a hero, which makes it understandable, I guess. But, since we have the next four days off, why'd you blow them off?" Clearly, he hadn't thought before he asked, and upon noticing the potential for disaster in that loaded question, Izuku hurriedly added, "S-sorry I didn't mean to pry. You don't have to answer me if you're uncomfortable..."

Hagakure, now static and looking Izuku in the eyes, shook her head as she said, "God, you're dense..."

"Eh… Sorry, what?" He said as if to prove her point.

Facepalming as she laughed, Hagakure said, "I like you. I. Zu. Ku. I didn't think I had to spell it out for you~"

"You… like me?" He said, before further thinking, 'like romantically? How?! We've barely even known each other and I know I'm not some pretty boy!'

"Don't worry I won't bite," she quipped as she watched him back away like she was some sort of arcane entity. It was highly amusing to see the Class President back away from her, while he had previously been fearless when facing Nomu.

"I won't lie," she continued, "at first, I thought you might have been a bit insane after you asked me about my 'technique' randomly after we met. But since then, you flipped that first impression on its head and made me like you more and more the longer I get to know you."

Not very convinced, Izuku squinted in her direction as he asked, "Really? What even is there to like? It's just as you said. Only an insane person would think a conversation starter involves studying a stranger's abilities; even then you'd have to be extra special to assume they knew what you were talking about. Aside from coaching you for a little bit yesterday, the most we've interacted involved me nearly having a mental breakdown from being able to see you in the nude. And after all that you say you like me?"

Hagakure drew in a cold breath as she said, "I didn't know you thought so little of yourself..." She walked over to his side and with as much sincerity as a person could express with just their eyes, she further added, "Only seeing the negative aspects of yourself like that isn't good for you..."

"You've got plenty of good qualities about you that most girls would fight for you over. You're strong, smart, accomplished, compassionate, and what I like most of all, you're sincere."

"Sincere?" Izuku couldn't understand the deeper meaning of that rather flattering compliment.

"Yes! Like that! That self-doubt and self-depreciation, all of it is very real and I still can't wrap my head around it. Most people with your abilities would be arrogant like Bakugo or solitary like Todoroki. It's a cynical thought, I know, but people like you and them usually don't get along with the rest of us relatively less powerful people. I know we're all in Class 1-A in U.A. of all places, but still…"

"Well, like I said, before coming to U.A. I didn't have many friends, so I'll welcome anyone with open arms."

Shaking her head, she replied, "This is exactly what I mean… To say that to me with a straight face, if you aren't some kind of demonic actor, you're definitely the purest boy I've met."

'Demonic actor?' Izuku subconsciously rose his eyebrows at that sideways comment.

As they came upon U.A.'s Entrance Gate and were about to part ways, Hagakure concluded by saying, "Just know that if no one else catches your eye, I'll be waiting on you to make a move if you ever want to make the inconceivable happen~"

Left frozen in shock, Izuku could only watch as she skipped away. 'Was that her way of subtly telling me I could ask her to be my girlfriend at any time?' He thought. Internally, he rejected the notion almost before it could even be processed, but logically, the meaning was plain as day. In any case, Izuku needed time to process this absurd confession and perhaps even longer to figure out how he felt about it.

Cyka Blyad, We have a fucking competition, bois. First there was Mina, now there's Hagakure, and in the future there will probably be more! But how should I pick? Which partner is best for Izuku? I'd like to avoid writing a harem if possible, but that seems to be getting more tempting the longer the story goes on...

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