
Spacetime Anomaly: MHA Fanfic

Despite being bullied for the majority of his life after learning that he would never develop a Quirk, Izuku Midoriya held on to his dream of becoming a hero; no mater the ridicule. One day, however, his idol, All Might, broke the metaphorical camel's back as the final straw that would see the young fourteen-year-old end his life. Instead of dying though, Izuku is given a chance. Before you start calling for plagiarism, I started posting chapters for this fanfiction on fanfiction.net. Yes... GengXin makes up the pinyin in Mandarin Chinese for Bright Dawn; 耿昕。 I'm kind of a comment and review whore, so I decided to start posting chapters on Webnovel both for more exposure and of course... for the reviews and comments~ To those of you unsure if this really is my, GengXin's, account on Webnovel and I'm just shamelessly plagiarizing, I'll update the first chapter of the story on Fanfiction.net to include a note confirming that this is indeed my account~ ~ I gave my sister half a Popsicle for the Photoshoped cover~

BrightDawn · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

10.2: Temporal Scrying

Chapter 10.2: Temporal Scrying

With the Class President and Vice President picked, Aizawa concluded homeroom activities and soon afterward, regular academic classes began. Once more, Izuku returned to being essentially lifeless as he focused on keeping his perception of Time as slow as possible. The hours passed without incident until lunch arrived.

There, at the cafeteria, just after noon, without warning, the school's P.A. system blared to life, issuing alerts that there had been a Level 3 Security Breach. Immediately, the cafeteria descended into chaos as students nearly ran each other over in an effort to get away from whatever presumed danger was upon them.

"Gah, stop pushing!" A student cried.

"Ahh! Who kicked me?!" Another raged.

Izuku watching the chaos unfold, allowed his eyes to transform with spatial power; hoping to get insight as to what was happening. It didn't take long for him to peer through the walls of the cafeteria and through that of the bodies of the stampeding students to find that a crowd of newscasters, reports, and journalists were running like a pack of wolves from what was left of the U.A. barrier.

Izuku's eyes narrowed from the state of the barrier as it looked like it had been atomized, but with the chaos in the cafeteria, he had to get his priorities straight before asking questions. Fortunately, Momo just so happened to have been pushed over to him as she tried to make her way out, so he quickly called out to her, saying, "Yaoyorozu-sa... Yaoyorozu, could you make me a megaphone? It's just the media, so I'd like to calm everyone down before someone gets hurt."

Momo, not even hesitating, simply nodded and after pulling up her shirt, she pulled out a megaphone by proxy of her Creation Quirk. Izuku took the megaphone and flew over to the exit most of the students were trying to flee through and after cranking up the volume to the max, he calmly stated, "Calm down everyone. If you would please turn to the windows, you'll see it's just the media that broke in. We're not under attack..."

A calming presence in the face of unknown catastrophe could do wonders, and Izuku's almost nonchalant announcement almost instantly changed the atmosphere in the chaotic cafeteria. As soon as people started paying attention to the windows, they saw some of the teachers confronting the media presence Izuku mentioned. Like a wave rippling outward, normalcy returned to the cafeteria from the students closest to the window outward.

However, there was still a protocol to follow in these sorts of situations, so soon enough everyone started returning to their classrooms; though now with a bit more efficiency. Izuku, however, had been paying attention to the conflict between the teachers and the media outside and he couldn't help but feel the need to bring some matters to the staff as soon as possible.

As he walked the hall to go outside and speak to Aizawa, who he could see shooing away the media, however, Izuku stopped dead in his tracks as his eyes flickered with cyan Time power. He had a blank look in his eyes as he stood unmoving, but that only lasted an instant. In that instance, though, he had a vision.

Fragmented images like that of a slideshow randomly appeared in his head. For a moment, he could see a blackish-purple fog with twin streaks of yellow. Then there were hands floating in space, only before that image passed, bluish-gray hair and bloodshot eyes made themselves aware between one of the hands. Finally, Izuku could see Aizawa locked in combat against a horde of villains. Though he could only make out that there was a giant set of stairs behind him before he was out of the vision and back to the real world.

Immediately, a sense of foreboding consumed his body as he wasn't unfamiliar with this kind of sensation. Many times in the past he'd have these sorts of visions while working in the clinic and unless he became extra careful and prepared beforehand, they would manifest in reality.

Completing his walk over to the teachers' side before the sight of the now-decrepit U.A. Barrier, Izuku was stopped by his homeroom teacher. Sighing, Aizawa said, "Look, I don't know why you came all this way, that's a clear violation of protocol, but just keep what you see here under wraps, got it?" Seeing him nod, Aizawa continued, "So what do you want?"

"Well, I just thought you might want my help in figuring out what happened to the barrier."

"Your help? How exactly are you going to help us?"

"Temporal Scrying," Izuku flatly stated.

"Uh… what?"

"I can use my Time powers to show you what happened in the past, through a kind of holographic projection. Since the incident happened not too long ago, I shouldn't have a problem scrying for what happened to the U.A. Barrier."

"..." Speechless, Aizawa simply gave Izuku a nod and brought him over to the group of the teachers.

"Eraser! What are you doing here with my star student?" asked Present Mic.

Despite his mostly inactive state during academic class hours, Izuku was actually rarely called on not just by Present Mic for English demonstrations for the rest of his class, but by all of his other teachers as well. Izuku didn't mind the interruptions as they trained his ability to come in and out of his Temporal Deceleration at a moment's notice and he also got the chance to help his peers learn the material better.

"Oh, it's the young Esper," stated the ever-cheerful principal Nezu.

"You all can socialize later," Aizawa glared at everyone before turning to Izuku and saying, "Go ahead, show us this Temporal Scrying or whatever..."

Izuku gave him a nod and apologetically smiled at all the teachers he had to pass through to get close enough to the ruined U.A. Barrier to activate his Temporal Scrying. After he stood right next to the collapsed metal door, Izuku let the power of Time wash over the surroundings as he figuratively played the rewind button on reality, going back roughly twenty minutes prior before his projection stabilized and started playing over the events that led up to the U.A. Barrier being disintegrated.

Everyone could see from behind the barrier how multiple reporters and news personalities grumbled before the active defense mechanism, most of them frustrated over the school's insistence on withholding information about All Might. These reporters had been there since the morning, so they didn't notice as a shadowy figure blended in with them and silently made its way over just before the gate.

As the media complaint amongst themselves, the shadowy figure simply pressed their hand against the barrier and within moments, the heavily fortified frontline defense, home to U.A., crumbled and flaked like ash. At that very moment, Izuku controlled his Time Projection to freeze as if he were hitting a pause button and along with the various teachers and principal, he too looked over to see the identity of the instigator.

Aghast, he actually recognized the person; not by name, but by the fact that this person was clearly the psychopath whose body was held by dismembered hands in his vision! Seeing Izuku's telling expression, Aizawa asked, "You know this guy?"

"Well, it's complicated," he thus explained the vision he got just before approaching them to offer using Temporal Scrying.

"To think you're grasp over Time is strong enough to sense premonitions of the future," Nezu smiled, "In any case, we better keep our guard up." The teachers around him all seemed to pale at the suggestions, leading Izuku to think there was more to it than the furry little dog-bear-mouse entity that made up his principal led on.

"Please resume the projection," Nezu said, after taking multiple photographs from various angles. Izuku complied, but unfortunately, after breaking in, the instigator left without even trying to enter. His goal seemed to be purely to incite chaos, though Izuku trusted in his gut feeling that suggested otherwise. Still, since there was nothing else that either Izuku or the staff beside him could glean from his temporal projection, everyone simply disbanded with only the image of the attack's instigator; no motive, nor closure.

Izuku was told to head back to the classroom only for Aizawa to later disclosed that classes would be over early to complete a more detailed investigation over the break-in. Aside from Izuku's after school training group breaking the record of most people training together with the addition of Mina, Kirishima, and surprisingly Hagakure, the day carried out normally.

Well, as normal as it could have been when Izuku was around to coach people up to his standard of training. Honestly, Mina and Kirishima just barely made it through physical conditioning despite their respective benefits; Mina's being her previous training and Kirishima's being the endurance his Quirk granted. Hagakure sadly didn't even make it halfway through the routine before giving up, barely even able to move. But that alone was impressive enough, considering that even Mina didn't make it as far as she did when she first trained with Izuku.

Moreover, Izuku was too focused on getting her to master her Quirk to bother with the fact that she couldn't keep pace with the rest of them. As Kirishima worked on getting a better handle on his Quirk's transformation properties and Mina did the same with the rate of her Acid changing at a distance, Izuku narrated over the changes he saw as Hagakure tried to get a handle on her Quirk. They didn't make much progress, but at least Hagakure learned that she could warp light ever so slightly if she concentrated hard enough.