
Spaceships And Magic, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

When I died I didn't expect to wake up with dark beings of immeasurable power looming over me. I didn't expect to be given new life in a brand new world. Now, armed with a powerful system that makes me stronger after every fight, I might be the last thing standing between the multiverse and absolute annihilation. As I complete quests, defeat foes and become stronger, I still don't know if I'll be able to save this world, my old world and all the worlds in between. "And below... the MAW beckoned..." Come check out the discord to speak to the author and other readers: https://discord.gg/BEJgcRVVev

MattHarris · Sci-fi
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176 Chs

The Fall

<You sure about this?> BB asked at the back of my mind as we looked over the banister and down into the seemingly endless depths of the city. 

It was a latticework of bridges and walkways connecting building to building all the way down in a way that was distinctly reminiscent of Prespian City, yet also completely different. 

Congruent design, across millions of lightyears. 

I wouldn't fall the entire way, I'd just hop from bridge to bridge and hope that the power of my footfalls wasn't enough to cause them to crumble under me. 

As for BB's question, was I sure about what I was doing? I don't think I'd ever been less sure about something, and that was really saying something. 

Nevertheless, I wasn't going to let another city like this be ruled by terror. 

Back on Prespian city, it had first been the three clans, then it had been the Null Space Invader attacks, and finally, it had been absolute destruction at the hands of Lara.