
Spaceships And Magic, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

When I died I didn't expect to wake up with dark beings of immeasurable power looming over me. I didn't expect to be given new life in a brand new world. Now, armed with a powerful system that makes me stronger after every fight, I might be the last thing standing between the multiverse and absolute annihilation. As I complete quests, defeat foes and become stronger, I still don't know if I'll be able to save this world, my old world and all the worlds in between. "And below... the MAW beckoned..." Come check out the discord to speak to the author and other readers: https://discord.gg/BEJgcRVVev

MattHarris · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
176 Chs


"So," I said, "That was a pretty impressive display of power." 

Yr'Arl sat cross-legged in his chair with a wide smile on his face. 

"It was a risky maneuver, but it certainly paid off as I was hoping it would," He replied. 

"You want to maybe explain how you did what you did?" I asked, "I've never seen those electricity fields before."

Yr'Arl cocked his head to the side, "I believed I had explained to you that I had the ability to copy the spells of other beings, correct?" 

He had, and while I knew that the electricity he had used to hover above the surface of the asteroid towards the end had been a display of the power that Ke'Zuc had used, I was confused as to how that same power could have ramped up the rest of his abilities so much as well.