
Spaceships And Magic, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

When I died I didn't expect to wake up with dark beings of immeasurable power looming over me. I didn't expect to be given new life in a brand new world. Now, armed with a powerful system that makes me stronger after every fight, I might be the last thing standing between the multiverse and absolute annihilation. As I complete quests, defeat foes and become stronger, I still don't know if I'll be able to save this world, my old world and all the worlds in between. "And below... the MAW beckoned..." Come check out the discord to speak to the author and other readers: https://discord.gg/BEJgcRVVev

MattHarris · Sci-fi
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176 Chs


Fal, Yr'Arl and I stood in the main courtyard of the Guard headquarters. 

While previously we had been the leaders of this mission, the only ones tracking the new Null Space horrors that had somehow managed to invade Prespian city, we were now just three people in a crowd of around fifty aliens. 

Standing at the head of that crowd, floating a few feet in the air so that we could all see him as he gave his announcement, was Clan Leader Belana. 

I had been worried that he was going to pull me aside again, give me another verbal smackdown ending in him telling me that once this was all over he was going to have me put to trial due to not sticking to our previously struck gambit of fixing the situation. But he seemed to have gotten the hint that this was just a little bit bigger than any of us had been expecting. 

At least for now he was going to put aside his anti-human prejudice and allow me to work as part of the larger group.