
Space Shuttle 58: Cassilee Zinumi Nuello “Cassi”

SpaceAtticus · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

2200 Hours-Day 349

Cassi sits at her port window writing about her day, or lack thereof, once again.

One can get lost in the dark vastness of space, it's a sphere of galaxies and new worlds...

"No, that's not it." She scribbles over her useless words in a hurry. "Let's try this again."

Space, the finale frontier. These are the... "Seriously, you're quoting an old space series? That's so year 3000." She stands hoping that blood flow to her extremities would somehow help her writers block.

Death. Darkness. Despair. This is all that awaited us on our trip of pure doom. This unimaginable... "No, and what the heck is with all the words starting with D!" She sighs, throwing her book with all her failed attempts at writing on her bed, dreading the thoughts that filled her sleeps with nothingness. That's what she called what happened to her brain and body during rest, sleeps. She couldn't call them dreams or nightmares, she didn't feel any emotions or thoughts with them except the pure void of nothingness. But, she would face them once again instead of fiddling to find something, anything, to write in her book.

She exhaled annoyed with herself and her brain for thinking of nothing new to write except the same sentence that she's written for the last 39 space dates. She reached over for her book, scribbled out the words and threw it on her desk open as she hurried to get ready for bed. Her book, once again, read:

Nothing has changed, all is normal, and everyone is well.