
chapter 5 the trick

Saving the earth fighting for justice, and fighting monsters ho go power ranger×2

don't you ever stop go go power ranger

Ranger together defending forever power ranger ×3 SRT

Last time on power ranger SRT

The people of Malacca were happy at the arrival of the rescue team,after they got new weappns and defeated Nicotron 1 and later gizz got them a new zords called the mega vechiles,then scrozzle created a lava headed monster to heat the volcano and blow up the city unfortunately he was finally destroy will acanon give up find out on power ranger SRT next

new chapter

Drey told the rangers that they must retrieve a lost power from the planet Elgar,a lost weapons which will let them be unstoppable and easily defeat acanon,the red rangers dis agree he said no one would defend the city if their is anattack, drey said ok but the mission is more important than the safety Leo said he will wait for the attack, the others left to Elgar, scrozzle noticed the rangers have left earth for space, scrozzle send some roboflyers to trackthem,Then Send Ice Age to attack earth,Leo heard thealarm and went alone,hello ice head it time you pay for what you've done said Leo, rescue sword,Leo slash him kick him then punched him,then he manage to ice Leo two legs,then the mobster had a fighting chance, good bye red ranger said ice age but he was blasted by Dana she released leo from the ice,then acanon summoned a giant dragon beast,to attack, Dana told Leo to go to his zord,OK ma Mega v1 activate, blasters v1 slash but the monster hold the sword and thriwed him away,back to the rest as they got there they were welcome by some robot flyer which scrozzle sent,they used their weapons to defeat them and retrieved the power back,they landed just in time to help Leo and Dana,the others told Leo to form the megazord and auto pilot the rest,he did,he blasted the dragon beast,the beast used his tail on him,then he use mega v 1 sword to cut his tail then used rescue megazord diplomatic 6 strike and he was destroyed, Leo came down to help the others ice age was to strong for them,then drey told them to combine their weapons to form rescue cannon just like they did last time,rescue cannon blast and he was destroyed, the power was safely get to the hand of drey but to their biggest surprise it wasn't drey he used the power to turn himself powerful, where is drey asked Leo I captured him,and you will never see him again,then he dis appeared

What will happen next