
chapter 2 the return of arcanon

Saving the earth fighting for justice, and fighting monsters ho go power ranger×2

don't you ever stop go go power ranger

Ranger together defending forever power ranger ×3 SRT

New chapter

Dana took all the injured home while drey and other soldiers attack the enemies they we're almost defeated when Dana morphed light speed rescue, she blasted them,but her powers wasn't enough,the rescue team bail,then arcanon,told them he was back for revenge that scrozzle recreated him for a reason,to destroy then they also bail,Dana told drey they will need help from light speed rangers,drey said this crystal has ultimate powers,then they connected the crystals,a watch morpher,Dana was happy, then Drey gave the powers to some soldiers he train the A squad,but he stayed so that he will help build weapons and zords,now the rescue team are stronger,drey told Dana to follow the other squad to battle so she can help the injured,drey also created ateleportating machine into the base directly, and they made the base invicible,Acanon told scrozzle to start planning invasion to Malacca,so that they can destroy there after that he will have revenge on those who destroy him,scrozzle created a monster with his monster maker machine,and sent it to Malacca, Dana and the new ranger squad went there,after they heard the alarm,they went,the rangers took out the small aliens named (scroz) then they faced Nicotron 1,then Dana led the team light speed rescue,and she went to attack the monster she was powerless agianst the monster,then the other rangers morphed,rescue crystal power up,what will happen next