
chapter 13 the traitor

Saving the earth fighting for justice, and fighting monsters ho go power ranger×2

don't you ever stop go go power ranger

Ranger together defending forever power ranger ×3 SRT

Last time on power ranger SRT

The rangers morphing power fried and they couldn't morphed thanks to general Bayaz,he sent crux to defeat drey and take the city in that process the rangers came with new powers and save the day

New chapter

The general taught of what to do,he sent on of his alien who was once captured by drey in the past,and he would do anything to destroy and have his revenge.alarmed beeped rangers suit up,they morphed and went,they fought with their normal weapons not enough then they used the rescue cannon he blocked it with is shield and used his dark powers on them, they were down,Blake said it time to go legendary rescue mode,legends blasters,he blocked it then gave then he dark blast they were down,and demorphed after they were beaten he told them to tell their boss he his back and he will have his revenge, Leo said that who is Royan,he is part of us but he sells information to the enemy and the enemy begin to emerge thankfully I captured him before he could do us more harm, but he escaped deep in the sky,after he left I fought bravely to secure Malacca,but I won but I was injured thanks to Dana who saved me that faithful day all my soldiers and most of my staffs are killed,now he is back to have his revenge on me,for imprisoning him,hmm I am going to do this myself,"green ranger power" and he morphed he told the rangers to stay and take treatment from Dana, then he teleported, Royan finally you are here drey let end this,they fought and drey defeated him,then he used trick on him,he told him he wasnt guilty that he was forced thinking drey didnt have that scanner,drey fell,,, for it and he got time to slash him and almost destroyed him,then drey kick his pick and drey slash him he was down,t then drey used his past weapon on him,rescue judgement scanner,you still have this said Royan ,I do,you are judge for escaping prison,selling weapons for the enemy, having revenge on my students and destruction of life and property you are judge guilty,green saber speed slash and he destroyed Royan, justice is served said drey.he told loya to insert the judgement scanner to the rangers morphers he did,drey called them,today you are beaten I don't want this to happen again we have to be strong to face any attack yes sir

Then light turn off