
Chapter : Rafe

Dark. So dark. All around. Up and down.

He floated in a sea of nothingness and everything. So much was clear now, now that he could take the time and sift through every one of the decisions he'd ever undertaken. He'd made so many mistakes. Chosen wrong a few too many times. One of those missteps had brought him here, the living piece of a ship instead of the one commanding it. But he didn't have time for such things as petty regrets.

I am great. Powerful. And it meant nothing. He had no body anymore. No will to live. I am dead. Alone.

What of Emma? The stray thought came out of nowhere, but it clung to his floating consciousness. Her face hung before him, smiling, then concernedÉcreased in pain.

What happened to her? Despite his disembodied state, he wanted to know. He forced himself to remember, but he could only remember his time on the citadel. A time he spent trying to keep the ship intact.

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